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Posts posted by Robin

  1. You do not need that many people. A small independent project of this calibre needs 1 or 2 people at most.

    If you can't map, program or draw then it means you're wanting people to make your game for you. Rather than that you should be learning those skills. It'll make your project better whilst also developing personal skills you can paste all over your CV.

    Go spend a couple of years working on it yourself and learn every aspect of game design. I was never good at design, programming, video editing or any of that jazz which I pride myself on now. I simply took a few years to learn it, and now that shit is worth more than a degree.

    Never get someone else to do something you can learn yourself.
  2. @Noth:

    > Robin, that looks awesome. Did you ever end up completing it? And thanks Andi!

    Got all the farming things working. They're easy. It was just a case of making instancing and eventing which was way beyond me at the time.

    I'm still planning on adding a similar system to Crystalshire for farming.
  3. How is it a problem showing globally? Works just fine.

    The only issue Origins has in this regard is that the server will not send out the attacking packet if you're not actually attacking anything.

    Move the attack packet to the start of the battle logic so it doesn't get skipped on an early exit and it should work just fine.

    Showing things 'globally' is just a case of keeping people's clients synced whilst keeping data usage to a minimum. It's a juggling act, but not a hard one.
  4. Chrome is more streamlined than Firefox. It's just a matter of time before all the bells and whistles get tarted up as well.

    Until then I'll stick with Firefox, but if you've ever used it in a professional environment then you'll know that the stability and performance is lacking.
  5. ![](http://i.imgur.com/DVpOk.png)

    **1.** Download the client here: [http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads](http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads)

    **2.** Install & Run.

    **3.** Connect.

    **4.** Fill in details. _Server IP:_

    **5.** Bug me about Origins.
  6. You guys are reading way too much in to the whole 'advice' thing. It's a perfectly valid stance. There's no way in hell I'd take programming advice from someone who'd never programmed before (and believe me, many try) nor would I take interface design advice from someone who's never designed an interface before.

    In terms of using pure CSS3 it's pretty impressive. I've been doing something similar for the NHS. As the program uses my own implementation of Gecko I have full control over everyone having the same functionality.

    When you start being able to take advantage of outlines, box shadows and linear gradients your designs can really do something different.

    Please don't forget the importance of a strong, well-designed logo. Using plain text might make sense from a programmer standpoint, but it makes zero sense from a design standpoint. The letterpress effect also makes zero sense in a banner. It's designed to make the text feel like it's printed on the 'texture' you create. You want the logo to do the opposite. It should pop out.
  7. @Chief:

    > I just like to do the navigation first, but I'm working on it, lol. Once I get enough of the site down, I'll post the URL so you can tear me a new hole.

    /shrug. I just say how it is. You don't need to listen to a word I say. ;]

    Generally speaking I do waffle on, but I do have an eye to spot issues even if I don't always have the solution to fixing them. A lot of the time I'll spot something which looks shit. A real designer would be able to tell you how to change it. I'll simply suggest something to do instead.
  8. Much better. Colour scheme has actual contrast. Ditch the stupid '90s pattern background, though.

    Also stop making damn navigation bars and posting them online. Build an actual template. Any critique I make is isolated. In terms of website quality I need the actual website in front of me to tell you what's what.

    I will point out now that I'm not a fan of the Web2.0-rounded-rectangle-faux3Dgradient-letterpress bullshit which has been made popular by phone app GUIs. I'll also point out that although this was popular from 2007 - 2010 it's getting _very_ stale now and the people who are jumping on the bandwagon are very late to the party.

    Minimalistic colour is making a come back.
  9. Letterpressing comes from a light source. Light sources come from subtle gradients.

    You have the letterpress effect without the light source. It's the same as adding highlights to a character design without adhering to the light source in the rest of the piece.

    There's nothing technically 'wrong' with your design, it's just bland. You've got some plain text logo, some pretty ugly colour scheme tucked banner… thing and you top it all off with a generic texture background and letter press effects.

    It's pretty hard to critique a header by itself, but yours just pushes all the wrong buttons. A header is the main navigation of your page. It's the first impression of your brand or product.

    All I'm saying is that I wouldn't want people looking for my stuff to be greeted by that.
  10. The saying goes that money can't buy happiness. That's true. It's simply easier to find happiness when you're not having to worry about issues caused by lack of money.

    We were perfectly happy in a dilapitated council house for years when I was a kid. We'd have been more happy if we'd had the money to repair the smashed windows or the money to actually turn on the heating.

    Money can't create happiness which does not already exist. It can boost existing happiness, however.
  11. About bloody time. Glad to see the Lib Dems going through with their promises. Hopefully their plans to reform drug laws also get that backing of the Tories. Take note America. Third party actually managing to change things. They also oppose the various internet censorship bullshit which is getting imported from across the pond.

    Looking forward to decriminalised drug usage and more internet free speech.

    I'm actually not regretting my vote now. For a while it seemed they were just Cameron's bitch. Turns out my correspondance with the local Government was matched by a lot of other people. Glad to see things making a difference.


    Also; Religion.

    > Earlier this month, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, said the "grotesque" plans would "shame the United Kingdom in the eyes of the world" if implemented.

    Hurr durr. Fuck you, Scotland. Go be independant.
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