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  1. I got this runtime 7 error trying to host someone's game server. When I loaded up the server.exe (at the intializing part) I would immediately get a "Runtime error 7 - out of memory" prompt and the server would not load. I tried to fix it by deleting all the maps but it didn't work. So I went in data.ini and changed the scrolling to 1 or 0 (didn't work). Then I realized that some of the numbers in the data.ini were really big (in the thousands). Fix: All you need to do is reduce some of the numbers in the [max] section of data.ini to make it work. If your server has low ram like mine does…go into your data.ini file and reduce the numbers for the following settings to whatever you like. It will make your server load much faster: [MAX] MAX_PLAYERS = 50 MAX_ITEMS = 300 MAX_NPCS = 500 MAX_SHOPS = 500 MAX_SPELLS = 500 MAX_MAPS = 500 MAX_MAP_ITEMS = 100 MAX_GUILDS = 10 MAX_GUILD_MEMBERS = 35 MAX_EMOTICONS = 10 MAX_ELEMENTS = 20 MAX_LEVEL = 50 MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS = 10 MAX_SCRIPTSPELLS = 50 MAX_SKILLS = 1 MAX_QUESTS = 1 If it still doesn't work, reduce the numbers more until your amount of server memory can handle it. You do not need 3000, 5000 in your max settings if you don't have 3000-5000 items in your game! That will only use up your memory. Just a few hundred or even less will do and increase the numbers when the game expands (unless your mmorpg is super super big you will have problems without the right amount of RAM.) The settings up there works for me and I only have 320mb ram. We are using EE btw.
  2. Hi everyone! My name is Flaren and I have a new 24/7 server (just got it yesterday) in Georgia, US. It's at a datacenter so it has a 100Mb/s connection. I'm willing to host a few good completed/almost completed games. Please post screenshots, storyline, etc. Server site: -You will get FTP access to the server root folder for updating game server. (No complete remote access will be given) Reach me by IRC (link in server site), MSN: [email protected] or here if interested. Thanks for your time!
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