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Posts posted by Darknisss

  1. I want to attend the class, but it seems everyone who attends late doesn't really have a chance to catch up with the class…Couldn't someone just make a tutorial o.o and don't recommend Godlords cause we all know half of us don't understand it...
  2. I'm not sure about the others but in my opinion Eclipse doesnt really need a toolbar. Its a forum after all and everything that goes on in here doesnt require a toolbar.

    **Pros of a toolbar**

    * The Home, Chat, Arcade, and etc. labels could be easily accessed
    * You could have a recent posts label with the name of the poster that's constantly updating
    * News can be acknowledged better

    **Cons of a toolbar**

    * Space taken up for something when you could just set Eclipse as home page
    * Who would use it, even if you have a toolbar they would still have to manually navigate the forums

    I can't make an effective list cause you have not given us, the community, enough info as to how it will help out.

    What are some features in the toolbar that will actually motivate us to click the download link.

    That is about all that I wanted to throw out there, Add more info and this thing can come a little closer to becoming reality.
  3. @Zuleloan:

    > I add every digit I see together so that I can remember it.
    > IE.  Page numbers pg. 193 is 13…

    You should do just plain characters and spaces instead of letters.
  4. @shrig94:

    > I can multiply 3 digit numbers in my head. I'm 14 and I like pokemon. I can convert base ten numbers to base 16 in my head. I'm probably the fastest freshman in math in Texas (in doing problems in your head). If I get really bored I can multiply four digit numbers in my head. My fave sport is tt and I'm good at it. I'm Indian.

    I totally forgot you lived in Texas too.
  5. @Sk3wer:

    > Nah nah you got it all wrong, it's not in english noob….
    > Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA

    There was one in English…or atleast it sounded exactly like English...

    Adrian in the Video hes in a room full of Ventrilo(ers) and they are playing the game.
  6. @Basil:

    > [For those that hate Ethings world.](http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/ebaumsworld)

    He should let the man make a living off of his despair.
    I'm totally serious too…

    Ok maybe not...

    Fine I was kidding, but you don't have to stare me down :(
  7. I know the "answer to life the universe and everything" according to Google…

    Its 42...

    Proof, you say?

    Our galaxy weighs three times 10 to the power of 42kg - a number written as 3 followed by 42 zeroes, which has echoes of author Douglas Adams's fictional answer to the question of life, the universe and everything in his series Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  8. @Kreator:

    > Keep this civil please, a good debater needs not to call his opposition an ignorant fool. You can express your opinions without flaming.
    > And in case its coming, no one call me a hypocrite for previously calling someone ignorant myself. xD

    Ignorant and stupid you mean…XD it feels great to point that out
  9. @ノ◊ㄅサкレ∆z:

    > I don't have to state how he is wrong, I just have to state that he is an ignorant fool :)

    Cause your immortal like me, these silly mortals have no idea what they speak of brethren.

    On Topic

    Where do you guys think Obama will set up his basketball court in the White House?
  10. * He was kidding, and I was thinking "Whats with all the abbreviations"; Crazy two letter abbreviations will take over the world…
    * I like pie
    * I dont like pie
    * This is NOT spam
    * I heard a song about DotA
    * Is it like WoW?
    * Never played WoW, or DotA if you have not already guessed.
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