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Everything posted by Cyprien

  1. You're missing a good old vboy, while it wasn't that great it did have 2-3 good games out of like it's total 10 games.
  2. Cyprien


    Dosbox is a great program can be a little tricky to find out how to use. Morrowind isn't really old. Well It's somewhat but doesn't seem like an old game. I think everyone one will end up still playing the classics every once awhile now and then because they are the games you grown up with or they was the first ones of the series. Elder Scrolls List : Area, Daggerfall, Battlespire, Morrowind
  3. I own it if it still works is another matter since it somehow found it's way into the dishwasher. I think it's a great game however I like a lot of other RTS Games more.
  4. I used to have a Commodore 64 x.x I used it screen to play Nintendo 64 on xD I upgraded somewhat.
  5. Halo 1 & 2, Fable Lost Chapters, Elder Scrolls Morrowind, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2, Jet Set Radio Future, Half-Life 2, Ninja Gaiden Black Most of them are pretty good however some wont keep you playing for days. The xbox is a great system however it can't truly shine without unlocking some of it's power. It's media player is one of the best.
  6. It's pretty much the same as all systems you really don't buy a system for the system only the games. The system comes with your default stuff a controller, power cord, vga cords which all basic system do. There not really anything extra in the system other then it can play dvd movies. Also note that some games you could have played on internet wont work now of days because they shut them down. There only one con I can think of is that it's only 2 player unless you buy a multi tab and there only good amount of games you can play 3-4 player.
  7. Well in order to create a website you a host. There many methods of making a website. You can code one you're self. If you don't know any coding then you could find a host with a website builder. If you want to go a step up a little more you could use a templates. I should note both of them methods most people can tell they are used by a template or website builder. Which tend to downgrade the quality of the site. Edit: You could also just use a basic forum as you're so called site. If you don't want to make a website. Sorry I don't know any builders.
  8. @Gumball: > What do the people get, who do not help or only a little bit? Everything. > What do I get for helping? Nothing. > What do I want? To get something. > > Regards, > Godlord. Just because you help doesn't mean you'll always get something for it. If you help someone or somebody then you shouldn't look for anything in return unless they say they will give you something. Yes it would be nice to get something for helping out. However if everyone only helped out when they got something for it then there would be tons of people who would be lost on what they need to do to do. Anyways Thanks for helping all that you have helped. Ps. Keep in mind when helping people you don't need to go out of your way to find the answer for them, if you don't know wait and see maybe someone else who knows it will answer it.
  9. It's nice to have an archive of build. Yet I can't imagine anyone would wont to use an older version. Unless It's 2.7 because 3.0 coding will be different. Anyways good luck collecting them all.
  10. Cyprien

    Funny picture

    It almost seems like it goes on forever… You must really like smilies. I must say I really didn't find it funny :/ guess not much of a fan of smilies.
  11. I really don't know which name would be the best, however I would have to go with Solar Eclipse. While yes it's still eclipse it's changed a lot over the time and now uses a new type of coding I hear. So Eclipse Evolution 3.0 and Eclipse 7.0.0 shouldn't be used because they are more just like a basic upgrade and the next version of eclipse wont be anything like a basic upgrade. Now Eclipse for the Win seems stupid. (Sorry if I hurt anyone xD) Hoping that one was just added for a joke… I would have to go with one of the three Solar Eclipse, Eclipse Vortex & Eclipse Solaris. I pick Solar Eclipse because it's more known unlike the other two and it doesn't start of as eclipse in front of it's name. Ps. I don't think to many will care about the name of it. They will like it for what it does. xD
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