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TT Snim

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Everything posted by TT Snim

  1. Calico Briggs, the kat lady that is my avi, is too big. I drew her, a while ago, and she is my avi on a number of other boards. Most notably, the Swat Kat fan boards. But here she is much to big and I'm wondering, how do I shrink her back down before she… UH OH... *Is eaten alive*
  2. I've DLed EE, got it up and running, and started my first character. I was pitifully mauled by the undead, which had never happened in TE. But that wasn't my biggest problem. I went to go change the character accounts so that I could start doing all of the game maker stuff we game makers are wont to do, only to discover that they are .dat files. My computer will not open them. It says I need the program that created the files to open them or I'm just out of luck. I have Windows XP and I'm working On a tablet PC. *Fancy lap top my bro gave me!
  3. Hello all. *Waves* It's probably obvious that I'm planning on making a game. And what a fun game it'll be! There'll be about 10 jobs to do right from the start. Like making cloth or farming or hunting… even black smithing and white smithing. (Black smiths worked with iron and dark metals. A white smith worked with tin or other lighter metals, or polished finished works rather than forging them.) There will also be cooking. The thing I'd like most to do with cooking is have a number of food items to chose from in your inventory and make some thing with it. Lets say for instance you have meat, carrots, apples, onions, bread, and some raw grains. Now you want to make a stew, but raw grains and apples make a better brake fast mush than a hearty dinner stew. (Stews were the food of the common folk as very few, if any, ever had access to an oven big enough to roast a meal. Most ovens were owned by the kings and lords and you baked bread in them. And you payed for the privilege!) You approach the stove/fire pit/cook place with much glee and anticipation, and once you tap it with your command key a menu pops up. You see a list of things you have learned to make. Not every option is "Lit up" because you don't have the food items you need for that recipe. But simple stew is "lit up" and you click it. The game takes your food items, assembles them in your favorite pot, searches your skill level, sees you have all the cooking skills of a rabid chicken, and burns your food beyond forensic recognition. Which is fortunate, because it's brake fast any way and you really want that apple mush. Now, I don't know if TE can handle this sort of thing. I don't even know if EE can. But by Gorge I'd like to try and add this to my game. Or at the very least a descent working pie maker. Because lets face it, who doesn't want pie for both brake fast AND dinner?
  4. UPDATE! Here is the rough art of the royal Rex Family! IN THEIR UNDER THINGS! *LeGASP* ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/TTsnim/rexfamilyC.jpg) Would you like to read about them? Click [HERE](http://)! Welcome to my pointless post and all of the insanity that it will bring. What can you find in this post? Well, me, talking about my game, my insanity, and probably a web comic or two! _Wait, Web comics?_ Ja. Web comics. I have two, and if I get KM up and running I'll have… three, but it'll seem like 93570942657654w2. XD _Why a web comic for a game? O.o_ Cuz it's cool. See, all of my "human" NPCs will be the medium in which I'll tell the KH story. Now I can do that partly with people who can use my NPCs like little puppets and act out some of the story in game, but for practical reasons not all of the story can be done that way. For example. Some arias in the game I don't want all of the players getting in to all the time, so a web comic is a grate tool to use to tell the story and prepare the people for things like events. _Events?_ Ja, game events. Like holidays and village pillaging by other kingdoms. During these events the NPCs will brake forth from the shops and do things like give players special items to help fight new bad guys or candy for the celebrating. Also there will be some events where the focus is PvP contests and competitions. During that time NPCs will also be present. As award granters, sponsors, maybe even as participants! _That's cool, but what is this about prizes?_ Items will be a large part of the game. Along with a working Paperdoll system we'll also have items that are used in jobs (Skills), quests, events, and even for mini games. _Paperdoll huh? Really? Isn't that a hard system to use?_ Nah. I really don't see what the bid deal is. I learned it really fast, but then again, I'm like older than most of the people here… and I've worked with a lot of programs before. XD But yes, there will be a working PD system! With weapons and skill based items and special event items and quest items and items that you can make your self. _You said the NPCS will be at the events, how? Are you gona script them?_ Well, yes and no. Some events the NPCs will be scripted… buuuut.... I'm also going to make accounts for each of the main town NPCs (Not the ones you kill, but the ones for shops and the king and them) and some of my game staff will get to run around as the NPCs during events. With the comic and the NPC interaction the users can be far more involved with the story line. In fact some players can become PART of the story line! _Part of the story line? Like a nobody farmer could fall in love with an NPC princes, and she would actually love him back?_ Yah sure you betcha! Or an NPC could form a rivalry with a fisherman.. or.. well, just about any thing! _So, what else do you plan on having in this game?_ Well, we talked about the PD system… I want to also mention that some of the items you can only get if you make them your self. For example if you want a shield, you have to mine the iron to take and forge one. You'll need the skills to do it to, so it'll take time. Mining and forging are two different skills. However you could have two people working together, one mining, the other forging, and they could make shields... and then sell them to farmers, other miners, fisherman, the people who don't have time to make the shields. In turn the fishermen can sell fish, the weavers shirts... all sorts of jobs will be in the game. Now, any one else have questions? Comments?
  5. So ya want to Paper doll but don't know how? I think I can help. First thing you need to do is…. Take a deep breath and relax! It's not _too_ hard and it can be a really fun experience for those who use it. First off open your client folder. ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/TTsnim/tutorials/Game%20making/PDforEclipse/step1A.jpg) Then open your GFX folder. ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/TTsnim/tutorials/Game%20making/PDforEclipse/step1B.jpg) Inside you'll see a lot of image files. The image named items.bmp is ~~evil~~ unnecessary and needs to be deleted. Go ahead, this is step one. (Alternately you could open it in an art program and save it as a different named image to use ad edit latter. Just remember to keep it as a .bmp so that the quality remains the same.) Done it? Good. Now for step two. Go to : http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/Paperdoll.html On the right side of the screen you'll see a link that says : 32 x 64 Template Click it and an image will appear. Right click on the image and select "save as". ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/TTsnim/tutorials/Game%20making/PDforEclipse/step2.jpg) Save as any name you want, just so long as you know where it is and what it's named. I saved it to my TE folder and named it PDempty. What ever you do make SURE you save it as a .bmp. Only .bmp file will work in Eclipse. Don't save it as a .jpg because that will degrade the quality of the image. ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/TTsnim/tutorials/Game%20making/PDforEclipse/step2B.jpg) Ready for step three? This may be the hard part for you. Take a deep breath, it'll be ok. ^_^ You need to edit your sheet with an art program. Why? Be cause A: It's blank and B: the PD sheet you get with the game maker is misaligned. You need to make your own. Every system comes with a basic art program. While I have no idea what Macs use I know that windows uses Paint and Linux uses the Gimp. You can all get the gimp for windows. (It's free, and it's a LOT like PS. It maybe not as fancy, but it's a wonderful program. Is this a shameless Gimp plug? Yes, yes it is.) Here I could make a number of of tuts just on this, but there are some wonderful tuts made by others in this forum. I'll direct you to one of them now. When you have read it come back for the rest of the tut! http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,12511.0.html Remember, you can use Paint and the Gimp to do this as well. And the gimp works like PS. Once you have the image done to where you have the items you want all perfectly aligned with your characters/sprites you can now move on to… Step three: Save your image, the one you have been working on, as Items.bmp in you GFX folder that is in you client folder. (See a pattern here?) The PD sheet, as is, can hold about 500 PD items. Below al of those are where the regular items go. So don't worry if suddenly all of your items are gone, you just need to put them PAST all of your PD stuff on this sheet. ^_~ Then go to your server folder. ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/TTsnim/tutorials/Game%20making/PDforEclipse/step3A.jpg) Find your Data.ini file. ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/TTsnim/tutorials/Game%20making/PDforEclipse/step3B.jpg) And change the Paperdoll from =0 to =1. ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/TTsnim/tutorials/Game%20making/PDforEclipse/step3C.jpg) And that's all there is to it! I really hope this helped! Any questions? Post them here. Or PM me! I'll be happy to try and help!
  6. I wish we had a duel PD image system where one image is the top part of our existing PD sheet, and the second is the lower. That would, in theory, give us unlimited PD items to use. (Which I'll be needing one day!) The second PD sheet would also be used for items? I also wish that the PD system and the item system where two different systems. it would make things a lot less confusing.
  7. I edited the sprite set to have the naky sprite, and it looks good on "paper". I've aligned every thing properly, using the eyes of the sprite below as my placement guides. I used grids and lines and all sorts of things to help me make it perfect. However when I run the game and load my sprite set with my new sprite as my character only one side works when he is walking down, or up. It looks like the game is only recognizing his middle stride and the stride that would be his left. Has any one else had this problem and does any one know how to fix it?
  8. The way I understand the paper doll system is that the computer recognizes some arias of an image as the outfits, some as the images that represent the outfits (Like in the shop selections and inventory). What I want to know is am I correct in my understanding and how many PD items can we have? While my ultimate goal is to have a game that does not rely on monster grinding and death wipes out your character completely, I would like to test the water, as it were, with a more traditional game. With a twist, of course. If you have ever played Gaia on line (Or is that GoGaia?) you'll have noticed the item craze. While I would never have "Donation items" I would like to have a PD system that would be updated and special quests and events where rare items could be given out. There are more ideas that I have, such as NPC story lines with comics, and interactive NPC events, but I'll save that for another post. Thank you for reading this. ^_^
  9. Hi there, good people of the forum, I have some questions. The first is this: in the command Call PlayerMsg(index, “Blah”, 15) I know that 15 is the text color and "Blah" is the message, but I'm wondering who is index? Is that ever one one line? Or must an individual be specified? Next is a bit more of a complex question. I would like to have two seasons in my game, the dry and the rainy. I'd like to have a certain # of game days be counted in script before a seasonal change. The change would be marked by rain (And a lot of it) where plants would grow and animals would return. First of all can such a season script be made that would count the days?I know the rain can be called as I've seen a script for such a thing in the script forum. Second can NPC spawn rates be scripted? I'd like for them to only spawn in the rainy season and when they are all "Killed off" they won't come back until the next season. And one last question (For now) Is there a way to script a different day night cycle? I'd like there to be an evening and a morning. I know some one said it had to be done in the source, but I was thinking I could make a script that would tint the screen according to a timer. (Think back to the RPG maker days here.) Thanks for reading this and if I don't reply to your reply right away I'm just on vacation gnawing at my lap top and waiting to home home to the internet. I'll be back next Friday but may not be on till Sunday. (Ya, a whole week! *Gnaws at desk*) So don't worry, I'll be back!
  10. In my game it gets dark. Very dark. My poor sprite stumbles around bumping in to the blocked arias, and getting lost nine times out of eight. (Which is insane as there is only so much room on one map.) Feeling rather benevolent at the moment I went to add some lighted tiles for him. I selected that mode, and came face to face with a most puzzling looking set of tiles I have encountered as of yet. I played around with some of them for a moment, and found my self even more puzzled. O.o There are only so many tiles there. I found the spot light, which is nice, but not good for every thing. And I also discovered tree tops, for an interior tree tops simply wont do. (Can you imagine your self, walking in you your own room at night, and suddenly POOF, magic glowing tree limbs? It simply isn't done.) Reassuring my poor sprite, who I have named Tobi for no other reason than I like that name, I set off to better understand this thing. And so here I be. I have a number of questions, as all ways. #1 I'm making a set of my own tiles, can I put them in the light section? #2 Plain white tiles seem to light up the whole tile under it, and gray only half white. But Black dies nothing. Is blue the light set's black? #3 I do not see the light set of tiles in the GFX? Where is that one sitting? #4 I saw a game some where where there was a flash of lightning! And ALL of the tiles light up for a moment. Did I dream that or can people really make that sort of magic happen with a script? #5 I can't find a tut on Paper dolling. If I select and paper doll item in the paperdoll aria of my item sheet will that, when equipped to my little Tobi, automatically poof on to him when I have paperdoll = 1? (All right, not a lighting question, but what can ya do?) #6 Can you set your game speed to 3 or 4? (I have it set to 3 and it works, but I don't know if it's doing any thing usefull. >_
  11. I'm want to make my own tial sets and I have a template for the old RPG maker games. It looks like this… ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/TTsnim/template.jpg) As you can see it is wider than it is tall. The different colors were for the different types of tiles you would use. But I know this size won't work for this game engine. What I want to know is how wide and tall do my new templates have to be? And, if I make a template for my self, who all wants one? ~~Same question for the sprites and paperdoll sets. (I have no idea how to use paperdoll right now, but I'm not EVEN looking in to it until I have a more firm grip on the basics!)~~**Found the answer.** Second, and I think I know the answer to this already but I want to make sure, is there a limit to the colors you can use in the game sprites/tiles? Like only 16 colors? (Feels like a n00b with this question, but needs to know for sure) And uh, what exactly is an .ini file? Is it a normal word doc saved in a different format or some sort of voodoo moon man magic? When you have made your game, put it up on a server and started letting people in… can you update the file on the server? Can you do it live? ALSO.... (Yes, I have a LOT of questions) When having a night and day cycle can I make the cycles shorter? I'd like to put two game days in to one reall live earth day. (This would tie in to my seasons/year game play for the unMMORPG I want to make.) AND! One last question (For now) MnMs or Skittles? Just wondering. :P
  12. Hi, another question! But this is the question form, so what can ya do? XD In THIS data file… ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/TTsnim/DataWhat.jpg) How much can I edit and at what point will I wreck my game all together? Also can I add other things to the MAX list, like Object, and Tech? (Not that I would, but I'm wondering) And just how many players is to many players?
  13. Hello all, I'm new here and I'm thinking about making an MMORPG. It's called (name pending) I want to create a game where you never "Level up", never have to fight monsters, No NPCs, and there is no "magic" or "Races". And at this point your thinking "Well, that ain't an MMORPG then, you fool!" To that I can only say "Think out side the box! In fact think out side all postal delivery packages, crates, and cardboard objects!" What my question is, is, is this possible? (Second question, can I use 3 ISes in a sentence like that?) This game would, in fact be an MMORPG, only it's game play would be based on a few simple things: The land you chose to live in and it's resources (Such as Forest or Desert) The people you have chosen to "Connect" to. (As a family, clan, city, ect…) The critters you breed and trade (YAY, FUZZY WUZZY PETS!) The actions you perform (Such as picking plants or fighting other players) The things you build (From simple tools, to houses, to weapons, to just about any thing!) And the government you live under (From Republic to Communist, or Monarchy, ect...) The strong point of the game would be the "Tech Tree" that would grow as players preformed actions. The world would start in the time of the "Cave man" and through the tech tree the world would advance through the next stages... Such as "Stone Age", "Iron Age", "Nuke Your Neighbors Age", ect... The tech tree would grow in two ways. The first way is through individual player actions. Example: You, the player are just starting out in the stone age and gather rocks and sticks. You could preform actions with/to these items. Such as tying the rock to the stick to make a hammer. If you make ten hammers suddenly a new option opens up, make stone ax. The second way the tree would grow is communally. If you live in a "Family" where you have some one who is quite advanced in working with animal skins then every one works a little better with animal skins. Also you could "teach" others the skills by a special command, cutting the other players learning curve in half or more. Over time old tech would be "Weeded out". For instance you don't need to make stone hammers when you have hammers of iron, right? ^_~ Also I would do some thing different when the character dies. He'd be deleted. Permanently. All of his things could be left in game. If he had joined a family/clan/government/whatever they would get his/her things. If he was a loner then it would end up just laying there for people to pick up. A new character can be created, but he's back all the way at Square one. You could die from wounds, poisons, illness, and old age. Yep, that's right, you would age. X_x The world would have seasons, and all life would be affected by this. Also you would have up to 6 (Not sure yet) health bars. Each would be affected by different things, as well as eachother. I know this brakes a lot of the MMORPG rules and ideas, and will probably brake the script it's self, but this is the game I'd love to play, but can't find any where. If I cant find it, I'd like to make it. Any help, advice, kicks to the head, links, Tuts, etc. would be greatly appreciated!
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