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  1. I remeber in an older version it was possible…then for some reson you couldn't do it... does anyone know how to do this now ?
  2. I have a router …..I highly doubt my host will give me the username and password.....i dont want to use himanache (or however you spell it) any ideas on how to get my game online ?
  3. going on a trip ? studying for school ? just want to take a break? but still want your game to be active when you get back ? look no further pagosapunk certified game manager is here to help you . services include: -active game additions -player help -member manager -content manager -bug fixer ect….plz inquire for this FREE service
  4. ill take it . 1472000 took of with my game and everything it had so now im skrewed ….must have at least 10 maps and preferibly baised in the midevel genera...
  5. well my game is skrewed until 1472000 shows up so im looking for anyone who needs a game promoter to see how good my promoting skills are . I can submit it to sites (search engian opt it),sign it up for top sites and come up with ways for it to get higher on top sites,promote it on forums and make a myspace for it (new idea but I think it will help ) if would help if your game had an active web designer I could work with . Here are the requirments : 1.you game must have a forum with at least 50 active members 2.I get some sorrta special in game Benifits in your game 3.(when i ask) you will link to one of my sites (only one) on one of your game pages if you don't meet all the requirments just tell me how you come close and ill think about it . things that influence me: 1\. Scripters of GFX makers from your game would be willing to help me when my game comes back 2\. a 24/7 server I can put my game on later 3\. $money$ Influences are things you can do to encourage me to promote your game if there alot of requests
  6. thats like sticked with ppl who can provide you with a free or cheap 24/7 server for development or running of you game . that way game makers could have a list of ppl to contact when they need there game hosted . I know a couple but i would need there premission to post first ….what do you guys think ?
  7. he said he would be gone for a day but hes been gone for like 4 or 5…..i pmed him and im waiting for him to log onto IM anyone know where he is ?
  8. to make Eclipse 3d …..and who would be willing to help do it ?
  9. My games gona need some new modern GFX including : skateboards guitairs drumsticks drum kits mics skate ramps stages and concert halls modernized city theamed scenery and buildings IF interested please msg
  10. *CLIENT DOWNLOAD* http://files.filefront.com/PUNKED+050+DISTrarexe/;7968827;;/fileinfo.html ^vesion 0.5.0 plz update asap ____________________________________________________________ *WEBSITE* http://www.punked.co.nr ____________________________________________________________ *STORYLINE* players in punked start in San Deigo and work there way up to being one of the best punks california has ever seen . players can work on there skating , guitair skills,drumming , singing ect . and challenge other players . when a player starts out they will be dropped in a tutorial part of san deigo where they will learn the controls . there is no direct route the player has to take and once done there will be no classes . players will be able to start there own bands and skate teams . this game will be kinda a mix of runescape,guitair hero and Tony Hawks Project 8 ____________________________________________________________ *CURRENT TASKS* ____________________________________________________________ ![](http://i16.tinypic.com/6agc0pc.jpg) creation and design of tutorial bronx 86% complete LEFT TO DO : -finish music building -finsh skate building once new GFX are uploaded -put key doors after every building -fix glitches -program Toutor NCP's -add skills program to game and enable it for Skating,drumming,singing,guitair,bass,woodcutting,woodworking and metalworking ____________________________________________________________ Team Creation 85% complete Left to do: -get 1 GFX Person -get 1 scriptor ____________________________________________________________ Website 80% compleate Left to do: -upgrade forums -redo coding to make it neater ____________________________________________________________ mapping of turtorial bronx 100% coimplete –------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of game 18% complete Left to do: -create Sand Deigo -Create Los angelos -Create San Fransisco -create Sacromento -Create Okland -Create trails and roads beteween major citys ____________________________________________________________ Scripts 25% compleate Left to do: -load a skill script -create a skating script -program NCP's ____________________________________________________________ GFX 70% compleate Left to do: -make skate ramps -make guitair,bass,drum,skate items -Code new characters and paperdolls for modern day appel ____________________________________________________________ **NOTE:Once you have added on to or finished a Task please msg me or post a reply to this topic .** ____________________________________________________________ *FEATURES* Spirits Battle of the bands(soon) PVP(soon) Chat Skate teams and bands(soon) online 24/7 Competitions(soon) Begining Tutorial (soon) Missions MORE SOON….. ____________________________________________________________ **DEVELOPERS** pagosapunk Zack k3nny 1472000 **MAPPERS** xJordanx SILENCE WOODSIDE **WEB DESIGNER** k3nny pagosapunk **GFX** 1heitor1 **Scriptors** 1472000 ____________________________________________________________ **Needed:** 1 Scriptors 1 GFX person ____________________________________________________________ if you want to help just ask http://www.punked.co.nr http://files.filefront.com/PUNKED+050+DISTrarexe/;7968827;;/fileinfo.html
  11. I can't seem to figure out how to get it on the internet . I have my port set up and everything
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