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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i was wondering, the visual basic file for the server and the client is a .MOF file. so does that mean that other programs could open it not just Visual Basic 6\. from what i understand that is the case… at least i think it is, though im not sure. does anyone know a program that can open a .MOF file to edit it? if so can i have a link to a site where i can download it? please? Thank You :P
  2. shuri-kun


    does anyone know where i can get VB6 free? if not could you like put a copy of the program you have on something like filefront or megaupload?
  3. is it possible to have diffrent types of levels that can be displayed in a new window of the HUD. also make it where you can only do certiant things (like a spell) when you are a certiant level. EX. fireball spell requirements are a level 6 magic level? can this be made by editing the source? if so how do you edit the source?
  4. is it possible to make extra levels that are shown the way your level is shown on the HUD or is that what is in the encryped file that you cant acess? if anyone has any ideas plz dont hesitate to post
  5. i made a scriped spell in my main.txt and i want to know how do you make a spell do what i scripted?
  6. what does stone do?
  7. i also wanted to know this
  8. I will make you a free custom avatar. all i need to know is your one of the following: **your favorite:** * video game * video game character * anime * anime character i also need to know do you want: * custom colors * text -maby a certiant font
  9. shuri-kun

    My avatar

    ok so heres my avatar i drew, scanned, and used paint.net to color it please rate it with the poll above ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;attach=1271;type=avatar)
  10. What is portforwarding and what does it do?
  11. here are my wishes for eclipse related stuff(mostly) :blob: 1 That I could find a free place to host my server(has to do with my problem with no place to host my server in **eclipse**) 2 That people would ignore my cry for help in the recruitment center :ANGRY(it has to do with my game made in **eclipse**) 4 that TE could…ummm...uhhhh...have player owned shops
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