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Dark Crusade

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Posts posted by Dark Crusade

  1. Recently, Revangale has been caught out stealing sprites from other games. Here is the evidence if you've missed it.


    What I've come to notice though, is that this isn't the only place he has claimed the sprites as his own. He has also claimed them as his own on his website, and I think we should somehow alert his members of what he has done.

  2. Myself and Japez, with our thanks to dg1423; have begun development on a new website, and forum. At the moment, the website is still under development, but there is a running forum, and one sexy 'coming soon' image on the homepage of the website. I would appreciate everyone signing up. This website and forum will house our new development, which is in production.


    New Host (thanks to dg1423 again)- ~~http://k2.servegame.com/forum/index.php~~

    Bah! New domain, due to troubles with old one- [http://krusade.servegame.com](http://krusade.servegame.com)

  3. It's been months since either of us has mapped, so we decided that considering we will begin mapping for our project soon, we ought to practice. The last time I mapped was around September, or earlier last year, so excuse us if the maps are a bit 'rusty'.

    The map on the left was mapped by Japez, and the right one by me. Please rate, and criticize. Thanks.


    Oh and also, this will be our minimal standards in the project we are working on.

    Worked on my map a bit, let me know what you think this time.

  4. Here is a screenshot of one of the ads that showed up on msn. I mean, WTF?


    The last thing you would want to happen after getting into your newly purchased vehicle is to get attacked by 200 killer wasps!

    I presume it was a spelling mistake for kilowatts. Or a pathetic attempt to create humor.
  5. As some of you know, I play the guitar, and compose my own music. I've been playing for close to two years now, and decided I'll start showing off some of my works. I haven't had a working microphone for a couple of monthes now, but I have one or two songs recorded.

    Attached is a song I made up, played and recorded in one night. It is untitled, and softer then my usual songs, and is also rather old. But regardless check it out. I played the guitars, and composed the drums and bass in guitar Pro 5\. There is two mistakes,  never redone it, because it was nothing serious at the time.

    So yeah, have a listen, tell me what you think. I personally think its kind of bad, especially compared to what I am capable of. But regardless; I present it to you. Its attached.

    Post comments please. :)
  6. I was unsure where to post this, but according to the board, I may ask any question here.

    > Questions: Ask any questions here.

    Temporarily, I used 'Kreative Softworks' as my independent company name. Now that I have a few ideas for a new one, I would like to hear your opinions. Here are my new ideas:

    **Maelstrom Game Studios**


    **Labyrinth Game Studios**

    Which of all do you like best? And, should I keep the ending as 'Game Studios' or perhaps something else? Please take the time to post your opinions. Thanks

    Heres some general information on the company if it helps you decide:
    -We mostly design games and graphics but also music and programs.
    -Independent. non funded.
  7. The purpose of this game is to post the funniest msn quote from one of your conversations. Here are the rules:

    +Only one entry per member
    +The msn quote must not be longer then 20 replies. The following example is 3 replies, just so you understand what I mean by reply:

    > Kreator says: Hi
    > Imago says: Whatsup?
    > Kreator says: Not much

    +The quote must have yourself in the conversation
    +The quote has to be original, not made up.

    I dunno if there will be a prize, because I'm not sure what the prize would be. But we will see, maybe I'll make a trophy in paint. :)

    So post away! I'll post my entry soon, when I think which quote to post.
  8. I'm truly sick of Bone and his spamming. Its got to stop. I'm sure there are lots who agree. Now before I continue, here is

    some evidence for those who are unfamiliar with Bone and his bullshit:

    Most of the worst ones are near the bottom, ;)

    The worst of all ones were on locked topics, and I couldn't quote them.

    +He registered in October 18, 2007, and never posted much until about 3 weeks ago where he got about 1000 posts in under 2



    > your computers on crack. i swear dude.

    Obvious spam/offtopic.


    > ummm. no. lol.
    > that wud be pretty stupid. as well as dumb. retarded.
    > i dont know how to explain it, but it comes naturally to me to say
    > " thats stupid "



    > Look like michael jackson to me…



    > how wil you script hta?

    I swear he is either 10 years old, or tries to type his post in under 5 seconds


    > i thought you cud script! OFF TOPIC
    > Is helping! cuz he said ' PM me '
    > OFF TOPIC!



    > w00t :D

    unconstructive, attempt to get a post count.


    > thers tons.

    After someone mentioned there was lots of Modern Tilesets, he posted that, which was already mentioned. He just reposted it

    for the post count. Spam.


    > i stil like my idea :(

    When someone asked for opinions on their idea, he posted that. Offtopic, spam.


    > its a long script. i dont think anyone will do ti for you.

    Someone requested a script, so instead of helping to make the script, he just told the requester that no one would make it.


    > looked liek the lumber jacks had been there to me…..
    > not kokiri forest ;)

    Not sure what that has to do with a WIP topic.


    > So you haven't put it up on any topmmoropg100 sites r anything?

    Out of the blue, offtopic.


    > 2 cookies ;)
    > k go for it. tell me if it doesn't



    > I like brocolli :(

    Offtopic, spam.


    > plz start spelling correctly, seriously.

    What a hypocrit… he is the worst speller here I swear.


    > me too! …

    Definately not worth posting


    > microsoft

    Unhelpful, someone asked where to get Vb6 from.


    > i dont wnat to know soljah



    > i'm still waiting!!!!

    Impatient bastard


    > so hows progress going?

    Found the same post on several WIP topics, and easy way for him to get a post.


    > @ Ambard : PM me.



    > torturing ;)
    > would be quite fun

    Offtopic spam..


    > your a guy?
    > i wont call ya gay ( but r u? )

    Offtopic… maybe hostile?


    > maybe ur main.txt crashed.



    > that he did :D

    STATING THE OBVIOUS AFTER SOMEONE ELSE DOES! He has a habit of doing this. For eg:
    Imago says, He learnt well.
    Kreator says, Yes he did.
    Bone says, That he did.


    > ask him, not me ;)

    He wasn't even asked in the first place… stupid newb.


    > lets keep spamming and non revelant comments out of this.

    Its different when others spam isn't it?


    > you miss my spamming? i can bring it back if your so into that…. jk jk k jk

    That was spamming…


    > tahts mean!
    > …. ( when ca i come ? )


    > grrrrr



    > wtfs that supposed to mean ?….
    > mabbaz.

    After he already was told what it means 'my bad'


    > lets get back on toipcc guysss


    > that is seriously off topic.
    > and this is no place to discuss my game.
    > grave yard eww?
    > v rage goku game ewww!

    He is just as offtopic.


    > its not spamming , i just reply to all the replies to my own posts!
    > toipc.

    Makin excuses.. and getting a post count in the process.


    > me too.

    * * *

    **ITs these posts I hate most:**


    > positive for munro ! oh can't.. karma has to recharge


    > k … anyone else new/back/leavig besides me?..


    > sooo munro, working on any games?

    * * *


    > im bone, betta than u!

    * * *

    And the short posts…


    > bye


    > done.


    > just work hard!

    * * *

    And stupid ones:




    > just j jkjk kj k k jkj


    > its all rubish!


    > i can't wait!!!
    > grrrr


    > I'll give you 20 bones


    > ahahha… ( psst, PM me ;) )


    > gore for food, yum, i smell dinner!


    > he hasn't replied yet! shhhhhh


    > ahhhhh


    > ahahahah so true


    > maybe they are stupid


    > your name is a shitty name

    Hostile..stupid.. pathetic… ban this newb


    > " my hand murdered me "


    > ahahah mike, owned


    > awww man
    > k dude


    > i'm a bone, stupid.


    > i was jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


    > oh really


    > its attracting me sorry


    > or in your mom.


    > off topicccccc


    > stupid n00b.


    > jk lol.  t his is boringgggggg,


    > and now its DED


    > double wahmmy!


    > i will


    > like tacos!


    > im a bone.


    > you better


    > you NOOB, i swear to god….


    > lets killem!

    * * *

    Now come on people, is he at all helpful? Does he contribute to this forum? Is this socialising or spam? We need to bring him to justice, im sick of the bullshit from him. It has GOT to stop!
  9. Eclipse needs a sandbox lol to test stuff out. I just wanted to post this thing I made in Paint.Net. Only took a few minutes to make.


    How does it look anyway? I might use something similar to it as my next signature.


    Heres the bloody version. XD


    EDIT2:A few more changes:

    Changed background transparency pattern:


    Removed background transparency pattern:


    Have a sexy birthday! Even more sexy then Marsh's!


    I remembered what you wanted for your birthday!!


    Have a good one mate. ;)
  11. **Kreative Softworks**

    Kreative Softworks is an independant gaming and graphics industry working on bringing you enjoyable singleplayer and multiplayer games, graphics and music. We have open-server projects available to our members including the mmorpg: Krusade Online. We also have a expanding friendly community to socialise and work together with.

    Always wanted a headstart in developing or modifying a successful mmorpg? Well here at Kreative Softworks we offer you a **great opportunity** to do so. So register today, and join the forums.

    [Click here to Visit Kreative Softworks!](http://kreator.freesmfhosting.com/index.php)

    **Some Current Projects:**

    **Krusade Online**

    A free open-source mmorpg which you can edit and modify freely. Krusade Online contains custom sprites, items, paperdoll, and special scripted features in edition. Krusade Online is both great fun, and also a great opportunity for any of those who wanted to work on a successful mmorpg.


    **Hotel Hell**

    A single player 'point and click' adventure where you play as 'Adrien'. After fleeing your hometown in pursuit of your past, you find yourself lost and decide to spend the night at a foreboding hotel. The next morning you find yourself being held hostage in the hotel by an invisible intelligence. Whatever has you there wants revenge. And it will do anything to get it.


    We hope to see you there!  :)

    Bump (on a record)
  12. I'm considering a complete remake. Unlike the first, it will be planned out completely, and so much more awesomer. :P

    So I ask thee, would you like to see Krusade Online 2? Or something else entirely different?
  13. Havn't been playing for long, almost a year now. I scored Dad's old camera, and considering that my microphone and mp4 player both broke.. I used the camera to record a few songs.

    Let me know what you think!  :)

    * * *

    NOTE: Due to only being able to attach 10 files to each post, all updates will now be posted on their updated post. I'll post links to each song if finding each song becomes an issue.
  14. Thats right, I'm learning VB6, and I'm going to keep you up to date with all the crap I make. I only just got VB6 today, enterprise edition I believe it is. Feel free to tell me how crap I am.  :D

    All projects are attached!  >:(

    -Aquired and Installed VB6!!

    -Downloaded Some EE source. Didn't have much clue what was going on there.

    -Made my first program in about 10 seconds! (Project: WOW)

    -Made a second project in about a few minutes! Actually used the net to find out
    some commands this time. (Project: Frags, and Frags2)

    -Edited Frags, and messed with a few things. (Project: Frags3)

    -Made a new Frags project, and added lots more options, and things to do, including ability to equip the characters with weapons. Characters also have HP. Probably took me about 30 minutes. (Project: Frags IV)

    -Made another version of Frags, which took longer then the others, due to some difficultys which I worked my way through. I'm quite satisfied with my progress, and am happy to have made produced this considering my 3-4 hours of VB6 experience. Took me about an hour. (Project: Frags V)

    -Finalised Frags, with the final version, which I spent about 15 minutes on. This pretty much sums up my 4 hours of VB6 experience. (Project: Frags-Final)

    EDIT: Taking down these super shitty projects!
  15. Theres a sale at a local shop, and there is both a Nintendo DS and PSP bundle deal. I want one or the other, but am not sure which to get. First of all, here is the bundles:

    Nintendo DS Lite Console + Zelda Phantom's Hourglass
    = $238.00 AUD

    PSP Slim and Lite + Ape Escape: On the Loose + Dexter Platinum
    = $297.00 AUD

    Zelda, Phantoms Hourglass seems like a great game, but the 2 games included with the PSP look crap. But, my Ipod recently broke, so If I got a PSP I would be able to play music off it (after getting a Memory card for it).

    I don't know which to get… help me out here guys lol.
  16. The idea of this game, is to post 1 thing you like about the person who posted above you, and 1 thing you dislike about them. Don't start any flamewars here, or else Draken will unleash the gnomes. (Thats right, he is a mod now) ;)

    So I'll start…. err... I guess I won't.

    Heres an example post anyway:

    > I like Bob because he helps newbs with programming
    > I dislike Bob because he beat me in the script competition
  17. Most gamers want to play it, and a lot of game developers want to make it… but as far as I'm concerned, I've never seen anyone successfully make a LoZ mmorpg. So for that reason, I announce that...

    **I'm going to make a freaking awesome LoZ Orpg!**

    I already have lots planned, and in the meantime I'm busy working on 100% custom Zelda-style Tiles. I'll post some previews in the near future, and when I get the time, also explain some of my ideas. But for now, I want to hear your opinions.

    * What do you want to see in a Zelda Orpg?
    * What ideas do you suggest?
    * Do you want a Zelda Orpg?

    Of cause, to make this even remotely possible, there will be loads of scripting, souce edits, and optimisation. This includes scripted items and puzzles.

    Here is a few of my ideas:


    My plan is to first work on Hyrule (OoT), and then Termina (MM), and possibly even additions from the 2nd Hyrule (TP) including Faron and Ordon. The game will not be officially released until the completion of Hyrule.

    **Access to Termina via Hyrule?**

    In the beginning of MM, Link is in a dark forest, and travels through a cave after chasing the skull kid, which leads to the entrance of the clock tower. My thoughts were to have an entry in the Lost forest in hyrule which leads to this dark forest.

    **Access to Faron, Ordon etc via Hyrule?**

    Possibly a twilight portal somewhere, which leads to certain places from Twilight princess.


    All playable races will be humanoids (hylian, kokiri, gerudo, human, etc). Although my original plans were to have gorons, zora and possibly even deku playable, after long thinking I realise it would not work out. But, it will be possible to transform into these races, by equipping masks from Termina.

    **Rare Items**

    **Master Sword**
    **Majora's Mask**

    Should there only ever be one of each of these items EVER?

    Should there only be 3 of these EVER? (3 pieces that is)

    Will be updated when I feel like it.

    Very early mockups done with very few tiles (mostly ground tiles, no trees or anything done yet.) They are very rough, and make use of very few ground tiles I have worked on. The tiles used are not final, I am likely to make major adjustments on all of them before I ever use them in a game.
  18. What do you think of my new signature bar and avatar? Done it myself in Paint.net. Probably took me 15 minutes to do. It kinda represents my new project, as it's a post-apocalyptic game with mutants, undead and whatnot.

    Please rate/comment.

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