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Posts posted by munro

  1. Don't wanna be harsh here but you're life doesn't seem that bad.

    First of all I agree with the fact that the douchebag's get the chicks, but thats high school as you as you're out of that dump girls start to see you for who you are and not just who you are on their popularity radar.

    Secondly every family has their secrets and problems, yours might not be great but there is way worse out there. For years my mom and stepdad beat the fuck out of me and my brother because my mom has a problem that affects her emotions and she refused to take the pills that put her head back on track and my stepdad was just along for the ride. The only place I had freedom was my dads house and he was poor as hell because my mom took everything n the divorce. These days my mom takes her pills and my dad worked his way up the corperate ladder and has a great job.

    Now I'm not here to say "Oh lawl my life was worse" but you seems to be complaining about things you're causing yourself.

    Tell your girl that you don't want to talk that much if she doesn't listen to you then she's not for you.

    Go outside, just because you don't want to spend time with people doesn't mean you should sit around all day. I used to do that too like a few months ago but when I started going outside I regret the days I spent inside.

    The Douche bags(Thats what we call the rude popular guys) at school will always be that way, the girls will always like him because thats the way high school works, when you leave people start liking you for you, not who you know.
  2. > if it wasent for us then you would all be speaking German rate now.

    Oh gawd I lol'd. It's not like America came in and saved the day for everyone. There were many countries involved who ALL helped Equally.
  3. Its not amazing but with some work could be better.

    A mistake people make is thinking that the background image is everything, when really the text is a very, very important piece

    If you can find a font to match the style, and look at some text effect tutorials it can be way better.
  4. @Coolmagicdude2:

    > *Clears trout loudly* Here's my entry, enjoy. [DruidttonianXP Stranded Site](http://darksunlight.com/webhosting/newrevo/htdocs/stranded/)

    Rarley is a background image **ever** good on a website. Look around popular sites Facebook, Youtube, Google they all use solid colours.

    A major mistake new wed designers make is thinking that a background image looks good.
  5. > So what if you don't (didn't I guess, 'cause you canceled it) get to that point? The people who worked hard mapping, making graphics, programming etc. don't get paid for their work?

    Well seeing that this is the Eclipse community and most people work for free, it probably wouldn't matter.
  6. > Lol I don't need it, skater = skinny = aerodynamic(Oh, shaving your pubes gives you more aerodynamics  lmao kidding), but the constant skating could do good to help me get skinnier again.

    Lol thats a lame excuse, at least do some push-ups everynight or something.
  7. @MasterBit13:

    > @Munro:
    > > I honestly feel ~~bad~~ **AWSOME** for your taste buds if you think McD's fries are the best.
    > Lol, they are ~~awsome~~ **terrible**, aren't they?  XD Seriously, ~~best~~ Worst out there.

    Two can play at that game.
  8. @MasterBit13:

    > @Munro:
    > > This actually helps me alot, thanks Tinlau!
    > How… Eclipse is 2D.. You realize he is advertising..?

    Maybe because I don't use Eclipse. Alot of the active users here don't use Eclipse anymore.

    And it would be advertising if he was showing us his own site, but this is a collection of many sites, therefore a resource.
  9. @MasterBit13:

    > @Marsh:
    > > I havent never eaten at Wendy's since i was a kid. Though people at work say its the worst one. Which explains why there is so few of them now a days.
    > Did you not see my:
    > XD Because it's sooo true!

    Wendy's doesn't freeze their meat, and no I'm not just saying this because of the commercial. You'll see that they don't if you look it up.
  10. Then why did you ask for domains that were not taken?

    If you wanted creative jucies flowing, why don't you just look around at what there already is.

    I'm sorry, but this still just looks like you're trying to get good domains from us.
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