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Everything posted by Braiton

  1. I guess the tiles are either wrongly alligned or they are the wrong size.
  2. So you deleted the EquipS boxes wanting to delete the black boxes around the item? Well you didn't delete the black boxes, you deleted another thing, if im right, i guess that might also explain your equip and unequip problems with items
  3. Your missing frmMirage.EquipS(4) Not picture4. Im saying find that. Your obviously missing it so find EquipS(1) in frmMirage and copy and paste it with the rest. Then make sure its indexed to 4.
  4. Then name it like the rest.
  5. Ya, it was 26king, but done in another way, which maximised drops XD But it can't be done any longer now. I remember there was a clan for it lol.
  6. Find out where the rest are, copy one, since its just an array, it should be the same, paste it where the rest are, and make sure its indexed to 4.
  7. Well, it highlights that because frmMirage.EquipS(4) doesn't exist. You said it yourself. And how is it suppoused to read that if it doesnt exist in first place?
  8. You broke it then lol. Because thats how it works by default.
  9. And you can also go into the server panel, and change the time. Just put a 1 in the box for night and an 8 for day.
  10. Uh…isn't that implemented already? I mean, double clicking an item to equip/unequip it. At least on EE 2.7 It is.
  11. Umm.well, you can see the problem with the ifs. Maybe, try this?: ' Say message If Len(Trim$(MyText)) > 0 Then Call SayMsg(MyText) MyText = vbNullString Exit Sub End If You can see its simple, just remove an end if.
  12. Alright, this was an easy, but long edit to do. Partially because every item type returned a different value and debugging and finding that value took some time. (Although it was not much, it was annoying :p) I decided to do this because i was tired of explaining what the item did, or if it had anything in special, in the item description, etc. Anyway, its all client side. First go to frmMirage and make the item description box larger. Then anywhere add 4 labels. Name them: descDmg, descDur, descAspd and descClass. Now you might guess what each one does. descDmg = Will return the power/protection value of the item descDur = Will return the Durability of the item descAspd = Will return the attacking speed of the item descClass = Will return the class required to wield the item. Now lets move onto the code. Everything takes place in frmMirage. In frmMirage go into MouseMove. (Of course! When we move the mouse over the item the item desc menu will pop up. Its pretty much common sense) Anyway, find this: ``` descStr.Caption = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).StrReq & " " & STAT1 descDef.Caption = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).DefReq & " " & STAT2 descSpeed.Caption = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).SpeedReq & " " & STAT3 descMagic.Caption = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).MagicReq & " " & STAT4 descHpMp.Caption = "HP: " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddHP & " MP: " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddMP & " SP: " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddSP descSD.Caption = STAT1 & ": " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddSTR & " " & STAT2 & ": " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddDEF descMS.Caption = STAT3 & ": " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddMAGI & " " & STAT4 & ": " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddSpeed desc.Caption = Trim$(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).desc) ``` Under that add the following: ``` If Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Type = ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON Or Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Type = ITEM_TYPE_NECKLACE Or Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Type = ITEM_TYPE_RING Or Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Type = ITEM_TYPE_TWO_HAND Then descDmg.Caption = "Power: " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Data2 ElseIf Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Type >= ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR And Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Type
  13. Yeah, it was similar to 26king, but it was easier to do and it dropped huge things. I got 2 ammulets of fury in the same day too! But its definitely fixed now.
  14. Motivate yourself to level up skills :p When i used to play, me and my brother (he played too) always competed for who was the best. I was the combat guy and he was the skiller guy. One day i decided to get total level up - and it happened lol. Although i dont play anymore, i dont consider, as most people say, wasted 3 years of my life. I had great fun and i dont regret playing the game, but meh, it got boring and just moved on.
  15. Well, the work is worth it in the end. I guess.
  16. Dont know how much Dragon claws are going for and if they are selling or not, but you should hunt tormented demons for them. I think they are going for around 30m. And they are not that rare. I made my first 60m out of them. Got 2 drops in 2 different trips. And if they don't sell you can always use them as junk. I made the rest of the cash using a trick in PvP - where you and a friend casted wind strike in each other for 30 mins in a hot zone and then killed each other for huge fast drops. I even got a dragon full helm out of it. But i think its fixed now :(
  17. We are never safe from Rick! Although i must say, its an epic song :p
  18. I think your looking for this: [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,38932.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,38932.0.html)
  19. Braiton

    The Server.

    Go to your server folder and run server.exe Also make sure your ip (go to ip config in the client) is set to to begin with (localhost) and use the defaults ports: either 4000 or 4001. PS: Also make sure your IP and port match the ones in your data.ini in your server folder. If they don't change them to be the same.
  20. Plus Bandos is one of the easiest bosses. Anyway, i just kind of gave up on runescape. I started playing back in early 2004 and left around 2007\. I came back to try new skills and stuff but they became boring once more fast. So i now have my account sitting there with 120m lol. For those who'll just post bs - save your words. Heres a screenie. ![](http://i43.tinypic.com/rlckdd.jpg) I just feel like giving it away lol
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