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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I just DL'd 2.4 for the first time, extracted it, and tried to run the server (didn't modify it at all). Every time, I get this: ![](http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/3971/error1jx7.png) What is causing this, and how to fix it?
  2. Whenever I try to log in, it gives me "Script Kiddy Alert". WTH?
  3. MrBob

    EE Mapping?

    When will this be fixed?
  4. This script is the best one I've seen, but I can't remember who made it. Please come forward and claim it ``` Here's an old script I wrote for two-handed weapons. Add this to the bottom of your main. Code: Sub TwoHandedWeapons(index) slot=1 Do While slot < 25 If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(index) = slot Then If GetVar("items.ini", "HANDS", GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, slot)) = 2 Then Call SetPlayerShieldSlot(index, 0) Call SendWornEquipment(index) slot = 25 End If End If slot=slot+1 Loop End Sub Then, add this to Sub JoinGame. Code: Call SetTimer("TwoHandedWeapons " & index, 1000) Make a .ini file in the main server folder called items.ini. Make it look like this: Code: [HANDS] 7=2 61=2 You have to list all the weapons you want to be two-handed weapons. For example, if you want weapon 34 to be a two-handed weapon, then type 34=2 in the .ini file. ```
  5. I thank Cyrus for releasing it, but I really would like to check the server files out and the links down! Did anyone download it?
  6. MrBob


    Please delete.
  7. When I attempt to start EE server, it gives me a: RTE 91- Object Variable or With block variable not set. and: Error reading from Data.ini or Stats.ini. Check to make sure that they are setup correctly! I have used the server wizard. How do I fix this? UPDATE: Now, since I changed scripting to 0,I don't get RTE 91, but i still get the error reading message.
  8. MrBob

    Questions about EE

    Could a experinced person anwser these, please? 1\. I heard that paperdoll wouldn't work in EE, is this true? 2.How do I set up data.ini? I'll probaly have more later.
  9. MrBob


    Let me explain this: Mages get a spellbook when they start. It contains low-level spells. But if they go to shops, they can buy new "pages" for there spellbook. I want these to combine with the spellbook item. How would I do this?
  10. What is the difference, I would like to know.
  11. How do I do this? I know that it auto caculates HP, but I'd like to pick it regardless of other attruibutes.
  12. MrBob

    Spriting Template

    Hello. I think many people would appreciate a large image with 32x32 boxs across it. 224 pixels wide, high. Thank you.
  13. This happens when I attempt to use the key attribute (sp?). Fixes?
  14. MrBob

    Some Questions

    I would like a tutorial on sprites, like how far apart to make them and stuff. Also, how to change item's sprite? I have selected a sword as the sprite in the /edititems menu, but when I equip it, it shows as a sheild. How do I change this? Third, how do I decide where npcs spawn in a map?
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