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Posts posted by dimx

  1. > I've never attended Sunday school or church (more than a few times). I personally don't like it. I already said he is preparing for a radical change. He is doing exactly what Hitler did - removing rights then enforcing power on the population. Do you know why America has never had a ground attack? Countries fear our population - it is the most armed in the entire world. You might be more knowledgeable in many more subjects than I, but you lack basic judgement to see through lies. History is repeating itself man. Why do people have such a hard time realizing it?

    You must have something against Obama. Everyone thinks they could do a better job. When you represent 350+ million people with different beliefs and cultures you can't please everyone. You need to check you history America did have a ground attack several times before. US population is nothing compared to India and China so I am sure that is not the reason. Yes US does have fire power but it is scattered all over the world not just on the US soil. I don't know why I got sucked back into this again.
  2. Hello,

    I had some free time recently and I start working on a project that I call The Max Project. This is still in an early stages of development but what I plan on doing is creating a game environment where there are very few limitations. I know that sounds really ridiculous but I thought I would give it a shot it doesn't hurt to try ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png) plus it gives me something to do when I am bored. Its written in vb6 DX8 but I plan on targeting portable devices so not sure how long I will work on this before switching to something more flexible.

    Currently there is a server and a client but only one player can be on at a time if a second player logs in it will break everything I didn't get that far yet. You will log into a 2000x2000 generated map or a 4 million tile map. The map is currently set to that dimension but in the future it will be adjustable these maps I call worlds and people will be able to combine the worlds for a seamless transition from one world to the other.

    Currently the player can only walk around and that is about it but in the future there will be a whole lot more. You can also re-size the game screen and it will adjust the game to that size automatically. When you press the 'R' key the player will switch to run mode and move faster so you get the idea of just how big the one world is. There is a slight flicker when moving and I am looking into fixing this because I plan on switching to pixel based movement so the current system will have to go anyway.

    **Some planed features:**

    1.Space mode with physics for ships and projectiles.

    2.Dynamic sprite sizes with paperdoll and dynamic actions. (Crawl, Spawn, Punch, Swim, Run, Jump and so on you get the idea.)

    3.Particle System (On map as well as used by players in game for touches projectiles and so on)

    4.Dynamic shadow and lighting

    5.Somewhat smart AI system with Fuzzy Logic

    6.Option to switch between Top Down to Side Scrolling mode (With physics).

    There is a lot more but that would be just getting ahead of myself. Most of these features I already have most of the work done in other projects just need to bring it all together.
  3. Yea get [http://www.teamviewe…m/en/index.aspx](http://www.teamviewer.com/en/index.aspx) pm me you ID and password ill get on and install it properly for you. It will save me and you a lot of time.
  4. You are eather

    1\. Missing Microsoft common controls or the mscomctl.ocx file you can try download it manually and place it in your syswow64 directory or in the same folder as the server.

    2\. Have UAC enabled and is blocking access to it.

    3\. Try running the run times as an administrator and restarting the pc.

    4\. Run the source in compatibility mode Windows XP
  5. I think what you want to do is setup a camera. This Camera is going to be fixed on the players location so if the player moves the camera also moves. Then based on that camera you want to only render the objects inside the camera. You can adjust the camera size based on the window size.

    I will give you a little pseudo code of the top of my head.


    For Y = 0 To CameraHeight / TileSize

    For X = 0 To CameraWidth / TileSize

    Check If camera is out of maps bound. If so exit

    Get the tile info from the map array for the x and y tile position based on your current camera x and y

    Set the tile attributes and texture based on the information from above.

    Render tile based on the X and Y position of the camera.



    Of course you will have to add camera movement somewhere with your player movement so that when the player moves his camera moves with him.
  6. That really showed those North Koreans!! I am sure their whole economy is falling apart because of that hacked twitter account. (not that there is much to fall apart)

    These dudes are a joke the best "hackers" are the ones that you never hear about. The word hacker is used very loosely and negatively these days. The networking infrastructure has so many redundancies that it is almost impossible to bring down with a single attack. Even if you go after the financial records a red flag is set as soon as an abnormal transaction occurs and the accounts are suspended maybe for a day. You would have to be depleting the system over a long period of time so that it is not noticeable but even then there is a high chance of being caught. High priority companies hire security consultants to monitor their network 24/7 and as soon as there is something fishy going on they will see it and stop it before it becomes a problem.
  7. Today we stand as one! Ahh screw it I suck at giving speeches. Great idea tho. ![^_^](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/happy.png)
  8. Another one of these topics? I am surprised this one is not locked by now since its just a continuation of the previous one. These conspiracy theories have been around since people believed the Earth was flat I think some of us still think it is ![:lol:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.png)

    I used to watch these shows all the time but only to entertain myself. Its like watching a fantasy or a sci-fi movie. I don't think there is anything wrong with day dreaming and thinking how the world might be if one of those things is true. But I don't think Helladen's intention was to create a serious debate as some of you are taking this very personally and seriously.
  9. > I'm not going to make any further responses to you. Your reading comprehension is lacking. I will say this, however; calling a philosophy a religion is silly. Call it what it is and leave the premise of theism out of the equation entirely.

    That's fine you don't need to reply to any of my comments anymore, I am not going to lose any sleep over it. ![^_^](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/happy.png) My reading comprehension is just fine you are just trying to avoid the flaws that you mentioned in your debate. First you said that you did not support religion then you backtrack and said you support the American democracy where everyone should have the equal right to practice their own religion anyway they want. I never said philosophy is a religion I have no idea where you got that from talk about reading comprehension. I think you need to re read what you said and stick to one side instead flip and floping all over the place to try and appear as you know what you are talking about.

    Arguing the point with a supporting evidence? I didn't see one supporting fact in your argument in fact it was also filled with your own hypothesis mombo jombo . Which brings me back to the whole point of the debate its on theory which means you can have a hypothesis I don't think you fully understand the point of this whole discussion instead are just trying to make it one way which is your own.

    > No, you're looking at it pessimistically. Religion has done you a serious disservice for it to make you incapable of finding value in a universe without God. Thankfully, most rational, proficient thinkers are not so feeble minded.
    > Your inability to live a meaningful life without the existence of magic is irrelevant to the objective truth: your religion is as (in)credible as all other religions.
    > Fun fact: Of the top 5 "happiest" countries in the world, 3 of them are among the least religious in the world.
    > Even if 90% of people believe in religion, that's still 10% less than what it was a few hundred years ago. If history shows us anything, it's that ignorance takes a long time to weed out.
    > Religion was born in order to explain the unknown. It makes for great storytelling, but as a learning tool it is completely destructive.
    > Let me give you a quick history lesson as an example. A lot of people are familiar with Isaac Newton's genius, but many people are unfamiliar of his fatal mistake. Newton was able to mathematically explain the force of gravity and calculate the interaction between two orbiting bodies with great precision. But according to his math, the interaction between all the objects in the solar system should tear everything out of alignment. He could not figure out how the solar system stayed so perfectly balanced. Finally, in his ignorance, he made the assumption that God occasionally intervenes to fine-tune everything. Religion became his scapegoat and he gave up. Then, almost a hundred years later, a guy name Pierre Simon de Laplace came along and accurately calculated the stability of the solar system without using God.
    > Moral of the damn story: Dismissing phenomena as a "miracles of God" accomplishes **absolutely nothing**. Scientific advancements come from the people who take rational approaches. The [God of the gaps](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_of_the_gaps) is receding exponentially.
    > Any other "benefits" of religion can be obtained without it, as I explained earlier.
    > Now, take in everything I just said. I dare you to find an objective way in which religion is not obsolete. Like Budweiser said, philosophy =/= religion.
    > "There is no shame in not knowing. The problem arises when irrational thought and attendant behavior fill the vacuum left by ignorance." ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson

    You are completely over looking the point I was trying to make just because you are the scientist and have some type of "evidence" and think you fully understand how the universe works doesn't mean that you are always 100% right. For all we know tomorrow someone can have a great discovery of their own that disproves Einsteins theory of relativity. Just because we think we understand some things about the universe doesn't mean we know everything. If you read trough my posts I mention that some religions support science and understanding the way the universe works. You guys think that every religious person is close minded and blind.
  10. > Actually, it was very accurate. It is fact because it's objective; religion as a whole is subjective. Of course we need to seek a higher consciousness and understand our differences; I've clearly addressed this. I'm all for an American's constitutional right to have and to practice their religion free of persecution or harm; what I'm not okay with is how biased "God"-mongers are. Any attempt to push your side of the argument without clearly representing unbiased, concrete evidence that the almighty Sky-Daddy actually exists is simply refutable and futile. Personally, I have no need for a defunct Sky-Daddy. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
    > As for why religion has endured for a great number of millenniums, I would ask that you research diffusion and acculturation.

    Ok you say your little paragraph was very accurate on what thappened some 1500-2500 years ago. But you claim that religion is subjective and biast. Now let me ask you where did those facts come from since most of the people that could read and write in that era were raging lunatics as you call them. And no you said we don't need religion but moral law to understand our differences and evolve into a utopian society and that religion has no place in our modern day life because it's obselite. Which I don't think will ever happen since greed will always prevail no matter what kind of simmiliarities or differences we have.

    When did this become about god? Some religions don't have a god at all it's a way of life and discipline. It doesn't matter how religion survived this long the point is that if people didn't find comfort in it or a use for it wouldn't have. And you for one don't have the right to tell anyone what they need to believe in no matter how smart you think you are.
  11. > There is no argument. There is simply matter of fact; religion is a useless, obsolete tool. And I apologize if my short but accurate history lesson was redundant for you; you honestly seemed to lack a mastery of the material you're trying to debate so I thought I might help you along. Trust me, I was nowhere near done; my attention span just tapped out due to the shear level of silliness of this entire topic from the very first post on. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
    > Whoa, guy. Slow down. Are you asking if I implied that the world would be a better place absent religion? Perhaps, all else being equal. Regardless, we're still evolving on a conscious level as a species. Once every human being on the planet can understand the significance and importance of diversity we'll be that much closer to a Utopian-esque society; they need not accept certain differences, but being able to identify and understand them is very much necessary in order to improve our interpersonal communication skills and our ability to adapt to various cultures and ideologies.
    > Elementary, my boy. Elementary.

    If religion is an obselite tool then why does 90% of our population practice some type of religion? I would like to know what makes your statement a fact? Your short lesson was in no shape of form accurate.

    Yes that is what I was implying, you are the one that said religion is this useless tool the causes nothing but ptoblems. If your theory on evolution is correct then people can evolve to understand each others religion differences as well.
  12. > I didn't miss it, young padawan. I ignored it as being juvenile and subjective as it didn't apply to me. Let's get back to your debate, shall we? I have a few misnomers I would like to address.
    > Don't refer to "Jews" as being a religion. The religion is called "Judaism". Islam is indeed a new manifestation of Judaism, but don't forget that Christianity is as well. The Bible in it's entirety is nothing more than the history of the Hebrews, who later became the Israelite's, and their trek from Egypt where they were a volunteer labor force (wink, wink). The Israelite's were back then what Hilter was in the late 1930's and early 1940's; raging, genocidal lunatics. They cut a swath of destruction through the Middle East in their search for the "promised land". Their "promised land" just so happened to be inhabited when they arrived; entire cities were razed and their populations killed without regard to age, gender, ethnicity, or national origin. The Prophet Muhammad was a raging, genocidal lunatic as well, and he gave birth to Islam. Christians were raging, genocidal lunatics.
    > I can state quite objectively that religion has no place among men who have a great consciousness, and who are progressive in their ideologies. Even today we war monger in the name of religion. It's absurd. I do recognize the importance of having an ethical and moral code, but religion hasn't served that purpose for a very long time; common law predates religion by several millenniums and serves us far better than religion ever has in that context.

    So you think if we eliminated religion we would have world peace? It doesn't matter if its some kind of a moral code that people believe in like freedom or liberty if you have enough people to believe in it you can use it as a tool to persuade hundreds of thousands if not millions of people to fight for it. Some leader or politician will talk his ass off to the masses just to persuade people to fight for them and he will say and do anything to provide the people a common enemy.
  13. Uneducated? Everyone can read and write does that qualify as educated? You wouldn't consider Nova science as a reliable source? That is part of entertainment. Religious debates are very biased almost 100% of the time there is no way of avoiding it. The topic is on theory of everything you can make your own theories out of thin air the point of the debate or the discussion is to disprove them and yes one way is by using reliable sources.
  14. > The Old and New Testament are the only religion acceptable to me. The age it was written does not make a difference; it is the content in it, and if it was written soon after an event happened.
    > Their religion was written way past a lot of things that happened (around 500 AD). It claimed Jesus was not crucified, and there's evidence out there that he was. Most of the writing was done right after Jesus died (New Testament), but they didn't finish the book until about 100 or so years after His death.

    Ok, if the old and the new testament is the only religion acceptable to you then what gives you the right to talk about other religions so negatively especially since you don't know much about that religion. Your religion was written way past a lot of things that happened as well. I am sure the old and the new testament contradict with a lot of Judaism because if you want to look at the time periods in which these religions had some type of manuscripts associated to them then your religion also falls short. What evidence do you have that Jesus was crucified?

    > It allows me to see a consistent pattern of design, and notice that they are not just randomly generated. I want to note that any minor change in the constants of the universe would make it unfit for life. This argument is not a very good one, but think of it as if life is 100% impossible instead of what it is now.

    Patterns can be randomly generated. If you give a monkey a type writer and a long period of time he will write the entire Shakespeare play just by pressing random keys. You need a better definition of life there are animals and organisms living in environments that will kill us instantly. Just because we need air to breathe doesn't mean everything else does too.
  15. > Right, the religion came after both the Old and New Testament though, and said they were impure. It is a reason alone that I personally figured it was a lie.

    You absolutely have no idea what you are talking about. I am sorry but the statements you make are really outrageous this is why we fail as a society. There have been other religions way before the Old and the New Testament does that make your religion a lie? Islam has been around since Adam he was the gods first prophet. Islam is about piece it is really sad how people can be so ignorant and believe everything they see on the news or the movies. Do you associate the Ku Klux Klan with Christianity and are their beliefs right?

    > I watch science videos daily. I'm not against science; I welcome it.
    > No, you are wrong again. I am saying it is arrogant fools like yourself who are conceived with their own beliefs that will destroy the world one day.
    > Overpopulation is a big problem. We're going to hit our capacity when we can't produce enough food. Then people die of starvation.

    Again you don't know your facts you really need to read up on something. In the 1800s Earths population was increasing at an enormously huge rate and many believed that we will run out of food because the framers couldn't keep up with the demand. Then there was the industrial revolution which helped create food faster and easier. Now we are reaching really high population rates and we are generically modifying food so that more is grown. By the time we start running out of space on Earth I am sure we will be looking into moving to different planets and we will create the technology if needed to accomplish that.
  16. > Slinky, that's the point i was making, like i said before it seems like every god believer is trying to push their beliefs onto other people, its personal choice. Good post though.

    Well its not a personal choice most of the time until you become an independed thinker or are close to adulthood. We all are born into our culture so if you are born in a true christian family chances are that religion is going to be your religion for the rest of your life. And you might learn since you were a kid that telling other people about your religion is a really good thing to do. The ease of information sharing in today's world can really be overwhelming sometimes. Our brain is wired to filter out information that doesn't pertain to our needs but its becoming harder each day because of the amount of information we get thrown at us. This one I can't really help you with you will have to learn what works best for you.

    > Islam's religion tells you to kill people… All I got to say about that. I agree with what you said though, Slinky.

    I don't want to get into that argument here because I don't think its part of the topic. Most religion books mention suffering, killing, sacrifice, and war and most of them are taken out of context. I think you might be watching too many movies or you might be misled by someone or something.

    > And if people can gain that from religion, more power to them. Religion is not _necessary_ to get that, however. All those qualities can be found elsewhere. Enlightenment, even, can be obtained through science.
    > "We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically." -Neil deGrasse Tyson
    > Shit's deep.
    > I'd just like to throw in a personal opinion and say I feel like lack of religion makes _me_ a stronger individual. I do not seek the comfort of an afterlife, I am a good person not because I'm afraid of punishment, I am inspired by forces I can actually witness, and I do not suffer from false hope or belief in magic. I do not have to adjust my lifestyle to agree with a 2000 year old book. I draw my own opinions instead of having them given to me.
    > I don't mean to suggest that religion makes a person weak; I'm saying that lack of religion prevents me from falling victim to those crutches.

    Its all about how you were raised I guess. But I totally agree we all are in this together and we need to make the best of it no matter what our belief is because life is too short.
  17. I read most of these posts and some of them are really narrow minded. In theory we and everything around us was created by this "big bang" (there are other theories this one is the most popular one for now) but we are not sure if someone created this or it just happened out of no where by some random chance. So lets say its a random chance at the start there was nothing not even the color black because there is no light or anything around to compare things to so we cant really describe what there is if we cant compare it to anything. This "nothing" you cant even imagine it because our brain just simply cant comprehend that. Then out of nowhere a small flash some type of energy somehow was generated probably at a subatomic level and then some time passes and just by chance it happens again. Over time these particles start to create a storm more intense each time it happens until BANG!! something happens. And now we are the result of that something. Over time we "evolve" and develop what we call intelligence.

    Now most of that is true because we have the evidence to back it up but if we cant describe the events before the big bang or know in fact that this is how it happened how can we know anything about God, Allah, Jesus or the other names that we use for our creator. We have nothing to compare it to yes one flaw in Christianity is that god is given a human like image. But in Islam there is no image of god because we just simply cant comprehend that or compare it to anything existing in our universe that we can and cannot see. And in science we know if we cant see something or know for a fact that it exists it doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't exist. People are over looking the whole point of religion. Its not just about how we see god its about hope, having something to look toward to, self discipline, honesty I could keep going but I need to keep this short. Most of the religions are very similar and preach about piece and how we need to take care of our selves and our surroundings this includes everything in this universe even the animals. But in every religion there are extremists people taking advantage of weak humans animals and other beings that cant defend themselves and sadly they are using religion as a tool to accomplish this. We all look to God for help and say God is not real when there is no immediate help. But we forget that we all already have the ability to help each other.

    **In science it says for every action there is a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. You help someone out and you will get help when you need it. Don't blame god for people that are choosing to do horrible things in this world**. Islam supports science; you are a better person when you are open minded to everything and are willing to learn as much as you can in your life because it will make you a better person but I am not here to preach. So whatever your beliefs are I think if you are a well mannered person it doesn't matter if you are objective or subjective you should respect other peoples beliefs.

    I could keep going but I rant too much.
  18. [https://spoon.net/apps](https://spoon.net/browsers/)

    If you look around they have a free trial that will let you build your own client configuration. You will still need to download the plugin but once you have the plugin the game runs in a virtual browser environment. That or get a web based engine. Or you can search the web for similar products.
  19. You can do something like this.


    The problem is if you have huge game files it will take more time to extract all files and run them. But what this does is it compresses all of the game files into one executable when you run the game it will extract all of he files into your temp directory and run them from there when you restart your PC those files get deleted by default.
  20. > I thought you needed dx8 to make things transparent in Eclipse.. o.o;

    Well depends on what you want do do and how you want to do it. There are always different ways to achieve similar effects. I also have an example here.


    Now of course there are always pros and cons with one method over the other.
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