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Posts posted by Sterling

  1. Well, as some of you have seen, Anthologies Online, previously Abyss Online, has been an ever evolving project. It has been a work in progress over the past 6 months, and I am here to get some feedback on the newest changes we have made. We are fully revamping the tilesets for a more realisitic color scheme. As you can see, the sprites have not yet been revamped, this is purely to show off the tiles and get feedback.



  2. I found a link to this on another website that i frequent often. This is hilarious. Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion, directed by none other than Joss Whedon, creator of Firefly and Serenity.


  3. I am looking for help with a custom GUI for Anthologies Online. The main theme I'd like to carry through the GUI is a book, opened. The only part of the GUI that i wouldn't mind in a different style is the in game GUI. Been to busy with sprite and tile designing as well as mapping to sit down and work out anything.

    The WIP Topic for it can be found here: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,24875.0.html

    The game is a medevil fantasy style.

    Any other questions, feel free to ask. :)
  4. I am trying to find a way for a light circle to follow the player, as if he/she was carrying a torch at night, but as a permanent effect. Not sure if this is something that would be done script side or with a source edit. I am assuming it is a source edit, but I'd need a more advanced member/user to answer this for me most likely. Any suggestions?
  5. Alright, so I figure if there is going to be an SNES Gang, then they need a little competition. I am now forming the 8-Bit Army. If you are an old school gamer, and I hope you know what I mean by that, then add this image to your signature.  :P Enjoy.


  6. **Anthologies Online:**

    About: Anthologies Online is an **overhead** MMORPG using the Total Eclipse Final Release engine. By overhead, I mean it is entirely overhead, instead of at an angle. While this may seem to simplify the graphics, it allows for more content to be added quickly, while retaining, in my opinion, a fair amount of detail. The concept is simple, and I am hoping all of you old school gamers here will pick up on it, dungeon crawling, in an old school Gauntlet style. The most important part of the game is the fact that there are multiple writers to the story, in fact, anyone and everyone technically can provide story content. We provide you with the protagonist, you write your own story as you play. As a bonus to the game, each update to the game will be released as a new "Chapter" of the game, unfolding the story similar to a novel. With multiple writers on the team, you can be sure to find many side stories and plot lines to follow, all with different backgrounds due to the difference in the writers. At certain points, there will be contests held for short "Chapters" where players will be able to submit their story and have it come to life within the game as a minor update.

    Many of you have been following our thread in the WIP thread and I appreciate alot of the feedback and info I have recieved from everyone so far. We are putting the finishing touches on our custom tilesets rights now as well as our sprites and have found ourselves in need of someone familiar with VB to edit TE Final Release source. I am looking for someone able to create the following:

    * NPC's that follow a set path (aka patrolling guards)
    * NPC's that remain stationary until attacked.
    * Transforming NPC's
    * Destroyable Tiles (aka, when tile is hit with X Spell, tile changes property and look
    * More features will be required as the game progresses

    Currently we have a team of close to 10 people working on this project, ranging from storyline artists, to mappers, to just in game moderators. A person with a strong VB background would really complete this project and bring us together as a group to help push us towards our Beta release by late summer.

    Here is a sample of the current work we have done with the engine, including custom sprites and tiles, and a GUI that is a work in progress.

  7. Alright, I have attempted now with multiple fresh, unedited versions of TE Source. Whenever I attempt to compile a client.exe, it gets to maybe 15-20% done, and then freezes the entire VB6 program on me, and crashes it, any thoughts on what may be causing this error?

    EDIT: Scratch that, if I let the program sit for a while, it eventually works itself out but gives me this error.

    Compile Error: Block If without End If

    Any suggestions on this?
  8. First off, I just want to say that I am new to VB. I have searched the forums and found responses to similiar issues for my question, but I was hoping for a simpler response, seeing how I am just learning VB.

    My issue is simple, I think..

    I downloaded TE Source so I could create a custom GUI for my MMO. Everything went smoothly until I went to compile the client.exe. I recieved this error, and I'm not quite sure how to go about fixing it, so I have a working client.exe.

    Compile Error: Method or Data Member Not Found.

    It then proceeds to highlight "frmMirage**.Socket**.Close" as the issue, with the .socket being the highlighted area. I'm sure this is a really noob question, but any help with the issue would be greatly appreciated.

  9. I have been working with TE Final release on an MMO over the past few months, and I've come to the conclusion that I do not want player or NPC names to appear over their head. Is there a way to have that removed so no one would be able to see it?
  10. I am currently looking for a download for SimpleUpdater v3 by Demon X. I have been searching google, as well as these forums and haven't been able to find a working download link. Anyone able to share? I know I am not the only one who has been looking lately as well. Thanks a ton!
  11. Well here I am again with yet another question..lol. This time around, I'm curious if there is a way to get more than 3 character slots on an account with TE Final release. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
  12. Alright, its been quite some time since I've been on the forums but I've come up with a couple questions in my quest to yet again attempt to build an MMO.

    My first question is this. Way back when we were still in the begining stages of Eclipse, i remember someone posting that they had found a way to run Eclipse in a web page browser. Is this still possible in any way shape or form? and if so, does anyone have a tutorial on how i would go about doing this?

    Secondly, I was wondering if it would require a script or actual hard coding to make it so any player can enter a map screen, and edit the map to their tastes, followed by saving it so no one else could edit it. I had thoughts on this regarding setting up each map as player housing and go from there, but was curious is there would be another way to do this?
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