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Everything posted by LRgamer

  1. @Godlord: > Ah, c'est dommage. Je vive àLimbourgois, Pays-Bas. Connais-tu Maastricht? Et, puis-je t'appelle ma fleur? > > Ciao bella, > Godlord. Donne-moi des photo's. Et si tu veux, sois nu.
  2. @Godlord: > Bonjour mademoiselle, > > Voulez-vous coucher avec moi? > > Ciao bella, > Godlord. Ce soir? Ce sera impossible. Ou vives-tu? J'adore les hommes comme toi: intelligent et charmant.
  3. @«: > [»Wolf«][» link=topic=52127.msg549075#msg549075 date=1253740498] > When the next full moon comes. Hmm… I guess I will become a werewolf xD Ooh I like the wolves. They howl and I want to have a wild man someday. Maybe a teasing one. too bad there are not many french speakings in my area. I live in limburg. Belgium
  4. A, oui. I understand. But when the next full luna comes, something speciaul will happene. when is it btw?
  5. Why zough? I do not know what it hasse to do with it.
  6. You can always start again. Start over with cleans slates. I do not knowyou but I do know we can be very good frfiends. Love, Eliza
  7. My name is Eliza Beran and I am french. Nice to meet you all. I came here to use the engine because it's nice and quick and easy. I do hope that I will appeal to you alle. "J'aime l'i" Je te dirai ce qui s'est passé aujourd'hui. Un récit inconnu et jamais lis. "Prenez votre livre àla page vingt-huit, Jacob, expliquez-moi, quelle manière de peindre a-t-il ici?" "Mais je ne sais pas de quoi il s'agit!" "Bien, Max, décris." "Je ne sais pas aussi!", Max s'écrie. Madame Chaton se fâche contre lui, sa visage devient rouge et grandit. "Ce n'est pas "aussi", mais "non plus" en négations, compris?" Anissa exige qu'elle l'écrit sur le tableau. Sabina dit puis: "Jacob, ta sanction c'est ceci" Elle montre une question du livre et Jacob pâlit. "Fais-moi une peinture idéo-analytique, oui? C'est sérieux, je l'ai dit àMadame Meekers, tant pis!" Et ça c'est tout le récit. Et moi, l'écrivain, je suis fini.
  8. Ye best be drinkin' some grog now, maties. GRAB YER WIMEN 'N' SING-ALONG! DO WHAT YE WANT 'CUZ A PIRATE IS VREEY , U R UH BAIRUHT.
  9. Well ,homework is my only problem. I know my lesson from paying attention in class so that I have enough time for other things like certain sites.
  11. @Pete: > Why do you think you are so much better and should tell everyone what moderators are doing? lrn2read
  12. @Pete: > If moderation is fine.. Why did you make this topic? Because it can always be better. Just kidding, to give the greenhorns an idea of how mods work.
  13. @Pete: > If you seriously think you need to do this because the "moderation is poor", then go away, you don't HAVE to be here. Moderation ain't poor. Where the hell did I say that? I was making a joking reference to the French Revolution. That's all.@The: > how abput, tyou get a life, and stop trolling us. > > God, you belong on 4chan, but oh wait, it filled up with 12 year olds! Is that some butthurt? Fission Mailed.
  14. @Lena: > I think its fine if you have suggestions personally but you do not need to make rules (or comandments) I really think thats up to the admins and the mod's themselves to decide, not yours. > > If you have a suggestion i wouldn't suggest starting a topic like this which could end up as flame baiting in some peoples opinion. I would think that messaging an admin or someone in charge with your opinions and how you think things should be changed. > > But I think the absense thing is Radicchio, you expect them not to have lives? Its the school year dear. Dear Lena-kun I wasn't trying to "force" ideas, I was trying to suggest them, but in a imperative way, so that it could and would be noticed better. Well, you're on Eclipse, what live SHOULD you have? Regards, Rorennusso-sama.
  15. @Bone: > Just a quick thing, Ninja left, and he's a mod. > …. Just throwing it out there. > > And, most of those, like Pete said, are pretty much common sense and mods shouldn't have to be told to not warn people for dumb reasons, or close topics for dumb reasons, etc. > > But nonetheless, it's good that you put time (it seems) into trying, or actually helping. That's the spirit, Boner-senpai!
  16. @blackkat9666: > hahahaha yeah i think he is XD I was thinking of a girl in my class.
  17. I dunno how this works, so I have some questions: 1: Can you see if someone visited your account? 2: Can you see someone's account WITHOUT. permission? 3: Is this really so goddamn awesome or is it just used by 16-year-old sluts who follow Latin and think they're AWESUM with their Dutch-English-combined language?
  18. @Pete: > Exactly; he should not be warned for calling you an idiot. Who said I was French? I am using French principles. Godlord was the one who came up with "French-only!"
  19. @[SawQuart: > Jungletoe link=topic=51832.msg545266#msg545266 date=1252961543] > Change isnt needed. French are idiots. Whatever you say. Rule 6! @«: > [»Wolf«][» link=topic=51832.msg545267#msg545267 date=1252961591] > What about that guy who found love on our systme? He was funny :D > > Wait, if we revolt wouldn't we chop off Marsh's head D: Of course not. I want a change in the MODS.
  20. @Godlord: > He is Canadian, you'll need French people to revolt. > > Regards, > Godlord. This topic was a wink to the French Revolution. And to help greenhorns.
  21. @Godlord: > You need a party and an opposition before you can revolt and start adding new ideas. For the record, if you aren't French, you can't. > > Regards, > Godlord. The others are too conservative. I want to change Eclipse: more boards, more activity, more freedom! VIVE LA LIBERTé!
  22. @Pete: > I think The Chameleon should stop trying to "better" eclipse by acting like he knows better. Looking like and being are two different things.
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