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  1. darkelf

    Source code

    Will the new engine, EE, have a source code? If not, is there a way to modify the character creation? i need to add some options, such as "choose hair, race, etc.
  2. Tutorial for… TE. **Setting admin's access:** Open "server" folder, Accounts folder, and look for "Nameplayer.ini" (ex. darkelf.ini) U should c somethin like this: Name=Darkelf Class= 0 Sex= 0 Sprite= 0 Level= 1 Exp= 0 Access= 0 Modify the "access" to: 1- Moniter 2- Mapper 3- Developer 4- Creator **Start…** Before makin a "true" project, play a bit with the engine, use the default thingies until ull b good to start a TRUE project. To be a "true" project, u must have ur own grapich, or yah game will b borin as hell. To modify the grapich, go on: Client - GFX, And look for: Arrows.BMP (WTF IS DAT?! - With it, ull be able to draw "Arrows" to be used with "bows", it will show a small arrow walkin against the player ingame [really fast], if u dont want archers in yah game, u can always make the "bow" a magic wand, and the "arrow" in a fireball or w/e, or maybe draw bottles instead, so ull be able to throw thingies on annoying thingies). Spells.BMP (LOL WTF?! - Spells can be "skills" too, a warrior should use "skills" and a mage should use "spells", both can be draw in "spells.BMP", it'll be the grapich of all Skills/Spells). TilesXX.BMP (OMG! LOL HELP ME PLZZ - Tileset are the Maps 'grapich, Tilesets can be "ground-type" tiles, or animated or mask. Without tilesets, the map would be blank, all black.) Bigsprites.BMP (WTF?! LOL IM LOST - Big sprites are just like normal sprites, but they're 64x64, so if u wanna draw a big boss, u can use it.) Emoctions.BMP ( U can Draw emoctions with it). Items.BMP (Draw items with it, like a uhm… shirt? potion? N00b head?) Paperdool.BMP (draw paperdolled thingies here). Sprites.BMP (draw small monsters, yah chracters, and other sprites here). Remember, Black (0/0/0) = invisible, so dont draw VERY black armours. Now.. prob ur askin... Is there a way to modify the GUI? (Client grapich), Sure!. Open yah GUI folder, and u should see some stuff inside, Just open em in Paint and have fun to modify em. Colors.TXT (LOL WTF) should be like that: [CHATBOX] R=130 G=139 B=130 [CHATTEXTBOX] R=130 G=139 B=130 [BACKGROUND] R=130 G=139 B=130 [SPELLLIST] R=130 G=139 B=130 [WHOLIST] R=130 G=139 B=130 [NEWCHAR] R=130 G=139 B=130 R= RED G= YELLOW B= BLUE Modify the number (ex. R=130, G=140, B=130) if u wanna put a new colour in those thingies. To show wat colour are all those numbers, just use PAINT. Music folder are the Musics ull be able to put when ull make a map (town music, forest music…) SFX are the sounds (attack sound, death sound, n00bi n00bi sound, etc.) Thats all the stuff u can modify/Put in yah game (from client folder). Lets see server folder now... Accounts folder, from here u can see all accounts made, Ull be able to modify em, delete em, etc. A good admin, with no mental-life-social-problems, normally wouldnt modify an account without reason (it will just make the player quit anyway), so if yah bored, dont play with em, unless u want some people to quit yah game. Banks- the banks of all accounts, u can see the items in their bank (or modify/put/withdraw) em. Classes- The classes in ur game, it works like this: Classx.ini: [CLASS] Name= Warrior (–Class name) MaleSprite= 1 (--Sprite's #, in yah sprite template [GFX]) FemaleSprite= 1 (same, but for female choice) STR= 12 (starts with… 12 STR! T3H w00ti3z! awzxome!) DEF= 5 (starts with... 5 DEF! ) SPEED= 3 (speed.) MAGI= 0 (Mana points) MAP= 1 (The map the character will spawn when the player will make it) X= 9 (X location) Y= 0 (Y location) Locked= 0 (leave it to 0) [STARTUP] (START-UP equipement) Weapon= 0 Shield= 0 Armor= 0 Helmet= 0 [SKILLS] (Starting skills! (or spells). Skill1= 0 Skill2= 0 Skill3= 0 Skill4= 0 Skill5= 0 Skill6= 0 Skill7= 0 Skill8= 0 Skill9= 0 Skill10= 0 Skill11= 0 Skill12= 0 Skill13= 0 Skill14= 0 Skill15= 0 Skill16= 0 Skill18= 0 Skill19= 0 Skill20= 0 Skill21= 0 Skill22= 0 Skill23= 0 Skill24= 0 Skill25= 0 Skill26= 0 Skill27= 0 Skill28= 0 Skill29= 0 Skill30= 0 Info.txt: MaxClasses= 3 MaxSkills= 25 StatPoints= 0 SkillPoints= 0 Modify it before putting a new class, if its "3" u can make: class0.ini, class 1, class 2, class 3. If u wanna make a 4th, u gotta modify the info thingie, n write "4". Guides folder - Some tips for the maker Items folder - Items data files. Logs - The server saves all discussions here, so if ur checkin somethin, like.. WHO KILLED MAH PET!, ull be able to see it here. Maps/NPC folders - NPC/MAPS data files. Scripts - Ull be able to add scripts here. Ull see main.txt and main2.txt. The main2.txt is just a backup.. u know, if ull make a mistake, the game will go crazy.. trust me, always do a backup of yah thingies! The main.txt Has all scripts, read a good scripting tutorial, for add or make yah own scripts. Shop/spells - data files. Ok. thats all u should know about those folders. now ill explain how to make items, spells, monsters, etc. 1- Log in with a character (access= 4) 2- Press F1, u should c an awzome window: Play a bit with player commands and map commands for understand how thety work. Sprite commands just set a sprite to a player.. for example, if a n00b is annoying yah, ull be able to transform him in a worm from here (but the worm must be in SPRITE.bmp thingie). Weather will make rain or snow in game.. funny! the "devolper commands" are the most important for makin yah game: Map editor = will open a map editor: **File:** Save = Will save the map in data files (server folder) Exit = exit without saving the map minimize = to minimize the window without closing it. **map:** Properties: Ull be able to spawn NPCs, Add music to the map and other nice stuff from here. Fill: Select a tile, Press fill, and the map will be full of that tile. Eye dropper: … i have no idea wats it xD **Display:** Screenshot mode: Will make the map in "screenshot mode", good if u wanna take a screenshot without havin the character in it. Day/night: to set day or night to the map. Map grid: Grid. **tile sheet:** Tileset list. **select type:** Layers: To put ground/mask/animation layers. Ground are the tileset wich the character walks on (ex. flowers, weed, etc.) Mask: Ever saw those items (ex. House tileset) with a black background?, wat happens if ull use em with "ground" layers? Yep, it will show the black background too, but with "mask" it wont happen. Animation: animated tiles… like uhmm, a river? Atributes (o_O): Atributes to put on the tilesets. Blocked: the player cant walk on it. Warp: if the player walks on it, he/she will be teleported. Item: the player will get an item if he walks on it. Npc avoid: The npc cant spawn/walk on it. Key: Put it on a tile, to use an item (ex. a key) to "open" it. (for doors). Key open: doesnt require an item. Heal: it will heal the player if he walks on it. Play sound: it will play a sound if ull walk on it Kill: ull get killed if ull walk on it. Scripted: Scripted-tile. Class change: the player will change class if ull walk on it. Notice: uuh, it looks similar to "play sound" thingie. door: Door-type tile. Sign: Signs... o.o sprite change: it will change the player's sprite if ull walk on the tile. Shop: It will open a "NPC" shop if ull walk on the tile. Class block: Select a class, and the tile will block the player with that class. Arena: Pvp area. Bank: works Just like shop, but it will show yah bank Player house: Put it on a tile, and when ull walk on it, a prompt will ask u if u wanna buy "this house". Lights (o.o): To add lights on the tile (ull see a small yellow L). Thats all u should know about "makin a map", Remember you cant use scrooling if u already made maps without scrooling, and u cant either make a scrooling-map if u didnt set "1" on data.ini (Server folder). -TO BE CONTINUED.
  3. darkelf

    Doesnt work >.<

    i readed all tutorials about it… i setted the port 4001 (virtual server option), added the port 4001 to the windows' firewall, n then wrote the IP (from chickenIP) on config (client). but it still doesnt work... can someone help me?
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