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Everything posted by Tivoilos

  1. Tivoilos

    My Sprites!

    Hey everyone I made some sprites tell me what ya think plz! ![](http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/6308/sprites2al3.png)
  2. Eclipse Gaming Word Tutorial/Common Gaming Words Eclipse Words that you should know. 1\. Server-A program that complies information into your client side. 2\. Cleint-Where part of the main source code is a portion of the program that a client reads. 3\. GUI-Graphical user interface./What you see. 4\. Main Source code-The main code that a program/game/website is built on the interface. 5\. Visual Basic-The programing language that Games/*(only if your using VB.net not VB 6.0 Websites)*/programs are built on. 6\. Port Forwarding-Is opinging a port in your computers internet/router. 7\. Sprite-The drawing that is used for you char. on your game can be 2d/3d. 8\. 8\. ISO - Isometrisch the angle of the tiles its normal right |_|_|_|but if they are Isometrisch then they are diagonal /\/\/\ and you walk in that direction to |_|_|_| \/\/\/ |_|_|_| /\/\/\ \/\/\/ 9\. .ISO-A File feture to make things smaller. *Edit* 10\. .ZIP - A file which contains data, this data is compressed, uncompressed it is bigger. 11\. .RAR - A file which contains data, this data is compressed, uncompressed it is bigger. 12\. .7Z - A file which contains data, this data is compressed, uncompressed it is bigger. 13\. .TAR - A file which contains data, this data is compressed, uncompressed it is bigger. 14\. VB6.0 - Visual Basic version 6.0 15\. VB5.0 - Visual Basic version 5.0 16\. VB4.0 - Visual Basic version 4.0 the use of this is rare 17\. VB3.0 - Visual Basic version 3.0 not used anymore 18\. VB2.0 - Visual Basic version 2.0 not used anymore 19\. VB1.0 - Visual Basic version 1.0 not used anymore 20\. PHP - First Personnal HomePage currently Hypertext Preproccesor a scripting language for website, this is to conversate with servers. 21\. JS - JavaScript, this makes your website dynamic. 22\. HTML - HyperText Markup Language the basis scripting language for websites 23\. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets a scripting language for websites to make the website nice in graphics and such things. 24\. ASP - Active Server Pages, a scripting language for website, this is something like visual basic but then for websites. 25\. Local IP - The Local IP is, this is on each PC. Static/Public/External IP - This is the IP of your router, check here www.ipchicken.com or here www.whatismyip.com 26\. ORPG - Online Role Playing Game 27\. MMORPG - Massive Multiplay Online Role Playing Game (above 200 players) Run time Error - This shows up when there is a problem with some code or something else. 28\. EE - Eclipse Evolution, last version 29\. TE - Total Eclipse. 30\. .INI - Initialization file. 31\. .CFG - Config file. 32\. .DLL - Dynamically Linked Library 33\. OLE - Object Linking and Embedding 34\. .PHP - File used with PHP 35\. JS - File used with JS 36\. HTML - Basic Website File. 37\. HTM - Basic Website File. 37\. .ASP - File used with ASP 38\. .CSS - File used with CSS 39\. HEX - Hexadecimal. 40\. Binair - 1 or 0 this is true or false. . VB.net - Visual Basic with the .NET framework 44\. String - Characters in a word, sentence or senteces. 45\. Boolean - True or False 46\. Int - Integer 47\. Integer - A number without something after the . so 17.88 can't be an integer. 9 is an Integer 48\. Long - A number with something after the . 49\. C++ - A programming language created in 1992. 50\. C - A programming language created in 1985. 51\. .EXE - Execution file. *Edit thanks to Godlord* 52\. .DAT - Data file. 53\. To Update - Old files will be replaced with new files. 54\. Auto - Automatic 55\. Auto-Updater - Updates old files automatic. 56\. Socket - A connection object between server and client 57\. .BMP - Bitmap file. 58\. .PNG - Portable Network Graphic file. 59\. .GIF - Graphics Interchange Format file. 60\. .JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group. 61\. To Encrypt - Setting a string to some other characters by a mathematical formula (Note: You can decrypt this) 62\. To Decrypt - Setting a encrypted string back to normal. 63\. To Hash - Setting a string to some other characters by a mathematical formula (Note: You can't decrypt this) 64\. MD5 - Message Digest Algorithm 5 65\. MD4 - Message Digest Algorithm 5 66\. SHA1 - Secure Hash Standard 1.0 67\. .SWA - This is a flash file. 68\. .FLA - The source of your .SWA file. 69\. Scripting - Scripting is not the same as programming, with scripting you make a file or a piece of text or code to let it run on a program. 70\. Programming - Programming is not the same as scripting, with programming you make a program. 71\. GP - Gold Pieces 72\. M - Million 73\. NPC - Non-Playing Character *once angian Godlord pulls through for more words* 74\. SS - SadScript 75\. SadScript - Scripting language in Eclipse. 76\. Main.txt - This is the place with all the sadscript codes. 77\. Main2.txt - Backup of main.txt 78\. Backup - A copy of the original file if there goes something wrong with the original. (Note: Always back-up important files) Well that is 73 that I could think of so if anyone else wants to add to this that would be great. ~Tivoilos -Edited-forgot the ISO's
  3. does anyone know of any fairly nice sprite rendering software that i can use to make my sprites I know they are out there but i can't find any that i like.
  4. How can I make it so my game is ISO i hate the down look view
  5. I need some help with Hamachi, Me and my team have created a network for our game but it still wont let anyone besides our host to login into the game, everyone is loged into the network but the server says the game is offline, our host has put the right ip into the client config the rest of us have changed it too.
  6. Does anyone know any good compliers for C/C++ I'm learning them but can't find any good compliers.
  7. I need some help with my portforwarding it's all set up right [ip config] ip-xxxxxxxxx
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