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Everything posted by Tivoilos

  1. Tivoilos

    Mi new Sig

    What ya all think rate 1-10
  2. Eclipse Über Tutorial By: Tivoilos Index Lesson 1-Eclipse Words-Gaming Words. Lesson 2-Getting Started Lesson 3-Getting a Name Lesson 4-Getting all the things you need in it Lesson 5-Getting it Online Lesson 1! Eclipse Gaming Word Tutorial/Common Gaming Words Eclipse Words that you should know. 1\. Server-A program that complies information into your client side. 2\. Cleint-Where part of the main source code is a portion of the program that a client reads. 3\. GUI-Graphical user interface./What you see. 4\. Main Source code-The main code that a program/game/website is built on the interface. 5\. Visual Basic-The programing language that Games/*(only if your using VB.net not VB 6.0 Websites)*/programs are built on. 6\. Port Forwarding-Is opinging a port in your computers internet/router. 7\. Sprite-The drawing that is used for you char. on your game can be 2d/3d. 8\. 8\. ISO - Isometric the angle of the tiles its normal right |_|_|_|but if they are Isometric then they are diagonal /\/\/\ and you walk in that direction to |_|_|_| \/\/\/ |_|_|_| /\/\/\ \/\/\/ 9\. .ISO-A File feture to make things smaller. 10\. .ZIP - A file which contains data, this data is compressed, uncompressed it is bigger. 11\. .RAR - A file which contains data, this data is compressed, uncompressed it is bigger. 12\. .7Z - A file which contains data, this data is compressed, uncompressed it is bigger. 13\. .TAR - A file which contains data, this data is compressed, uncompressed it is bigger. 14\. VB6.0 - Visual Basic version 6.0 15\. VB5.0 - Visual Basic version 5.0 16\. VB4.0 - Visual Basic version 4.0 the use of this is rare 17\. VB3.0 - Visual Basic version 3.0 not used anymore 18\. VB2.0 - Visual Basic version 2.0 not used anymore 19\. VB1.0 - Visual Basic version 1.0 not used anymore 20\. PHP - First Personnal HomePage currently Hypertext Preproccesor a scripting language for website, this is to conversate with servers. 21\. JS - JavaScript, this makes your website dynamic. 22\. HTML - HyperText Markup Language the basis scripting language for websites 23\. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets a scripting language for websites to make the website nice in graphics and such things. 24\. ASP - Active Server Pages, a scripting language for website, this is something like visual basic but then for websites. 25\. Local IP - The Local IP is, this is on each PC. Static/Public/External IP - This is the IP of your router, check here www.ipchicken.com or here www.whatismyip.com 26\. ORPG - Online Role Playing Game 27\. MMORPG - Massive Multiplay Online Role Playing Game (above 200 players) Run time Error - This shows up when there is a problem with some code or something else. 28\. EE - Eclipse Evolution, last version 29\. TE - Total Eclipse. 30\. .INI - Initialization file. 31\. .CFG - Config file. 32\. .DLL - Dynamically Linked Library 33\. OLE - Object Linking and Embedding 34\. .PHP - File used with PHP 35\. JS - File used with JS 36\. HTML - Basic Website File. 37\. HTM - Basic Website File. 37\. .ASP - File used with ASP 38\. .CSS - File used with CSS 39\. HEX - Hexadecimal. 40\. Binair - 1 or 0 this is true or false. 41\. VB.net - Visual Basic with the .NET framework 44\. String - Characters in a word, sentence or senteces. 45\. Boolean - True or False 46\. Int - Integer 47\. Integer - A number without something after the . so 17.88 can't be an integer. 9 is an Integer 48\. Long - A number with something after the . 49\. C++ - A programming language created in 1992. 50\. C - A programming language created in 1985. 51\. .EXE - Execution file. 52\. .DAT - Data file. 53\. To Update - Old files will be replaced with new files. 54\. Auto - Automatic 55\. Auto-Updater - Updates old files automatic. 56\. Socket - A connection object between server and client 57\. .BMP - Bitmap file. 58\. .PNG - Portable Network Graphic file. 59\. .GIF - Graphics Interchange Format file. 60\. .JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group. 61\. To Encrypt - Setting a string to some other characters by a mathematical formula (Note: You can decrypt this) 62\. To Decrypt - Setting a encrypted string back to normal. 63\. To Hash - Setting a string to some other characters by a mathematical formula (Note: You can't decrypt this) 64\. MD5 - Message Digest Algorithm 5 65\. MD4 - Message Digest Algorithm 5 66\. SHA1 - Secure Hash Standard 1.0 67\. .SWA - This is a flash file. 68\. .FLA - The source of your .SWA file. 69\. Scripting - Scripting is not the same as programming, with scripting you make a file or a piece of text or code to let it run on a program. 70\. Programming - Programming is not the same as scripting, with programming you make a program. 71\. GP - Gold Pieces 72\. M - Million 73\. NPC - Non-Playing Character 74\. SS - SadScript 75\. SadScript - Scripting language in Eclipse. 76\. Main.txt - This is the place with all the sadscript codes. 77\. Main2.txt - Backup of main.txt 78\. Backup - A copy of the original file if there goes something wrong with the original. (Note: Always back-up important files) Lesson 2! Download Eclipse from the website http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/TE_1.0.zip I recommend starting with TE then moving onto the more advanced program later on once you have mastered this program. Once TE is done downloading extract the file from its zip folder Once you’ve got this done then you can proceed into the “Server Folder” Once you’re inside open the file that says “Server.exe” Once clicking it will bring open the server The Finished Tutorial will have pictures Let me know what you think so far.
  3. Hey Everyone well I've been away for awhile…I think I said something about leaving well I'm back but no longer active with Eclipse I'm gonna be here to chat and have some fun with my old friends. I can never leave Eclipse for good its just too hard. What have I been up too you may ask well not much, I've been working on my game enough said on that, alot of work is what mostly I've been doing getting paid shit for cooking for people that are ungreatfull:P I don't like my job anymore wish I could go full time Game desginer but I need the money:p Well thats about it for now ttyl Later! ~Tivoilos
  4. I'm in need of a Database Manager/Maker for a small project I've been working on..not really supposed to say what the project is so pm me for more details..or look at my sig. Well if you have knowlege in MySQL and PhP…that can be intergrated with Vb6/vb.net Pm me or email me if your interested. ~Tivoilos **_This is not breaking the rules! Please don't move or Remove this topic ^-^_**
  5. Tivoilos

    So funny

    Omg guys I've been trying to find a programmer for my SQL database for my game that is suppost to be relished by like Holloween:p but this guy 15yrs old said he would help me with it..I said ok…he never mentioed that he was charging me for this stuff....you see this little punk tried tellin me I owed him 49.99 dollars for a automatic Updater and a SQL Database...Also he said I had to pay before I got anything so i was like f*** off punk
  6. **Eclipse Video Contest** **Ok I came up with this idea when I was working on Eclipse Radio when Gone said something about webcam and Eclipse TV..So I thought this idea up.** **Ok so basically what this is about is to see who can come up with the best short videos.** **Requirements** **Must be a Active member of the Eclipse Forums** **The Video can be either Real or Cartoon-Must be of your own work no copying** **Video must be rated Pg13** **has to be 2-3 mins** **Comedy is the theme** Well that is about it I will pick 3 winners. I'm comming up with a website where you can view these videos. Post on here if you wish to play ~Tivoilos
  7. what ya all think?
  8. I think a Community Radio would be sweet, have online DJ's, and stuff I know a few programs that can do this or we can make our own program. but let me know what ya'all think
  9. What ya all Think of my new Avatar? Sprite made by MegaMoogle-Armor by me
  10. Ok I've been through the source but I can't find the Paperdoll Part can someone Point me in the right direction, also the sprite part too where it reads the sprite pic an draws it on the pic. I don't need to have the code posts just what module it is in an what line
  11. Ok I hate asking this, makes me feel like a nub but I can not find Barons, Image Encyrpter I've searched and searched but nothin! Please can someone post the link to it. Also Marsh you should post the link to it, in Resources on the Home Page.
  12. Can someone make me a Online Offline Thing for my Game, It does not have to be spetacular, All I ask is that it look nice. Also I would like to so it can tell how many players are online and how many the server can hold like lets say there was 10players online an the cap was at 50 so it would look like Online! 10/50
  13. Hey Everyone here is a HangMan Game I think is really cool If you get the answer wrong God Kills a Kitten! Have fun http://www.mediafire.com/?exp0zdmitph let me know what you all think!
  14. Ok recently I was pondering the thought of having a Game Engine built professionally, not saying none of the Eclipse dev. people are not professionals but I mean a team of special people with the tools, skills and know how to make a kick ass engine. So I went to the only place for this, Rent a Coder. Well I placed a bid request with all the features that would be needed, I wanted for about 3 days I got a reply from some company based out of Texas there bid for me was $25.00USD I then got another reply from them after I asked a few questions and asked for a budget report. now this is very shocking, I think they are over charging but anyways take a look. http://www.rentacoder.com/RentACoder/misc/Isolate/DownloadFile.asp?lngDownloadTypeId=5&lngInteger1=12922128 Now seeing this makes me greatfull for Eclipse it really does. ~Tivoilos
  15. Ok Everytime I make a map an try to delete it it wont go away but my other players can not see the map any ideas whats wrong?
  16. Ok Basicly I was wondering if this would work? I currently do not have a working Eclipse Client so I can not test it. What is does-It checks you gender to see if you can change into a certen sprite. ``` Sub ScriptedTile(index) Select Case Script Case 0 If GetPlayerGender(index) = Male Then SetPlayerSprite(index) = 1 Call PlayerMsg(index, "You Are now a Human", 1) Else If GetPlayerGender(index) = Female Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You can not be that you are not a Male", 3) End If Case 1 If GetPlayerGender(index) = Female Then SetPlayeSprite(index) = 2 Call PlayerMsg(index, "You are now a Human", 2) Else If GetPlayerGender(index) = Male Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You can not be that you are a Male", 4) End If End Select End Sub ```![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/Themes/default/images/warnwarn.gif) "Scripting Questions" might be for, I don't know, questions about scripting, perhaps?
  17. Ok I have a Questions, that I would like to be answered. How Do I make my Account/Character a Admin in EE 2.2?
  18. Is the Paperdoll for EE working Yet? If not is someone working on it? ~Tivoilos
  19. Hey, well I've been seeing the word Uber thrown around alot, I just wanted to know what you think it means? I know what it means, it;s German, if you didn't know that. But I just want to know if any of you people know what it really means. Also there is two different meanings, one of them is German and then the other one is Greek the German word Uber looks like this **über** ~Tivoilos
  20. I thought this would be a good add to the resources, I know that Eclipse Already has there own version but I thought I would post mine. Ya never know when it can come in handy, a lot of Vb programs can use something like this. This is the Module that allows you to write the .ini files ``` Option Explicit Public Function WriteIniValue(INIpath As String, PutKey As String, PutVariable As String, PutValue As String) Dim Temp As String Dim LcaseTemp As String Dim ReadKey As String Dim ReadVariable As String Dim LOKEY As Integer Dim HIKEY As Integer Dim KEYLEN As Integer Dim VAR As Integer Dim VARENDOFLINE As Integer Dim NF As Integer Dim X As Integer AssignVariables: NF = FreeFile ReadKey = vbCrLf & "[" & LCase$(PutKey) & "]" & Chr$(13) KEYLEN = Len(ReadKey) ReadVariable = Chr$(10) & LCase$(PutVariable) & "=" EnsureFileExists: Open INIpath For Binary As NF Close NF SetAttr INIpath, vbArchive LoadFile: Open INIpath For Input As NF Temp = Input$(LOF(NF), NF) Temp = vbCrLf & Temp & "[]" Close NF LcaseTemp = LCase$(Temp) LogicMenu: LOKEY = InStr(LcaseTemp, ReadKey) If LOKEY = 0 Then GoTo AddKey: HIKEY = InStr(LOKEY + KEYLEN, LcaseTemp, "[") VAR = InStr(LOKEY, LcaseTemp, ReadVariable) If VAR > HIKEY Or VAR < LOKEY Then GoTo AddVariable: GoTo RenewVariable: AddKey: Temp = Left$(Temp, Len(Temp) - 2) Temp = Temp & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "[" & PutKey & "]" & vbCrLf & PutVariable & "=" & PutValue GoTo TrimFinalString: AddVariable: Temp = Left$(Temp, Len(Temp) - 2) Temp = Left$(Temp, LOKEY + KEYLEN) & PutVariable & "=" & PutValue & vbCrLf & Mid$(Temp, LOKEY + KEYLEN + 1) GoTo TrimFinalString: RenewVariable: Temp = Left$(Temp, Len(Temp) - 2) VARENDOFLINE = InStr(VAR, Temp, Chr$(13)) Temp = Left$(Temp, VAR) & PutVariable & "=" & PutValue & Mid$(Temp, VARENDOFLINE) GoTo TrimFinalString: TrimFinalString: Temp = Mid$(Temp, 2) Do Until InStr(Temp, vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf) = 0 Temp = Replace(Temp, vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf, vbCrLf & vbCrLf) Loop Do Until Right$(Temp, 1) > Chr$(13) Temp = Left$(Temp, Len(Temp) - 1) Loop Do Until Left$(Temp, 1) > Chr$(13) Temp = Mid$(Temp, 2) Loop OutputAmendedINIFile: Open INIpath For Output As NF Print #NF, Temp Close NF End Function ``` Here is how your code must work to make a .ini ``` Private Sub Form_load() WriteIniValue App.Path & "\test.ini", "Default", "Test", Text1.text End Sub ``` pretty easy eh? –----------------------------------- Here is the Read .ini Module ``` Option Explicit Public Function ReadIniValue(INIpath As String, KEY As String, Variable As String) As String Dim NF As Integer Dim Temp As String Dim LcaseTemp As String Dim ReadyToRead As Boolean AssignVariables: NF = FreeFile ReadIniValue = "" KEY = "[" & LCase$(KEY) & "]" Variable = LCase$(Variable) EnsureFileExists: Open INIpath For Binary As NF Close NF SetAttr INIpath, vbArchive LoadFile: Open INIpath For Input As NF While Not EOF(NF) Line Input #NF, Temp LcaseTemp = LCase$(Temp) If InStr(LcaseTemp, "[") 0 Then ReadyToRead = False If LcaseTemp = KEY Then ReadyToRead = True If InStr(LcaseTemp, "[") = 0 And ReadyToRead = True Then If InStr(LcaseTemp, Variable & "=") = 1 Then ReadIniValue = Mid$(Temp, 1 + Len(Variable & "=")) Close NF: Exit Function End If End If Wend Close NF End Function ``` to get it to work then your code should look like this ``` Text2.Text = ReadIniValue(App.Path & "\test.ini", "Default", "Test") ``` well That is about it hope this helps someone in the furture
  21. Disclaimer 'This product has no affiliation what so ever with Touch of Death Productions, this does 'not reflect in anyway with Touch of Death Productions products Well I've finished one of my projects for the community of Eclipse, well yes it is a rather dumb project an very easy I'm still having some bugs with it, but it works all the same. It's a web browser something I've always wanted to do with VB6 well anyway, You can download it here http://www.filefactory.com/file/820ffb/ Also this is not breaking any rules for this is in chit chat ~Tivoilos
  22. Hey Everyone I've been working on a new GUI Design for TE, I mean a complete new look. Nothing I have ever seen with any Eclipse Game or Source Edited. So Here is how it's going to look. this is the template on what I'm building it on. ![](http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/4046/tedesignfc0.png) This is how it's Shaping up in Vb6 Eclipse. ![](http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/5800/tedesignalmostfinishedyf7.png) well let me know what you think or if you have any questions. ~Tivoilos
  23. Ever wanted to get a job with a Team and didn't know how to post what you've done or anything? Well Look no further, I'm here to apply the right ideas into your mind for posting that your in need of work or looking for someone to work. I will also at the end offer a Template for both parts so you don't even have to type it up yourself! –-----Getting a Job--------- **Step 1\. State who you are, give a small bio on yourself.** **Step 2\. Make sure you post your experiences, make sure to elaborate even links to websites or topics can help to prove you have done what you say you have done.** **Step 3\. Make sure to tell how many hours you can work each day or what days you can work. Step 4\. State what job you are looking to do and if any other jobs you would be willing to do. Step 5\. State why you would be best for this job.** –----Five Easy steps to a good resume------- Template 1 Getting a Job –--------------------- **Name(real name does not matter if your not getting paid)-** **Bio(Small information on your self)- Work Exp- Available- Applying for?- Why would you be good for this job?-** –-------Just Copy and paste an insert your information-------- –------Getting someone to work for you!-------- **Step 1\. State the name of your Team/Group/Company name. **Step 2\. State what you are looking for. Step 3\. State your Team/Group/Company exp. Step 4\. State who is in your Team/Group/Company.** Step 5\. State what your current project is.** –------Five Easy steps to getting someone to join-------- **Team/Group/Company Name- Team/Group/Company Work exp- Team/Group/Company Members- Team/Group/Company Project-** –------Just copy and paste this and insert your information-------- Well if you follow this I'm sure you will get more hits on your job offerings and openings. ~Tivoilos
  24. Well I have a new idea for a new simi system in EE a High Level Player thingy. ``` Private Sub Form_Load() Randomize Number = Rnd * 100 + 1 PlayerLevel.LoadPlayerLevel 4, 999, "Empty", "Guess", False MsgBox Number End Sub ``` I do not know if this will work but it might be somthing someone can build off of.
  25. Hey I've seen a lot of new posts saying, My new Sprites, well I've decided to make a Post on this, if you got a set of Sprites or a halfway done sprites, well post it here, we can discuses them give advice an maybe make them better. So have some post an post your ass's off! Here is my new Sprite I am working on ![](http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/6801/hpspritesbt2.png) Always rate sprites 0-10 an make sure you post who the rate is at an why you did what you did. Have fun ~Tivoilos
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