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Everything posted by zane203

  1. I've been searching for awhile now, and yes I know that the source can only be edited with VB 6.0 professional or enterprise, but has anyone tried recreating the project for another programming language? If no, then has anyone found a way to edit specific files with an open source IDE?
  2. quick question that someone else may need later on. is there a universal transparent color? as in do i have to set all my sprites with the same pink ground, or can it be green like the items? also, im guessing i need to have a face set for the sprite as well, as my game does not recognize my 5th spriteā€¦ well maybe because it was a png and i just changed its tag instead of actually opening it up and saving it as a bmp x.X
  3. Well, im done using eclipse, and i wish to delete all the files including the library files. Only problem i cant find the library files, or know exactly the name of the files that went into my system32 - another thing, my GUI folder wont delete, says its being used or is being protected. I've ended all protocals related to eclipse, restarted my computer hoping to end any that i've possibly missed, and i still get the same message. -Help :sad:
  4. Ok guys me Zane D. Blalock, along with CZZC Tech Staff Lubu found another way, and i've never heard about it on this forums, if its already been posted then eh my mistake. Ok heres what you do, its really easy, and most credit goes to Lubu from CZZC: 1.)Download Hamachi(going to be uploaded soon on czzc: search hamachi or search czzc inc) 2.)Make a network using hamchi, and make sure you make the setting that you dont need to approve of new members 3.) set your ip that shows at the top of hamachi into your client game and BAM you should be online still, no PFing required ^_^ ok guys im going back over to CZZC cya later!
  5. ok, so im the admin of the game, but i couldnt portfowrad my IP so i got a mod to host it, is it a way that i can have my server work with his so we can both view players and such?
  6. it helped until the part where it sent me to a website to get my dsl connection and stuff, i did not find any password or user name. and it said in the post by defualt it should be admin and all that, that didnt work either lol so i was wondering is their another portforwarding guide that can actuly get me the user and pass to my internet IP thing. and some extra info i have set everything up, i just need to log in my IP to change the settings to allow other people to connect but thats not going well XD
  7. i found some but when i clicked on the link it either said web page does not exist or one of the thoes search pages that has the name at the top but is not really the website (i hate thoes!)
  8. Ok i got my gmae up for download and i host it on my comp but even when i have my sever on my mods say it says offline and i told them to try my IP address, and it still didnt work. any advice will b appreciated.
  9. i've read somewhere that paperdoll is when you equipment an item that it make the player have that outfit, so i searched it and i couldnt find a way to actuly do only questions about it =/ think you can send me a linkl because there has to be a explaination either that or explain it for me lol thanks in advance
  10. how do i send the program so that other ppl can play it do i just put it up for download the Eclipse.exe and it'll have my ip, which will send them to my game or do i need to send something else. also wen mapping how do you make the shop availble, without that little S around and goes for the other things aswell. (im still going through some other tuts.) how do i make the buildings graphic solid, wait or do i just do a Block effect on it? and how do i make it so that wen they move, instead of only moving one leg how do i make so they move left AND right leg xD. in all i enjoy the help, and all the tuts and so far as a noob i am learning quite well. and by anychance is there a Eclipse 3D that makes da game 3D lol and greate forum i really enjoy it all.
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