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Posts posted by Bokchoi

  1. > we dont need your smart ass remarks.
    > i meant like what In a girl
    > so you wouldnt date an alien girl? cuz shes alien?
    > Racist.

    Little out of left field mate. I was referrering to a person with well rounded morals and a strong mind about them. Wont be bend by others beleifs or how they judge or act and is open minded to those around them.

    AkA, a person.
  2. Put simply there will be newbs in all walks of life. Everywhere you go and every job you get there will be newbs including yourself. (Not blaming anyone) but if this community wishes to keep a closed mind to new members then it would not grow and expand. All the big company's in the world had newbs and all the big money making MMORPG's have newbs in both there player base and work force.

    You have to remember that one type of newb can "Derail" a community and that's what i like to call the In titled Noob.
    They are the type that need the answer now and this community only exists for the sole purpose of feeding there little project. They are rude, stupid and dont right moral smashing. But they are rare and i dont think we need to worry about our community expanding as i have watched this community from the beginning and i have been you all come and go from the first days of the website wars to the step down of Marsh. The important thing is that you dont judge someone by there post count or the questions they ask.

    Respect all and it will be returned.
  3. G'day all

    I am currently coming to the end of creating the storyline of my game and i am keeping off on beginging to use EE 2.7 becuase 3.0 is just around the corner

    Question: Is it easy to transfer my current work from the 2.7 engine to the new upcoming 3.0 engine. This includes all maps, items shop etc.

    Thank you :)
  4. That's right game makers and forum lurkers. How do you (with eclipse) over come the very plain graphical gimp of the engine.
    Is it content? is it game length or social interaction or is it even countered by a strong story line?

    All of these critical factors of basic game making come on the board but graphics are eye candy to the user, lets take a example.

    I make a MMORPG with Eclipse and release it with a website etc. Mr. Joe blags stumbles over my website as a MMORPG player and downloads it and logs in for his first time. Mr Joe Blogs has just come from a game called Silk road (dont play the game just knows its 3d)

    Now what does Mr. Joe blags need to see in the game to be intrested in playing. Do you add physiology to your game? time consuming events and tasks? content or intresting story lines or even to a extent, PvP or PvE thick content.

    How do you over come 2D and why?
  5. Hello everyone i have a few simple questions for you

    1\. How do you place Npcs in one place and not have to trap them in "Npc avoid" spots

    2\. Can you do quests or script them in if so how

    3\. Can you make triggers on the ground so chat appears when you talk over it
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