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Drake Rider

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  1. As I noticed it works, but downloads whole file and then start playing. Anyone know any way to play streamed audio?
  2. I tried to look for it but the only thing found was this: ``` Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If cmbClass.ListIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub End If If 0 + CustomPlayers = 0 Then If SpriteSize = 1 Then If optMale.Value = True Then frmNewChar.Picsprites.Left = (animi * PIC_X) * -1 frmNewChar.Picsprites.Top = (Int(Class(cmbClass.ListIndex).MaleSprite) * 64) * -1 Call BitBlt(Picpic.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, 64, Picsprites.hDC, animi * PIC_X, Int(Class(cmbClass.ListIndex).MaleSprite) * 64, SRCCOPY) Else frmNewChar.Picsprites.Left = (animi * PIC_X) * -1 frmNewChar.Picsprites.Top = (Int(Class(cmbClass.ListIndex).FemaleSprite) * 64) * -1 Call BitBlt(Picpic.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, 64, Picsprites.hDC, animi * PIC_X, Int(Class(cmbClass.ListIndex).FemaleSprite) * 64, SRCCOPY) End If Else If optMale.Value = True Then frmNewChar.Picsprites.Left = (animi * PIC_X) * -1 frmNewChar.Picsprites.Top = (Int(Class(cmbClass.ListIndex).MaleSprite) * PIC_Y) * -1 Call BitBlt(Picpic.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, PIC_Y, Picsprites.hDC, animi * PIC_X, Int(Class(cmbClass.ListIndex).MaleSprite) * PIC_Y, SRCCOPY) Else frmNewChar.Picsprites.Left = (animi * PIC_X) * -1 frmNewChar.Picsprites.Top = (Int(Class(cmbClass.ListIndex).FemaleSprite) * PIC_Y) * -1 Call BitBlt(Picpic.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, PIC_Y, Picsprites.hDC, animi * PIC_X, Int(Class(cmbClass.ListIndex).FemaleSprite) * PIC_Y, SRCCOPY) End If End If End If End Sub ```And I use mine Timer 1 to do the same thing, There are also Timers like that (I mean to refresh sprites) in other forms like editItem, Npc and so on. But I think that the problem is in MyIndex, because in frmNewChar in places where I have Player(MyIndex).Sprite It have cmbClass.ListIndex and cmbClass is a part of frmNewChar. So my question is how to pass this MyChar variable to my timer?
  3. I don't know what you mean by command where you call that timer. I did not called it anyway, I just copied it from frmNewChar. :P And MyIndex is a global variable, isn't it? In modGlobals I can find this: ``` Public MyIndex As Long ```And this as well: ``` Public Player() As PlayerRec ```
  4. In Server source modDatabase Sub SaveNpcs there i belive you only have to change dat to ini And then you should try to somehow modify NpcRec to make it readable I think that you have to change longs and bytes to strings or something… And then do the same with Items.
  5. ``` Private Sub Timer1_Timer() frmMirage.Picsprites.Left = (animi * PIC_X) * -1 frmMirage.Picsprites.Top = (Int(Player(MyIndex).Sprite) * 64) * -1 Call BitBlt(frmMirage.Picpic.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, 64, frmMirage.Picsprites.hDC, animi * PIC_X, Int(Player(MyIndex).Sprite) * 64, SRCCOPY) End Sub ```I have problem(Yea I know what you think right now. :P "GOD DAMN IT… AGAIN?!?!) I made timer in frmMirage and moved my code there but when i try to run client it returns RTE 9 with >Player(MyIndex).Sprite< This part. :sad:
  6. Yep but that is exactly what I did. I'm almost sure that one from NPCEdit and NewChar are the same code, just a bit modified to fit they role. EDIT: I MADE IT!!! YEA! I DON'T HAVE TO KILL MYSELF YEA! :D :icon_beer: and i'm no longer pedo bear! :D :rolleyes::renzo: I'm so happy! lalalala! :D I will have to show you my interface when I end my work ah ^^
  7. I don't know what you mean. I took this code above from Npc Edit and modifed it. But I don't know how it works, I thought that It works like that: Move picbox with loaded sprites somewhere outside form, and then copy selected piece to picbox. maybe i'm wrong. Please help. :P
  8. Okay but i think that you must modify also Server source. Not only client.
  9. I made 3 Picboxes "PRamka" "Portret1" (Inside "PRamka") And "Portret" Loaded Sprites.bmp to Portret.Picture And Added this code to ModGameLogic. ``` frmMirage.Portret.Left = 3600 frmMirage.Portret.Top = GetPlayerSprite(MyIndex) * 64 Call BitBlt(frmMirage.Portret1.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, 64, frmMirage.Portret.hDC, 3 * PIC_X, GetPlayerSprite(MyIndex) * 64, SRCCOPY) ```I was not sure where to paste it so I tried different location and diffrent modyfications of that code. Anyway, nothing works. :/ I have no idea how to make it. :< Help me or I'll become pedobear. ;(( :renzo: EDIT: God… That little f.... box shows now some other part of screen... I want it only to load players sprite! ;<
  10. Hmmm… Make new variable called Run. Then In Sub CheckInput add: ``` If KeyCode = vbKeyR Then If Run = False Then Run = True Else Run = False End If End If ```And Then in Sub CheckMovement() change If ShiftDown Then to If Run = True Then
  11. WÅ‚aÅ›nie. Musisz sobie zaÅ‚atwić ten Microsoft Visual Basic 6 najlepiej zassij gdzieÅ› jakiegoÅ› pirata. :P Później jak otworzysz nie modyfikowane źródÅ‚o to pod File masz opcje "make client.exe" Jak zmodyfikujesz to cóż… :D żeby wszystko dziaÅ‚aÅ‚o musisz to zmodyfikować dobrze. :P BTW. MiÅ‚o znaleźć tu innego Polaka. ^^
  12. Hi! I need your help. :P I try to make modyfication of door and key attributes, something like that: If there is another Key attribute next to Key open it as well. But I have no Idea where I should look in code. And I also want to change Both to remove Mask 2 instead of Mask. Can you help me please? Im almost sure that it should be somewhere in GameLogic but I'm not sure how should I change it. EDIT: I think that it's server-side rather then client side. I found this code. Should I modify it and it'll work? :P ``` ' Check for key trigger open If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEYOPEN Then X = Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).Data1 Y = Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).Data2 If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(X, Y).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(X, Y) = NO Then TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(X, Y) = YES TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorTimer = GetTickCount Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), "MAPKEY" & SEP_CHAR & X & SEP_CHAR & Y & SEP_CHAR & 1 & END_CHAR) If Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).String1) = vbNullString Then Call MapMsg(GetPlayerMap(Index), "A door has been unlocked!", WHITE) Else Call MapMsg(GetPlayerMap(Index), Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).String1), WHITE) End If Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), "sound" & SEP_CHAR & "key" & END_CHAR) End If End If ```I changed it to this : but it still opens only 1 title :/ ``` If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEYOPEN Then X = Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).Data1 Y = Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).Data2 If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(X, Y).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(X, Y) = NO Then TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(X, Y) = YES TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorTimer = GetTickCount Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), "MAPKEY" & SEP_CHAR & X & SEP_CHAR & Y & SEP_CHAR & 1 & END_CHAR) If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(X, Y - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(X, Y - 1) = NO Then TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(X, Y - 1) = YES TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorTimer = GetTickCount Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), "MAPKEY" & SEP_CHAR & X & SEP_CHAR & Y - 1 & SEP_CHAR & 1 & END_CHAR) If Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).String1) = vbNullString Then Call MapMsg(GetPlayerMap(Index), "A door has been unlocked!", WHITE) Else Call MapMsg(GetPlayerMap(Index), Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).String1), WHITE) End If Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), "sound" & SEP_CHAR & "key" & END_CHAR) End If End If End If ```EDIT: UFFFFF…. FINALY I made this work. :P But i still need to know where I can change mask1 to mask 2
  13. Hi, I tried to move Whole Inventory to separated window. :P I made new form and copied whole picInventory to it. Then I changed some code (don't know what exactly because mostly used Replace option and I'm nooooob in VB :P ) Anyway when I try to open inventory it appears for about half second (There are items and everything wow!) And then i get RTE 424 "Object required". Whats wrong? :P EDIT: Debugger found problem here: ``` Private Sub picInventory3_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, y As Single) itmDesc.Visible = False End Sub ```EDIT2: Ahhh… brain is real useful thing... I used debugger and then mine brain and that solved problem :P
  14. I have a problem… How to check if "Index" Player is in party with "MyIndex"?
  15. Anyone can help me? I think i know how it should work but maybe some one will translate it into script? When PlayerTryToMove then D = GetPlayerDirection If D == up then if InPlace(GetPlayerMap,GetPlayerX,GetPlayerY+1) is no Block Atribute Then MovePlayerUp Else If D == Left etc. etc. I think it should work like this… But i don't know Functions well so, please help me. I need only one direction I could make other by myself. Thanks in advance.
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