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  1. MadKid

    Two Weapons

    I haven't tried this before on any game, but if you don't have any shields can you equip two weapons? if not can someone point me to a good scripting tutorial?
  2. MadKid


    - A port/town-ish tileset - A "ghetto" tileset, in the same setting as the town/port - A darkish, city, with the inside of a building that has elevators and with a lobby and crap like that -A village and forest tileset can anyone make these for me?
  3. Now speaking as a gamer and a designer I know that different taste means it's harder to make a "perfect" RPG, to be honest a "perfect" RPG means it caters to those tastes. So when you make an RPG, try to incorperate all my hints to make your RPG as general as possible. 1\. What angle you come at: some RPG's have little stories that help decribe the game, some have stories that drive it, both have considerable amounts of people that love them. to make both sides of the debate happy you need to think in moderation, events and an actual storyline both come in to play here. Here are a few examples Monsters have invaded the earth and you must destroy them!- **BAD STORYLINE!** this storyline only tells you what you DO, this game is most likely your run-of-the-mill RPG, with all default settings and almost no customality Monsters have invaded the realm of earth in time of war! Defend your sides territory when they invade and rule the planet earth!- **GOOD STORYLINE!** Although the consept needs work, this allows for an idea of side-taking, you can hold monthly invasions to keep the players busy, or let players invade the other team! 2\. Pimp my Game! Do you think everyone wants to walk around looking the same with one one weapon in the general store to help them defeat evil? CUSTOMIZE MAN! Use that noggin! think of as many classes, equipment items, and monsters to keep players immersed in the fact that they WANT to get that Golden Excaliber or beat the Winged Harpy of the Torn Down Castle! 3\. **ROLE-PLAYING** game- if it doesn't have some amount of role-playing in it, it's just a game; look up some ideas from very popular games and programs, Habbo Hotel has a million people on everyday because they can just hang-out talk and have fun! Come up with a few fun ideas like housing, casinos (not very rp-ish but it's fun) and other stuff to allow the players to explore and talk about it with their friends. 4\. Look: If a football field with dead grass looks more spectacular than your Newbie Town, your dead; get a few custom templates, and read a few mapping tutorials, detail is everything and mapping is a HUGE detail in a game 5\. Community: Believe it or not, not all games have a community, this is a HORRIBLE mistake, communities help you get key points about your game across and will most likely give your game some popularity, find a template or two, get some free hosting and start advertizing 6\. Be Active! If you get a server host, website and advertize a little, and then don't add anything to your 25-map game, no-one will wanna play for very long. Add some stuff! be active, add events like before. and UPDATE the game with dungons for players to explore! Those are all the major ideas that will make your game great and will draw other players in that I have :wink: Have fun!
  4. MadKid


    What is your guys favorite manga? Besides the one I'm writing :D My favorite manga is Full Metal Alchemist
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