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Posts posted by balliztik1

  1. @Kreator:

    > At first your feature list looked long and impression. Then I started reading them. You can't be serious to call half of these a feature? Client? Shops? Region? Paperdoll? Partying? Travelling? XD

    Agreed. After seeing all the work you've put into changing the source, Cyrus, you should devote more than a couple words to like 20 different things. You could write up quite a bit about the main features, like the Pokemon battle system you've created. It'd certainly be more eyecatching than calling every little thing a feature.
  2. @Koovo:

    > Bravo!
    > Great marketing? This could become really interesting really fast, or woefully boring and overplayed.
    > In any case, I laughing aloud.  ;D

    Nah, no marketing or anything like that - just sharing our good times while making Elandor Chronicles. If anything, it's marketing game-making. Working with a team provides a lot of fun times. We do our fair share of work, as is seen by all the other topics, but this is just a lighthearted glance at the crazy times we have. We just do this as a hobby, so having fun is a huge part of it. We want to promote that kind of team culture, while at the same time letting the public in on our shenanigans and have a few laughs.

    As for it being overplayed? God, yes. Beau won't fucking shut up. I get fired at least twice an hour. xD
  3. **Episode 1: Ballie gets fired**
    So, Beau, as team leader, keeps firing me. He never rehires me, but I'm still on the team somehow. This is what I put up with on a daily basis:


    > (11:56 PM)  **Derrick:** Indeed. Brb, 5 mins.
    > (11:56 PM) **Beau:** ok
    > _(12:01 AM) Derrick has changed his/her status to Idle
    > (12:10 AM) Derrick has changed his/her status to Online_
    > (12:10 AM)  **Derrick:** Okay, 15 minutes. I lied.
    > (12:10 AM) **Beau:** FIRED
    > (12:10 AM)  **Derrick:** Oh, okay. Now I can watch TV more.
    > (12:11 AM) **Beau:** FIRED FROM WATCHING TV
    > (12:11 AM)  **Derrick:** =O! Well, now I can work on EC more! =D


    > **Derrick:** Yeah, back problems in my family
    > **Beau says:** FIRED


    > **Beau:** that was harsh but u know I joke. dont fire me.
    > **Derrick:** And I know it's kinda…wait. What? I can do that?


    > **Derrick:**
    > "So, I want to make the world's first 4D game"
    > "Uhh, sir. That's like…"
    > "FIRED"


    > **Beau**: I'd love to successfully run an indie company for game development and hire you of course, drop your shitty course and take up programming
    > **Derrick:** What about the children of the world that need teaching? D:
    > **Beau:** FIRED


    > **Derrick:** FIRED?
    > **Beau:** Nah
    > **Derrick:** Then _you're_ fired
    > **Beau:** =<
    > **Derrick:** Your job is to fire me, and you're not doing your job, so you're fired.


    > **Beau:** let me know what u think of those boot graphics. like them?
    > **Derrick:** Very much so. Almost as good as Runescape's.
    > **Beau:** FIRED


    > **Derrick:** =O! Holy duck, Beau!
    > **Beau:** WHAT? XD 
    > **Derrick:** You'll see
    > **Beau:** FIRED


    > **Derrick:** Beau, Fire Pants will never make it into the lore section. I just can't bring myself to devote a serious bit of text to it.
    > **Beau:** FIRED


    > **Derrick:** Someone's jealous ;)
    > **Beau:** FIRED


    > **Derrick:** I just saw your edit. I'm hurt. =(
    > **Beau:** XD
    > **Derrick:** and I know. Fired for being hurt, right?
    > **Beau:** FIRED


    > **Derrick:** Fire me one more time and I might just go work for someone else >=(
    > **Beau:** FIRED
    > **Derrick:** *crosses arms*
    > **Beau:** FIRED
    > **Derrick:** Haha
    > **Beau:** that's two more times, not one more time
    > **Derrick:** Well played, sir


    > **Derrick:** I feel like you're setting me up for failure in life, though. One day, I'm going to screw up at work and my boss will be like, "FIRED!"
    > **Beau:** And you'll just laugh it up and keep working
    > **Derrick:** Exactly!


    > **Beau:** see? the EC team has fun. Well, I have fun. You keep getting fired.
  4. @SoiWilliamSoi:

    > Renzo >.>, nice pun ass. Fleshlightman thought I was a ducking girl forever, even though my name says WILLIAM. Haha.

    William is both a male and female name, dude, like Jesse, Taylor, or John.
  5. You know what they say: "Selling people is 100% profit"

    <.< >.>

    Anyhow, congrats on graduating. I graduated last year and have liked the freedom, but do miss a lot of my friends and such.
  6. @Mike:

    > Great forewords for EC, just makes me even more excited for release! Nice work Ballie

    Thank you, Mike. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Keep an eye out for more entries like this if you care to follow Mr. Toma in his travels through Elandor.


    > I think its pretty good.  But maybe the rusty bucket is a bad choice of name for an inn?  Who would want to sleep in an inn called the rusty bucket?  But if it has a purpose in the game, then it would be fine.

    I see your point, but it's just a small tavern. Elandor will feature upscale inns in major cities, but the Rusty Bucket is just a simple drinking establishment. It is made to sound rough because it is. I spared the details here because it will be covered much more thoroughly in later entries.
  7. Yeah, it's crazy. The reason EO doesn't have its own board, though, is because it is basically the new Eclipse. It's not some special engine that is contained to one area. Development on Stable is coming to a close, and Solar Eclipse isn't out yet, so that just leaves Origins as the current main engine. But I do understand your point. At times I wish it'd be more organized. I'm dreading the thought of having Solar Eclipse, Origins, and past versions all being troubleshooted in the same board somewhere in the future. It's gonna get messy, folks.
  8. You might want to consider posting the non-bug things in a thread like the http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,58872.0.html. They are slightly different than just "wishes", of course, so maybe a new thread about user-friendly things might be handy. Dunno.

    > **Walking from one map to another.**
    > Problem: When I walk from one map to another it will jump me 1 tile further lower/higher than its ment to if the map size is set to its lowest setting.

    Believe it or not, this isn't a bug. The maps load so much faster than the awful old system, it appears as if you jump ahead, but you don't. The load time is so short, you just continue walking. If you lightly tap the arrow key at the edge of a map, you'll see that it is possible to not walk ahead on the next map.
  9. _To whom it may concern:

    Whether this is my crowning achievement in life or my own epitaph remains to be seen. It may very well be both. Regardless, it has found its way into your hands, so allow me to introduce myself. I am Alden Toma, son of the late would-be adventurer Gelden Toma. His life ended when his ship wrecked while traveling to a distant land he so eagerly wanted to explore. When my mother heard the news, she lost heart in all she loved. I was barely fifteen years of age then, but I became the man of the house, working to support my two brothers and my remaining parent.

    I became an apprentice to a fletcher, where I not only learned the craft of making bows and arrows, but also of mercantilism. As I grew into adulthood, I soon took on more responsibilities, the most notable of which were deliveries. Early in the morning, I would pack a wagon full of goods and ride through the small vale that we called home. It was on the road that I felt at peace. Something about traveling all day made my heart content. Once I had mastered all my mentor had to show me, I took to the road full-time as a merchant. I journeyed far and wide to towns all across the mainland. I would be gone for months at a time. In a few short years, I was relatively famous in the area, and had enough wealth to last me years.

    I am not a man of greed, though. Many merchant barons would continue to accrue their wealth, but I had had enough. Though it was something I was good at, the life of a salesman was not what I wanted for myself. The real love I had felt on the open road was the freedom and thrill of adventure, not the jingle of coin.

    As soon as I had enough saved up, I left it all to my mother, that she may live the rest of her days in comfort. I took a much different path - my father's. Determined to avenge his honor and carry on his dream of adventure, I set out on a ship to Elandor, the remote continent my father had dared to challenge. I held no fear in my heart of meeting the same fate, for it felt inside like nothing would stop me. This was my true calling, surely as I was my father's son.

    The journey was swift and in just under a month we made landfall in a small fishing village known as Avendock. The atmosphere was peaceful and friendly. The locals were very welcoming to me, and withstood all my questions with a kind and gentle demeanor. Deciding that the road would be dangerous at night, and eager to sleep in a bed for once, I booked a room at a small tavern called the Rusty Anchor. In my heart I knew that day was my last of serenity for quite some time. If I was to explore the land as my father would have done, I knew I was soon going to be knee-deep in swamplands, climbing hand over hand to the tops of mountains, or combating all manner of beasts in the corners of the land.

    That did not deter me, though. I had a dream to fulfill, after all. With the coming of dawn and my awakening, the beginning of my quest was underway. Enclosed is the log of my journeys…

    My Elandor Chronicles._
  10. @YamYam:

    > I love you for that.. I always get confused because some engines twist left and right around?
    > Also, why is there a need for a check to see if the player is moving? I mean worst he could do is run in circles. ;D

    If you change direction mid-move, I imagine you'd do some weird sideways slide, not run in circles. That actually sounds really neat. I'm gonna try it. xD

    Edit: Aww, no fun. It just jerks you around. =(
  11. The tutorial's included in the source code, when I release it. I went through and numbered, so all you have to do is follow along. Searching "Winsock1", then "Winsock2" etc. will show you all the steps I did.

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