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Everything posted by jiros

  1. A few months ago I heard something about a program that allows people to run there games in webbrowsers. I hope I understood it correctly, otherwise this will be a long thread filled with stuff that won't do any good to the community and might upset people. It will be very useful if someone has a link to this topic. Any help is apreciated. I used search ( in case someone might ask ) I'm using EE 21
  2. Hello dear fellow eclipsers, I'm a average web designer and I'm offering my help for those in need of making and maintaining a website. I like to gain experience in coding, receiving and interpret orders for creating a website and I enjoy working with other people. However, please keep in mind that I won't make graphics, so you'll have to provide them. If you are interested send me a PM with what you want, and I'm sure we will get along just fine. **EDIT 1:** 4 examples I made some examples, as I already said, I won't do graphics, but making this kind of designs isn't much of a problem. [http://www.freewebs.com/jiros/RPGF.jpg](http://www.freewebs.com/jiros/RPGF.jpg) [http://www.freewebs.com/jiros/gundam.jpg](http://www.freewebs.com/jiros/gundam.jpg) [http://www.freewebs.com/jiros/qurume%20sixties.jpg](http://www.freewebs.com/jiros/qurume%20sixties.jpg) [http://www.freewebs.com/jiros/qurume%20sixties_blue.jpg](http://www.freewebs.com/jiros/qurume%20sixties_blue.jpg) It is far from perfect but I'm very busy at the moment and I made these in a hurry. Sorry for the lack of quality; for these are in jpg format or else it would take to long for the 56k users among us :P **EDIT 2:** Equipment generator script This script is made for RPG/MMORPG creators or Roleplayers/D&D's/D20's and other RPG fanatics who has trouble with being creative ( no offense :P ) wen it comes to equipment. [http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/Hosting/loa/school/equipment_generator/](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/Hosting/loa/school/equipment_generator/) A short step by step explanation how it works. 1\. You select the words you what to use for your equipment. 2\. Each word has a name, word_A and word_B, these names will be saved in one of the scripts ( weaponscript.php for weapons and armorscipt.php for the armors ). 3\. The script then let your names appear on the screen. It's a very simple script, but it does what for it is created: generating equipment.
  3. I am unable to upload my file: loaclient.zip . It is 16 MB large and has no symbols of any kind at all. With other files with a less large file size it doesn't seem a problem. Currently the max upload is 150 MB so I have no clue what the problem could be :'(
  4. I heard that a pet feature is integrated in EE gamma. what about this is true and how do i use it? cause I ain't find anything relating pets :P
  5. jiros

    Sig request

    can someone make me this: A signature with the text: Legends of Adoroar with a ancient font in gold color (something like the lord of the rings) with a burning background 450 x 150 please it would be awesome if someone can make it for me because i suck at photoshop
  6. jiros

    Cursor change

    how can i let the game start with a different mouse pointer?
  7. jiros


    I want a Teamspeak server for my game so players can communicate with each other so it gets to more personal conversations, I have a few questions about it: 1\. I have a problem with the teamspeak i downloaded, really i don't know ANYTHING about it 2\. is their a alternative solution? mabye skype? I hope someone can help me with this…
  8. I was just thinking of making an strategy game besides a mmorpg with 2 sides, something like the heroic and the darkside with paladins skeletons, different towers to make wich enables you to fire special arrows, building castles, a mix between age of empires 2 and Total annihilation: kingdoms. btw i've already tried google and i was searching for like 4 hours and still can't find anything, it would be awesome if someone can help me out with anything that makes me closer to fullfil my quest to mu goal :P
  9. I was just wondering if there are folks here that comes from the Netherlands or Belgium :P here is a list of probably Dutchies/Belgies, if you are none of the 2 and ur on the list, there is no need for panic/frustration or bad behavior because it is not to insult u it is just the fact that i'm curious ;) :D : btw i'm sorry if ur name is spelled wrong :P ::) Ilnair Unnown Godlord I'll add/change/delete names if you post if ur part 1 of those 2 countries i'm dutch btw :P
  10. Same as above it must be quite simple because i think no one else is having that problem….
  11. the input for Item/spell/npc's, instead of choosing number make a input so you don't have to search manually the resource, but just put in the number you want. Am i making any sense i wonder…......? :D
  12. I wish for that scripts can be inserted by making a new .ini, paste a script in it and if you don't need it anymore you don't have to search for the script and lines but simply delete the .ini :P
  13. My game includes weapon, items shops as well as keymakers, smithers, and even magic makers. the weapon and item shops are just normal shops but the others are "fusers" . for example you have 5 bronze ores, then you trade the 5 ores for 1 bronze bar. then you can buy 1 bronze sword for 1 bronze bar. what I really can use is a idea/strategy to make different shop menus so the weapon shop doesn't look the same as a keymaker. and I know of Barons super skill script, don't understand me wrong: it's a great script, but to fuse items is a bit too difficult or me :P
  14. I want to do it so that you earn in every dungeon/tower or whatever a key and if you have for example have 4 of them you can go to a special keymaker and let him fuse them for you (of course you have to give him a small amount of money ;)) so you can go to another world where are more dangerous monsters (more exp also indeed) and you can make a "secret" world where you can find hidden bosses, rare treasure and stuff, so you're player keeps on playing tounlock some secrets and show them off to other players with something like: looky what i've found! it's t3h T3H w00ti3zisz Emerald excaliber form the world of the damned (stupid name I know)! world of the damned ? WTF is that? it's a secret world you can unlock if you defeat the bosses of the tower of noobisness, dungeons of black holes and revelations and the thomb of immortal zombies! so let me hear what u think of it! whether its good or not shout it out loud!
  15. it looks quite real to me omg what a dumbass :D ;D (I should right click it and do target save as to enjoy it because it's not quite fast) [Reno 911 - dungeons_and_dragons.mpg](http://www.fileupyours.com/files/60260/Reno%20911%20-%20dungeons_and_dragons.mpg)
  16. [dungeonsanddragonssong.mp3](http://www.fileupyours.com/files/60260/dungeonsanddragonssong.mp3) FIXED
  17. check this spoof: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/90046
  18. i'm using my world ip (not my lan), I set my client as the world ip. I start the client on the same computer (server) but i can't connect, is this what i think it is?
  19. I wish for a rocking breaking awesome wootiz integrated mediaplayer just like runescape so you're not forced too listen repeadingly (must have spelled wrong, sorry) the same music all over again WHOOO00000000oooooooo…..... :o
  20. jiros

    Banner request

    can someone make a banner for me? 650 x 140 , something cool with the big text "RPG Fanaticz.com" and small text "where the fanatics meet"
  21. I wish for a program just like the class editor but then for making Items and you can click unto the next item so it makes it way faster. oh yeah ;)
  22. I wish *claps his hands twice and laughes brightly* If a player kills someone a counter under/above the players name appears and counts the number of PKs he made. WOO000ooot …........
  23. I was just wondering before I go into playerhousing I want to knw something, if someone buys a house, is there a possibility he can create items in his house? are these rights the same as a mapper?
  24. I've never used paperdoll so I was just wandering does total eclipse (the most recent) have paperdoll installed?
  25. jiros


    I wish, *the lucky dude throws a coin in the gap* that I can make my skills and weapons elemental, like fire, blizzard, thunder, water ,dark and holy. 8) yeah dude, that would be awesome…
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