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Admiral Refuge

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Posts posted by Admiral Refuge

  1. @Anna:

    > Retail CS sucks. It's nothing but M4 whoring and headshots around corners.

    Don't say that D:
    I usually just use the scout/deagle, Toshiro headshots with that pea shooter (aka the tmp).  Only time I use the M4 is when there's someone hacking on the server, and needs to be killed.


    > Admiral… you are a dinosaur.

    Counter Strike is, and always will be, the best online FPS ever made!!!

    EDIT: Also, I tried to install joebot (was my fav bot growing up), but it broke in 2005, and there was never a fix for linux (who knew?), I may be forced to use podbot >_<
  2. Anyone else have CounterStrike 1.6?  It's one of the few FPSs I actually play, and it works flawlessly in Linux, under Wine (at least the nonsteam version).

    I usually play on the [[AOG] servers](http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/, but I'm actually trying to host a CounterStrike server of my own, the IP:port is:
    [oacs.no-ip.biz:27015](http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ (click for the gametracker page):

    I'm thinking about adding some bots (maybe one using a neural network?), so people can play with AIs, given my server can handle it (it's the same machine in my basement that runs lolflash.com).
  3. @hedgy:

    > Why didn't I ever heard about sopa before? >_< *keeps reading google results* I hate them already…
    > Edit:
    > ps> For who doesn't know, simply turn javascript off on your browser if you don't wanna go to the sopa page.

    And yet the shoutbox will be disabled in the process :(
  4. @Zonova:

    > Although i'm still hoping that Paul get's elected, how exactly will he be able to change anything? Won't he still need the approval of Congress for everything?

    The beauty of all this, is that Ron Paul would be able to do most of what he wants done (such as the balanced budget in three years), just using what authority he would have as President.
    For the military, that's an easy one.  The President is the commander-in-chief, and while it was an executive order that brought the troops in, it would be an executive order to bring them home.

    As for the reckless spending…  There's a reason they call Ron Paul "Dr. No" -- it's because he's infamous for voting "No" on anything unconstitutional, and I could see him cutting his trillion in spending by simply refusing to approve the bills that spend that money.  While a president needs to get congress's approval to spend money, it's a lot easier _not_ to spend money, considering it's the president that has the power to veto bills, and it's the president who ultimately signs off on budgets and other things that the congress wants to spend.
  5. I am posting my literal desktop:
    (click for full size)
  6. @Jungle:

    > And you're a pink elephant. Since you don't bring facts and back them up, neither will I.

    I decided to stop replying with proper rebuttals to DrNova in reply #125, though I should have stopped back in the year 2007, since he never actually replies to queries and responses, and just starts going into denial.

    Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
    DrNova, you just proved my point, but allow me to reply to you by quoting Jungle's response:

    > Nova, explain specifically what's wrong with his ideas besides complaining how extreme he is. Part of having an open mind is that we debate on specific issues versus the person at a whole. The first time I heard of Paul I thought he was an extremist, but after researching I've found that to be completely false and some of his supposed "extreme" ideas to actually be genius. Some of these issues being drugs, foreign affairs, and gay marriage (yes, I admit that I was once a brainwashed homophobe).
  7. @DrNova:

    > He wont get elected. Even if he runs against Obama.  And I'm thankful for that

    >MFW: Ron Paul is tied with Romney in electability against Obama
    >MFW: Ron Paul gets the highest percentage of independents voting for him
    >MFW: Ron Paul can easily destroy Obama in the general election if he wins the GOP Primary

  8. @Zonova:

    > Could someone tell me a bit about this Huntsman guy? I haven't heard much about him

    He's a guy that was polling in the 1% until the MSM created an artificial surge in an attempt to skew Paul's numbers in NH.  They (successfully) did same thing with Santorum in Iowa – it's why Paul got 3rd instead of 1st or 2nd.  The guy is Establishment, though.  Supports the bailouts, NDAA, and some other nasty stuff.
  9. @Jungle:

    > I believe that the Founding Fathers were actually against a party system, although I can't find a citation for that (sorry).

    I don't have any quotes, but if you read up on George Washington, he venomously opposed political parties, and gave quite a few warnings of them in his Farewell Address.


    > Oh–wait! We have that. It's called the Republicrat Party.

    Jefferson created the Democratic-Republican party. 

    Side note: If Jefferson was around today, I'm fairly certain he'd be a Libertarian and he would probably endorse Ron Paul.
  10. Maybe he's so popular among the people because our forefather's ideas – of limited government, individual liberty, sound money, civil rights, and of course peace, -- actually appeals to the masses over things like unconstitutional wars, TSA, the Federal Reserve, big government bailouts, wallstreet corporatism, etc.
  11. @Anna:

    > Yeah Santorum out of the blue was interesting.

    My only conclusion for the Santorum serge was the MSM pushing him in a last-ditch effort prevent Paul from getting second.  "Santorum is going to rise in the polls!" – and of course he did.

    We may actually see the same thing happen with Huntsmen on the 10th.

    EDIT: Interesting graph to take a look at:
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