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Admiral Refuge

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Everything posted by Admiral Refuge

  1. I decided to post random pictures of my dog, Sparky! He's a Papillon, and we may train him to agility(he lives up to his name!)… He likes to pose for the camera, every time I get it out he freaks out and starts jumping around; me to take his picture xP! He's a weird looking dog, but he is a VERY cute puppy! Here he is: * * * ![](http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/9241/cute1bp0.jpg) ![](http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/4679/cute2jf9.jpg) ![](http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/9541/cute3yp3.jpg) ![](http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/8157/cute4fr7.jpg) * * * Here's one of him at the beach(there's like… a levy, I picked him up and put him on the rocks): NOTE: This one is really big, because you need to be able to see his face, and you can't with it resized... srys, but to see it, just scroll down to the bottom of this post, and use the side-scrollers to center the picture... This beach one is one of the cutest pics on the world, so hope you can see his face xD) * * * ![](http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/5511/rock1vi0.jpg) * * * These next two, are when we dressed him in a suit(for dogs). Here is an example of when he poses for the camera(first pic): * * * ![](http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/8108/suit1ce3.jpg) ^I LOVE THAT ONE!^ ![](http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/8605/suit2bb3.jpg) * * * These next pics, are from Sparky's fashion show(yea, they actually have pet fashion shows lmao). He's got a leather jacket and Harley Davidson hat(the 2nd is my favorite one!): * * * ![](http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/7551/cool1zf9.jpg) ![](http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/6052/cool2jo3.jpg) ^THAT ONE PWNS!^ ![](http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/2713/cool3oo6.jpg) * * * This last one is Sparky at Christmas time! * * * ![](http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/2082/deervt9.jpg) * * * Well, that's it xD What'd you think?
  2. http://www.zompist.com/kit.html Let's all make Teh Eclipse World Langauge! :alkashi: PS: Can we get that one porn smily we had on the green forums back?
  3. Okay, wow! People are reading this topic? Umm… okays! I didn't want to go off topic in that anti-christ topic, so I moved my post here(with some more info too) Firstly, the Mayan calender points out December 21st, 2012 as doomsday. So far their calendar has been predicting things accurately, it even predicted the day(not just the year, but the day) that the Spanish would find the Mayans. At that date, the earth, the sun, and the black hole at the center of the milky way will be aligned... The Mayans think something bad will happen because of it. Scientists now said that when we pass the "equator" of the galaxy (on 2012, we will have passed the center of the galaxy), the earth's magnetic poles may shift, so the noth pole will be a the bottom. This will cause the earth to litterly "flip", thus causing, well... destruction... You can see it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pole_shift_theory But why will this happen? Well, imagine all this time (more then the past 120k years I think), everything in our solar system was on the "upper" half of the galaxy; it's not the fact that we are lining up to the black hole, but the fact that we are going to be "passing" that area, and our solar system will be crossing to the lower-half of our universe.... Because of this, the earth will start rotating in the opposite direction, and thus possibly changing the poles... A way to think of it, could be how water in a toilet in the northern hemisphere would flush a diff way than it would in the southern hemisphere -- that's what will happen to the earth xD * * * Next, is the I Ching; you can look up info on that if you want, but it's an old Chinese book that you can ask a question, and it will answer it, it lines up with pictures and stuff: ![](http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/iching.gif) Anyway, this one guy graphed it and put it to a timeline, and: ![](http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/tw0.jpg) Diff parts on the timeline, like the fall of rome, or hitler's rise to power, that's all where the graph spikes downward… Take a look at the end(it stops on December 21, 2012) * * * Another thing I saw about 2012, is that 433 Eros(very big astroid) will be passing very close to earth on January 31, 2012! More info on this here about other people that predicted 2012, but I didn't bother to post them, so yea.. here you go: http://www.aprogrammingpro.com/2008/03/04/december-21-2012-7-prophecies-of-doom/
  4. Did I get your attention? (the title has a subliminal msg in it!) ![](http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w133/Staticmojo/ironic.gif) ![](http://fastidio.noblogs.org/gallery/80/Supportlove.png) [![](http://warehouse.carlh.com/comic/theWAREHOUSE_comic_168.jpg)](http://warehouse.carlh.com/comic/theWAREHOUSE_comic_168.jpghttp://warehouse.carlh.com/comic/comic_168.php) ![](http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h273/Ex_shinra_soldier/faceplant3.gif) ![](http://www.ebaumsworld.com/2007/03/l33t_News.jpg) ![](http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w133/Staticmojo/IMissed.jpg) ![](http://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/bto/20080117/ShootingKitty1_540x405.jpg) ![](http://content.ytmnd.com/content/e/5/0/e5029c2d31509134c161cc6b57c639fb.jpg) [![](http://www.didntyouhear.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/illusion12.jpg) ^Take afew steps back from this one and take a stare at it!^ ![](http://www.funny-jokes.net/funny-pictures/imgs/21.jpg)](http://www.didntyouhear.com/2007/11/19/faces-can-hide-anywhere/) ^Look what these guys did to their door xP^
  5. Hmm… everyone makes a topic about their post count and stuff, so I did too.... ![](http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/7586/oookp7.png) …I got an evil post count :o
  6. ![](http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd179/FrogUploads/GIF%20Animations/nesslucas.gif) ^Frog's sig XD^
  7. Well, I have been thinking of a 100% custem game, and well… I'm going to make one(maybe?) I'm posting this to make the point that I was the one that thought of it, so well.. It's my idea(who would want it lol) The game name is Retarded Online. Everything will be custem and made with MS-paint, even the sound will be custem(and the music too!) The whole game is going to be extreamly retarded, and well... it's going to overall suck once it's done... The game may or may not be worth playing... As you get to higher level classes, your charater(which looks half-way decent when you start out) will get more and more retarded looking; the spells will be retarded looking, and well.. the overall game will be the most retarded thing you ever saw in your life... This is the game that will give Eclipse a bad name ;) * * * What do you think? * * * UPDATE(ish): Okay, I'm not making a WIP topic, because I'm not even going to really think about RO until summer… Now, I did draw(on paper, then traced it with mspaint) some sprites for 5 races: * Pwnt * Star * Line * Friz * Universe Don't comment on the names because I just thought of them now(took err… 2 seconds?).. Also, I want to let you know that THESE SPRITES SUCK! I suck at gfx, I'm telling you that now! Anyway, here are the sprites. I'm not making a whole sheet thing for each sprite, I'm just going to show you the default sprite (I did make walking animations, but they aren't worth looking at): Race, Universe: I only have one class for this done for this, but err... here: ![](http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/7792/upnoarmymi9.png). I have no idea what the universe race can do, or what he's useful for… If anyone has a good (retarded) idea on what "Universe" can do, lemmie know! * * * Race, Pwn: The Pwn race is all err… attackish... They are like, brute force and stuff... They don't use no crap like ranged weapons... These guys run right up to you and malee(not spelled right xP)... They will have one weapon though the whole game (it's stuck to them forever! Oh, and it doesn't run out of dura I guess either), and that weapon will level will them. This one has two walking animations, so when it walks, it will cycle between the two sprites I provided: * * * Class1(the races evolve to higher classes the higher lvls they get): ![](http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/4270/up11bj6.png) ![](http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/1991/up12ne6.png) * * * Class2: ![](http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/9369/up21dk4.png) ![](http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/5646/up22hx4.png)
  8. What about an Eclipse MMORPG? Like err… Not a community thing, but well.. Why don't the admins( U TEH NO WHO U R!!) make an eclipse game?
  9. Okay, every post I post it, the forums seem to get all stretched out… Is that happening to anyone else?(I think it may be my profile not sure) EDIT: I'm not sure if it's my profile anymore... Because the forums look stretched in general now...
  10. Well, I guess here we go…. I figure I've got nothing much to loose, so I thouoght I'd post this.... Firstly, I'd like to know if we can change "XD" to ![](http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/5867/xdlt3.gif) (I guess that would count under the smilies?) Okay, here to the real stuff…. I think the word "fuck" (fu-ck for those who can't see it) should be changed to "duck" like it was before... Cuz well, when it use to be "duck", that pwned and now, well.. "f**k" or w/e it is, isn't as pwnage... Hmm, I think there was another one, but I don't remember.... Yea, okay, that was it... just "fuck" to "duck" ![](http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/5867/xdlt3.gif)
  11. I was going to my fisrt class, it was about 12:30 PM and my front tire blew out about 8 dirving mins away from the college. I was a road where no stores or anything like that were around, just hills, so I looked in the back of my car, I had a tire, but no jack. Nobody answered the phones(I tried calling my mom and dad(who was on the road anyway)) and didn't get an answer…... So I locked up my car and started to walk to the college(I didn't want to get an absent) Well, I was in a tee shirt yet, and it started to snow and I started freezing, so I decided to turn back to the car(I was walking about a min). Then I sat by my car, trying to hitchhike a ride to the college (It was about 12:50, my class started at 1). When I wasn't sucsessfull hitchhiking(by 1:00), I figured I was going to miss my class, so I started trying to wave people down driving by. I mean, the road was pretty croweded, with 30 some cars passing me most of the time, so I tried to wave EVERY ONE OF THEM down, and nobody stopped(all I needed was a jack!). By this time it was snowing pretty hard, I was still in a tee shirt, and nobody was stoping to help me... I was able to get in touch with my mom about 2:00 or so(yea, an hour later *sigh*). She came with a jack, but since the car was on a hill, it kept falling over everytime we jacked it up, and on top of that, one of the bolts for the tire were stuck! So I finally was able to get in touch with my dad, and he drove from NJ(another hour and a half wait). Once he got there, he was able to change the tire(with all the high-tech car-stealing stuff he has for his car carrior job), but it took awhile... Once everything was done, we were in about an inch of snow(me with a tee shirt still, no coat), no heat(the car was almost out of gas, most of the time I had to wait in my dad's truck), and well... I was pretty pissed at this time... Anyway, once it was done, it was about 4:50 or so. Afterwords, we put the spare on, filled it up with air, and I drove to the college to write a note to my professor to explain what happened. I get to the college, write the letter, take about a half hour to relax(and treat my mom to dinner at the cantina), and then she gets in the minivan, I get in my car, and I head home... The road I needed to drive on to get home, is a narrow, 2-lane road(two way traffic, and no passing) with ALOT of curves... The road is like heack to drive on during the day in good condictions... At that time, it was icy and snow-covered. I was driving about 10-15 mph on that road, when the guy behind me started flashing his high beems and beeping his horn and all at me the entire 2-mile streatch. Once we got on the main road, he floored up next to me, looked at me and gave me the finger, then drove off in his little sports car, so I drove up to him, rolled down my window, he was looking at me.. .And I gave him the happyiest thumps up I could give... big smile and everything. He looked shocked, started yelling at me(his window was up, so I didn't hear him), and he ended up crashing into the person in front of him... I couldn't stop laiughing at that.. I loved it.. it was the only relitivly good part of the day... Anyway, I got gas for the car and got home (about 7ish)...... .That's when I realized I forgot my backpac in the mail room, so I was going to drive back to the college, that's when I realized that the spare had a leak in it, and the air was almost gone in that tire. So I had to drive the minivan in a snow storm back up that dang road... I got to the college, just to find that the mailroom was closed, and I couldn't see my backpac (The mailroom wasn't suppose to close for another 10 mins though)... So at this point I was at the verdge of flipping out because I had some important assingments due that I was going to do yesteday, and I couldn't even do them that night, because everyhing I needed was in the backpac. I slowly drove home, went outside the car, slipped in the ice, and fell flat on my face in the front-snowcovered yard.... That's when I flipped out... I layed there with my face in the snow for about 5 mins or so, then I got up, soaking wet, and saw my wallet on the floor.... so I picked it up, threw it somewhere, ran inside and started screming my head off...
  12. Well, who here knows what happened to linux?(or unix? One of them… I'm just going to say "linux") Simply put, linux was an operating system, then it went open source... Now we got millions of distributions of linux all over the world! Hmm... Eclipse was an mmorpg maker, then it went open source... Now we are going to get millions of versions of eclipse floating around the web.... Let's see... How many versions do we have now? TE, EE1, EE2, EF, plus all the modded sources floating around...
  13. EDIT: I think the IRC may be down… Here is a temp chatroom: http://www.chatzy.com/856975018113 Everyone, sticky vote this! * * * Eclipse DOES have an IRC chat channel; the server is irc://irc.rizon.net and the channel is #eclipseengine! * * * Now that this is out of the way, here is a small guide on how to USE Eclipse's IRC chat… First off, what exactly is IRC? IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat, and is one of the oldest versions of internet chatting, but it is still used by millions of users. Now, this guide will explain how to get an IRC client, and connect to Eclipse's IRC chat room. 1) You need a client - [Some clients cost money, and some are harder to use then others; I would suggest you use [url=http://www.icechat.net/site/]**IceChat**. And for the guide, I will be assuming you used IceChat. So just download and install IceChat, and then go to step 2. Next, there are two ways you can do this, the short way, or the long way. **Short way:** 2a) irc://irc.rizon.net/eclipseengine You copy and paste that link after installing IceChat into your address bar; it should take you to the room. **Long Way** If the short way doesn't work, try this way: 2b) Run the client, and add Eclipse's server - This is the easy part. Once you run IceChat, just click "Add New" under "Favorite Servers". A Server Wizard should come up, here is what you put where: _Server Name: irc://irc.rizon.net_ _Port Number: 6667(default)_ _Channels: #eclipseengine_ _Nick Name: Add your nick name(don't have spaces, instead have "_")_ _Server commands: You can if you want, put: "/join #eclipseengine" to have the server join that channel whenever you connect._ After you are done the wizard, you can also right-click the new server you just added, and click "Edit Server" to get more options you can do with that server. 3) Connecting to the server and joining channel - This isn't as hard as you think. In the "Favorite Servers" you just right-click on "_irc://irc.rizon.net_" and select "Connect" After the server connected, you just need to connect to the channel. To do this, just type in the text box: "/join #eclipseengine" and hit "enter" You should join the eclipse engine, and you should be connected to the chat room. After that, you just have fun and chat! * * * Useful info: Here are some IRC commands that you may find useful: http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html Here is how to "register" your IRC nickname: http://www.wyldryde.org/commands/nickserv.php * * *
  14. Well, remember that bone topic? This isn't exactly like that, but I thought I'd post this… It's more effent to post this, then to send an email to all the admins... Also, Rishabh Jain can see this post too, and maybe will stop... Rishabh Jain has been flooding the same question about three or four differnt times... I have some quotes too, here: * * * Rishabh Jain asking how to convert in different topics * * * @Rishabh: > i just started converting my TE maps into EE using Eclipse Convertor. It has converted all the maps but the problem is that when i open the server it says Subscript out of Range Run time error 9 Never got the answer, so he/she posted this later that day: @Rishabh: > Right now I am using TE and I want to know if it is possible to convert all my TE data in EE 2.6 or which will be the best EE version. ? Is t only possible using map convertor ? Then, the next day, this was posted: @Rishabh: > Hey right now i m using TE and i hve heard that EE has more features and is more stable. now i wnt to know how can we convert all the TE data into EE data and which will be the best version of EE in terms of Features and stability. I m sorry that i hve to post this again as the other topic was not getting much attention. Then, @Rishabh: > i wanted to convert my TE maps in my EE as u all know that TE is outdated. I used that Eclipse Convertor to convert all the map data on server side. It converted all the maps but the problem is that when i open the server, while loading it stops abruptly and says RTE 9 Subscript out of range. > Note: I m going to use EE 2.6. * * * Here Rishabh Jain is asking for what version of eclipse should be used * * * @Rishabh: > now I really want to know which is the best EE version. I m not talking about source. I really wnt to transfer my TE files into EE and so i wnt a version which is the most stable one. And again, @Rishabh: > which one is better ? - > 1\. EE 2.5 > 2\. EE 2.6 > 3\. EF > i wnt to know which one has more features. * * * Before that, Jain needed a paperdoll sheet aligned… So he posted this * * * @Rishabh: > Can someone give me a well aligned paperdoll. If needed I will also post my items.bmp file so that someone can align them. Then the next day, this was posted, @Rishabh: > plz can someone align the attached paperdoll ? I didn't understood anything in PD alignment tutorials and also i m not good in paperdolling. also the files attached in them are sprites.bmp , items.bmp. i hope someone will surely help me. Then, the next day, this was posted, @Rishabh: > there's a topic that i have posted in paperdoll questions board but i know that it's very rare to see anyone going in that message board so I decided to post the link of that topic here - http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,23180.0.html > plz someone help me i cant align them at all. I m using TE 4.10 items sheet in my TE 1.0\. i hope someone will help me surely * * * Rishabh Jain also wanted to know if there was a way to have different genders * * * @Rishabh: > Is there any way to classify any item in two different genders. I mean for ex a cloth only for female or a weapon only for male? OMG plz reply quickly. Didn't get an answer, so Jain asked again in the same board, @Rishabh: > how can i have an item only for a certain gender ? * * * Rishabh Jain also wanted to figure out how to copy and paste sprites * * * @Rishabh: > thnks for the link. but can u tell me how to copy a particular sprite sheet in my original sprite.bmp ? then, about a half hour later, @Rishabh: > can someone tell me if there is any way to paste a certain set of sprites > into my default sprite sheet ? * * * I'm getting sick of people doing things like this! Is a post count really that important? I'm sure there are more members doing this if you look for 'em!
  15. Err… did I miss something? Darius(aka Cyrus, aka Virus, aka local forum spammer, aka...err... his other aliases) deleted his account... I went to his forums, and he's active there, but...err... What'd I miss?
  16. http://www.meetthespartans.com/
  17. I would like to request a change in the [**Official General Rules + Board Rules**](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,12941.0.html). Section 9 reads: _9\. No necroposting Necro posting is not allowed. Leave old topics alone. Necroposting is only allowed if you're the poster or a moderator or an administrator. Necroposting is posting in a topic which is older then 2 months._ What should be changed: I think Necroposting should be allowed in the following boards: Tutorials Active Game's Beta Testing ? Work in Progress ? Game Design **Scripting Database** Scripting Tutorials Old Scripts Gui Tutorials Resources Paperdoll Tutorials Paperdoll Sheets Download source(codes/tutorials) Programming Tutorials Scripting Tutorials How should it be changed? Either in section 9 it be changed, or under "Board Rules", it should state that necroposting is allowed in that perticuler board, eg: * * * Board Rules Tutorials/Scripting Tutorials/GUI Tutorials/Paperdoll Tutorials/TE Source Codes-Tutorials/Visual Basic Tutorials You should post clear explained tutorials. Use spell check to make it clear enough. Use screenshots to show things and show how to use it. Only tutorials are allowed except for TE Source Codes/Tutorial there are also codes allowed. Necroposting is allowed in this board. * * * Notice the "Necroposting is allowed in this board" posted at the end… Maybe something like that on the topics I've named above. My argument: The posts in these boards DO NOT EXPIRE! A TE script that is posted in the "Scripting Database" will be just as used wheather it was posted a year ago or a day ago... Same with the tutorials and the other topics in the boards I listed above... Let me explain: **Tutorials** In this board, people will be posting their tutorials… If you look at some two-year-old topics in the board, you will some topics still usefull... I even found some reasons to necropost on some of them topics([this one comes to mind](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,4850.0.html)) **Active Game's** In this board, the currently active games are posted here… I don't think I need to explain why topics in this board don't expire because (usually) the games listed in these topics are still active! **Beta Testing ?** I put a "?" after this one, because I'm not entirely sure if necroposting should be allowed in that board, because the posts do expire in this one **Work in Progress ?** I put a "?" after this one, because I'm not entirely sure if necroposting should be allowed in that board, because the posts do expire in this one **Game Design** This is another board will the posts don't expire… [**Look at this topic!**](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,15177.0.html)(yes, I picked a old topic on the second page, but really though.. It doesn't expire) I don't see why [http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,20201.0.html]**this topic**](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,20201.0.html) wouldn't of expired yet… I see people **Scripting Database** If you look in this board, you will find that all the topics are either currently just as useful as they were when first posted, or just as ill-useful as they where when first posted… I have seen SO many necroposts in this board, and I think they should have every right to necropost here... Look at [**this topic!**](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,13465.0.html)! I think that was a useful necropost! [**I also think this was a useful necropost!**](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,7526.msg192262.html#msg192262) **Scripting Tutorials** As I said above, tutorials do not expire **Old Scripts** This one is not needed, but I do see people necroposting asking for help and stuff like that in this board **Gui Tutorials** As I said above, tutorials do not expire **Resources** Once again, the topics in this board do not expire either.. [**I'm still using this as a good resource**](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,2984.0.html) and [**I may be using this for my game!**](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,2119.0.html)! Do I need to go though why in the other topics, necroposting should be allowed too? If you want, I can(i'd rather not, it's just posting the obvious)… * * * My Summery: Well, that's about it.. I really hope an admin sees this and will help me out abit, because memebers will continue to necropost in these boards(and I think they should have every right to), and God will continue to kill kittens… :'( ![](http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/2192/necropostwm3.png)
  18. Okay, has anyone ever heard of a Binary Firewall?(I don't think this deems the right to be in the questions area)… I googled it, but didn't find much -- I know it exists, but what is it? EDIT: Any ideas?
  19. Okay guys, I want you to watch these in order… Here's Fox News' report on the underground hacking group: Anonymous http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNO6G4ApJQY Next, Anonymous responded to Fox News' report: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFjU8bZR19A After you watch those two, you may want to see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qga4QuSYpMQ * * * So, comments anyone?
  20. Okay, I need a new design for my website: [www.tevlar.net](http://www.tevlar.net). There's afew things I could do; I could use a premade template and optimize it, I could keep TevLar's current template, or I can talk to my friends in website design and see what they can do… I looked though about 1000 templates for a good design for TevLar, so here are the designs: [**First Design**](http://www.tevlar.net/testlar/site1/) I like the first design… Please note that if I use this one, I will still have the menu-bar at the top with the links(I'll add them myself) [**Second Design**](http://www.tevlar.net/testlar/site2/) This one is okay… It was worth adding to this list, but yea... It's just okay in my opinion... [**Thired Design**](http://www.tevlar.net/testlar/site3/) This is my favorite one… It will be very good for the news database area too... If I use this one, there won't be a "login" area, and afew of those tables will be replaced with google ads xD... Now, if I get a template, I'm going to have my friends in website design to help me optimize it, make it abit better... If I don't get a template, and seek their help in general (for them to make a new template from scratch) then I'll talk to them first and see what they can do.... * * * So, anyone?
  21. _nothing of value here_
  22. I was at the flee market today, and there were these people that were selling some old books… They said that the books belonged to this 90 year old man who collected this pretty big library of books... There was alot of beat up looking books there; they said they would get the rest out tomorrow... Anyway, they are selling all the books for $5, so I bought three 200 some year old books... Anyway, one of them (written in 1838) is worth about $80, and another one, The Arabian Nights' Entertainments(written in 1811) is worth $5,500! I bought it for 5! I'm going back there tomorrow and seeing what other books they have!
  23. It's been abit since I requested a resource… Anyway... I need some tilesets that are above ground view but directly overhead... Here's an example: ![](http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/2002/abvup0.jpg) Does anyone know what I mean?
  24. *Sticky plz* Okay, people are asking for this, mainly in [**This topic**](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/index.php/topic,1076.0.html). Well, I was able to find the 32x64 AND 32x32 sprite converter on one of my archives on my computer, so I uploaded it…. I take no credit for this, I just found the stuff and re-uploaded it... But though, a +member rating would be nice 8) What this does, is turn RPGM(and RPGMXP) and charas formatted sprites into eclipse format sprites Hope this helps all you people... Well, here you go(uploaded with post)
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ect–e3fWyk Watch the whole thing, tell me what you think xD
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