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Everything posted by balgus

  1. Yea that's what I figured! Do you know if the roof system for 2.0 is compatible with the latest release?
  2. Hey guys, I was wondering if I should even bother attempting this before I dive in. Essentially what I would like to do is create a room on top of a room. So I was thinking that I would start by having a new map layer that either dissapears or doesn't based on a new variable that could be trigger from a new map attribute. Now also player collision/visibility and whether or not ppl can be attacked would need to be affected as well. So am I crazy or is this not even worth it? Thanks!
  3. Im attempting to make real time blocking as in while you are holding down a button, in my case i used alt, you can block attacks. So what i did was tweak the canplayerblock function and run that when you press alt. I got all that working except once you hit alt it doesnt stop blocking even if you let go of it. Anyone know what the problem is and possibly guide me down the right path?
  4. Would someone be willing to explain how exactly those numbers are calculated?
  5. I recently started reworking on this dbz game i started last year, and i put together a little promo with most of the current features. Here's the link: [http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Enxk4CLgfmQ](http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Enxk4CLgfmQ) So anyway i was just wondering if i finished this up, would anyone actually be willing to give it a try?
  6. I was wondering if at the very least getting some decent walking animations were somewhere on the horizon? But since this is a wish, id also love to see some animations for attacking.
  7. balgus

    3 wishes :)

    1) Master control to remove any text that floats above a player in data.ini or ateast to edit it. 2) 64x64 or bigger sprites/paperdoll 3) More animation options for the sprites, like seperate sheet for attacks and one for walking etc.
  8. taking off names and hp bars would be cool..soemthing like names=0 or 1 in data.ini
  9. are they suppsoe to run if youre warped onto one? if so i cant get it working.
  10. You know what would be cool, being able to call forth animations from a sheet. I guess they would be the same size as the player sprites or perhaps a little bigger which then can be used in scripting. So you would have them lined up so you could call the animations same way you would sprites or whatnot. call animation(index, 3) and this could replace your sprite for the entire animation. This way you could have real attack animations and spell casting animations and stuff.
  11. could anyone give me a detailed explanation on how to get it working please?
  12. balgus

    Scripted item help

    i cant seem to get scripted items to work in the beta, any idea whatmight be wrong?
  13. balgus

    Sprite colors

    When i try and put my own sprites in the sprite file the colors always get slightly warped. how can i make it this doesnt happen?
  14. is there some way to get an atleast 64x64 image and/or sprite to get called to the map?
  15. balgus


    is there any way to assign /commands to a key?
  16. anyone know how to rip sound effects off of snes roms?
  17. balgus

    Larger spells?

    is it possible to make the spell sprites bigger?
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