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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Well to put it simply, I got an iPod color for Christmas but only recently been using it. Today I downloaded two of my favorite South Park episodes and I realized something. The iPod, although pricey, is like a Swiss Army knife of media players. Audio, video, pictures, subscribed media, it has it all. And with 30GB of space, it can hold whatever you want. An iPod color is like haveing a Tivo in your pocket. Sorry if I gushed a little, but being able to watch what I want, where I want, when I want is good.
  2. I found a client to an old PW game called Final Fantasy Life and sence it died and I can use the GFX, would anyone want to play? Now the graphics are in low-rez 8 bit (think FF1) but I feel they have some charm to them. Well I'd only make the game if people would play. I have a good uptime (not 24/7) server and nothing better to do. And yes it would be remade in Eclipse.
  3. Alex

    Tile Ripping

    Anyone know of any programs that you can use to rip tiles from a GBA or SNES ROM?
  4. Alex

    School of Eclipse

    I was thinking about making something like an online school for Eclipse. It could contain basic tutorials and advanced things such as scripting. If I did such a thing, who would help out?
  5. We need a set of basic rules for this forum and we need them posted so we know what they are.
  6. Alex

    Look then ask

    Please look in the tutorial section and the question section BEFORE you ask a question. Your question might have already been asked or answered.
  7. Alex

    Ragnarok Online

    Does anyone here play it or are interested in playing it? If you are, I might be able to set us up with a free private server for eclipse. If enough people want to play, then I will set it up.
  8. Alex

    This must be said

    I originaly came to Eclipse from the PW forums, where I met Marsh and triend Eclipse 1.0 . It's been almost a year sence I frist found PW and it STILL hasn't updated. Hmmmm, PW with no update in almost a year and is still on V 1.4.2 Eclipse is now on V 4.5 going on v 5.0 Eclipse features > PW features Whose better now Kael.
  9. Alex

    A Vote

    Who do you think would be a good new mod? You must have someone else nominate you to get in the race. You can vote once, but for many people. I nominate Alanspike Entries: Alanspike: 2 Alex: 3 Tayuke: 1
  10. Alex


    I have an idea. I've been studing C++ and was thinging of making a isometric (Or maybe 3d) version of Eclipse. If I made this, who would use it?
  11. Alex

    My sprite

    So what do you all think? ![](http://www.kaosfile.com/kaosimage/users/AHR/Untitled-1.png) x/5
  12. Alex

    Dr Who

    Who saw it? I thought it was fucking brilliant. What do you think?
  13. Alex

    Learning VB

    Hey, where do you learn VB?
  14. What do you like? Scrolling or non-scrolling maps?
  15. Alex

    Alex's Map

    [![](http://img111.imageshack.us/img111/3117/screenshot09to.png)](http://imageshack.us) So, what do you think? It's supposed to be an entrance to an old temple.
  16. Yeah, this is my gaming site. You can submit reviews and thier is a working forum. I'm going to be adding alot of stuff in the near future. [www.martin-county.com/game](www.martin-county.com/game) Please join. I'm also working on a comic, so expect that up some time soon.
  17. Alex


    I find it quite ironic that the day after my internet/router problems, illwillpress comes out with a new Tech Support flash.
  18. Do not use a 192.168.0.x IP, it is your computer's internal IP, meaning only you can connect to it. Go to www.ipchicken.com and you that IP.
  19. Here's the story: My Linksys router plain sucks great big donkey balls. It's impossiable to port forward or tirgger ports on it, it keeps me from plaing almost every good game and slows the crap out my downloads. It keeps disconnecting and wont allow any additional wireless connection so I cant use my PSP's browser. In short, it f*cking sucks. What I want to do about it: Go to the Linksys Headquarters with my chainsaw and hockey mask.
  20. Alex

    Who would win?

    Who would win in a fight between Metroid 1 Samus or Megaman 1 Megaman? Both are fully upgraded ans thier is no cover in the terrain. Megaman can kill a human in this battle. Post your reasons on who do you think would win.
  21. These are alot of tilesets you can use in your games. They're already aranged in the correct format. [http://www.rmxp.net/resources/rmxp/Graphics/Tilesets/](http://www.rmxp.net/resources/rmxp/Graphics/Tilesets/) [http://www.phanxgames.com/resources/index.php?cat=3](http://www.phanxgames.com/resources/index.php?cat=3)
  22. That right, I'm giving away my four cat girls to whoever can make the best sig.
  23. Alright, I'm tired of seening people going "I R makng game plz hlp :P" or "PLEZE PLAY MY GAME" and then they wonder why no one helps out or plays. So inorder to help out some of the population of Eclipse, I will tell you how to make a good Help Wanted/Advertising post. –---------------------------------------- Part One The Post Skeleton (For those who want a fill-in-the-blanks post) ------------------------------------------ Game Name (Come up with something good) - Description (If you cant come up with 4 long sentences, then dont even bother with a game) - Story (If long, just give a small part of it) - Screenshots (A must have) - Website (If you dont have one, get one NOW) - Positions needed to be filled (If you have any)- Contact Info (Not needed, but very useful)- ------------------------------------------ Part Two Making your game look good ------------------------------------------ Section One: The Game Name Ok, this is a major area that most people screw up on. The fisrt thing most potential helpers/players will see is your game's name and if it sucks, then they wont look. Fix: Use a diffrent language (Latin works great) Come up with a unique name Advoid: Useing Age/World/Land of *Something* Copyrighted names Section Two: The Description/Story Simple rule: If you cant write a good size paragraph about your game, work on your concept. Fixes: Have a unique idea Use good gramar and descriptive language Advoid: Vauge description Over used ideas Section Three: Screenshots and websites Screenshots; they let people see what your game looks like. You'll have more people interested in your game if you have screenshots Websites, a good website shows you are commited to your game. A fourm on your site allows you to keep in touch with the masses. A download link makes your game open to the masses. Freewebs is good if you dont know html, but for the love of god, DON'T USE FREEWEBS TO HOST DOWNLOADS!!! Dot.tk is good if you want a free domain name, but some borwsers dont support it. ------------------------------------------ Part Three Resources. ------------------------------------------ Tilesets and nonpaperdoll items [http://www.phanxgames.com/resources/index.php?cat=3](http://www.phanxgames.com/resources/index.php?cat=3) Sprite Generater (Must be resized and aligned) [http://charas-project.net/charas_ex.php?lang=en](http://charas-project.net/charas_ex.php?lang=en)
  24. Alex

    My GUI

    Removed to protect them. How do you like? No you can not use these in your game
  25. This webpage pretty much says it all. http://www.danishmuhammedcartoons.com/Apology.html
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