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Everything posted by Sauros

  1. First, you couldn't properly use this in Eclipse but its a nice start @Harris: > Install Windows. Also, if your going to give him advice, be more descriptive other than 'Install windows'
  2. Sauros


    He didn't make them, he customized them, don't get all sassy guys it's not worth it. He is just giving to the community. He credited where it was needed he hasn't done anything wrong.
  3. Sauros

    Name Game

    You are mad I Can tell ![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Gq9DeS_SMYk/TcC6C5WSnrI/AAAAAAAAAxs/ei9RsbM9cZ4/s1600/barack-obama-funny-faces.jpg)
  4. Sauros

    Name Game

    You are lame I am smart ![](http://badassness.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/epicmealtime-568x304.jpg)
  5. Sauros

    Name Game

    You are IcutMyself I am Skeletor ![](http://johnnyism.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/skeletor.jpg?w=354&h=256)
  6. Sauros

    Name Game

    You are Mcdonald's Employee I am Burger king Manager
  7. Sauros

    Name Game

    you are LeonardoDecaprio.PNG I am Sauros.Sau
  8. Sauros

    Name Game

    ^ You are stupid I am dog
  9. Sauros

    Name Game

    You are Jewish I am Hitler
  10. Sauros

    Name Game

    You are Smore.tiff I am Sauros.psd
  11. Sauros

    Name Game

    you are NOT stu….Dog I am stu....Dog
  12. Sauros

    Name Game

    You are nobody I am too
  13. Sauros

    Name Game

    You are stupid I am Sparta
  14. Sauros

    Name Game

    You are stupid I am dog
  15. Sauros

    Name Game

    You are stupid I am dog
  16. Sauros

    Name Game

    You are stupid I am dog
  17. Sauros

    Name Game

    You are stupid I am dog
  18. Sauros

    Npc Question

    Easier said than done my friend, id rather ask someone to look over it for me, than me fucking it up more.
  19. Sauros

    Npc Question

    I can't, I have a modded EO And cant replace most of it. -.- read the first post.
  20. Sauros

    Npc Question

    Very sorry for Triple post but im going to bring this topic back up because i obviously have not solved it. Apparently my modCombat is broken of the sort. If anyone could take the time to look over it for me would be great.
  21. YAY! i fixed it :D forgot i accidentally deleted some old friend code and forgot to delete them on server as well. Thanks much Robin :P
  22. I'm Having a problem with this skill system. It gives me an Subscript of out range error here but i dont know how to fix it: Public Sub WriteBytes(ByRef nByte() As Byte) Dim nLength As Long nLength = (UBound(nByte) - LBound(nByte)) + 1 If WriteHead + nLength - 1 > BufferSize Then Allocate nLength CopyMemory Buffer(WriteHead), nByte(0), nLength WriteHead = WriteHead + nLength End Sub
  23. I get this Error alot, mostly after adding The pet system into EO. i have an edited Version of EO 2.0\. I think the problem is theres no room left, but im not sure. Could anyone help me with this problem?
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