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Everything posted by namine207

  1. Thanks a lot! Only for some reason when I try to make the file into the server.exe it comes up with an error that says 'compile error: User-defined type not defined'. And it says this part of the frmServer.frm is wrong: Private Sub lvwInfo_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader Also, when I open the client and try to edit codes on it, nothing comes up. It's just the client.vbp file. Sorry for all the questions but I really appreciate the help. I'm new to all this stuff.
  2. For some reason it isn't working at all… The game just runs normally and there isn't any change after editing the files. Also, where do I put the code for frmMain? There are only two files I can edit that are labeled frmMain, but one's not even for codes and just has text in it. The other is for codes but keeps bringing up a picture of the game's layout. I tried putting the code in the frmMain with text in it, but that doesn't work either. None of the codes do anything for some reason... What should I do? Please reply and thanks for posting the code. Even if it isn't working for me. You definitely put a lot of effort into it.
  3. Is it possible to have the client look for about three different servers and connect to the one that works at the moment? Thanks, Nami
  4. Hello, I was wondering. If I am an admin in-game but I don't have direct access to the server to change admins, is there a way that I can make another player an admin? Also, is there any way to run the Eclipse client on a Mac? (Under either Wine or Crossover?) Thanks, Nami EDIT: Found out how to do #1 (Changing number to 2)
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