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  1. Is there any way to change the speed some NPC's move?
  2. @Athagekin: > What is it highlighting? I stated it was the line surrounded by the asterisks. @Captain: > Change > ``` > (GetPlayerClass(TempPlayer(i)) = 1) > ```to > ``` > (GetPlayerClass(i) = 1) > ``` That worked perfect, thank you.
  3. Edit: Spelling. Hello. I just downloaded Eclipse Origins and VB6 a few days ago and I am still trying my best to learn the code. I am trying to make it so that if the player is a warrior, (the first class in my game), they get their health regeneration back at half of what it usually is. When I compile it, there is an error "Type Mismatch" on the line that the asterisks are surrounding. Here is my code: (it is in modServerLoop server side) Private Sub UpdatePlayerVitals() Dim i As Long For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex If IsPlaying(i) Then ******************************************************************************** If (Not TempPlayer(i).stopRegen) Or (GetPlayerClass(TempPlayer(i)) = 1) Then ******************************************************************************** If GetPlayerVital(i, Vitals.HP) GetPlayerMaxVital(i, Vitals.HP) Then ' Slow health regen in combat if warrior If GetPlayerClass(TempPlayer(i)) = 1 Then Call SetPlayerVital(i, Vitals.HP, GetPlayerVital(i, Vitals.HP) + (GetPlayerVitalRegen(i, Vitals.HP) / 2)) Else Call SetPlayerVital(i, Vitals.HP, GetPlayerVital(i, Vitals.HP) + GetPlayerVitalRegen(i, Vitals.HP)) End If Call SendVital(i, Vitals.HP) ' send vitals to party if in one If TempPlayer(i).inParty > 0 Then SendPartyVitals TempPlayer(i).inParty, i End If If GetPlayerVital(i, Vitals.MP) GetPlayerMaxVital(i, Vitals.MP) Then If Not TempPlayer(i).stopRegen Then Call SetPlayerVital(i, Vitals.MP, GetPlayerVital(i, Vitals.MP) + GetPlayerVitalRegen(i, Vitals.MP)) Call SendVital(i, Vitals.MP) ' send vitals to party if in one If TempPlayer(i).inParty > 0 Then SendPartyVitals TempPlayer(i).inParty, i End If End If End If ' Slow mana regen in combat If TempPlayer(i).stopRegen Then If GetPlayerVital(i, Vitals.MP) GetPlayerMaxVital(i, Vitals.MP) Then Call SetPlayerVital(i, Vitals.MP, GetPlayerVital(i, Vitals.MP) + (GetPlayerVitalRegen(i, Vitals.MP) / 2)) Call SendVital(i, Vitals.MP) ' send vitals to party if in one If TempPlayer(i).inParty > 0 Then SendPartyVitals TempPlayer(i).inParty, i End If End If ' /Regens End If Next End Sub
  4. where can i find a good tutorial for eclipse origins to make npcs drop more than 1 item i heard about Derricks tutorial but i cant find it.
  5. im getting some runtime error.. "Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range" it happens when i hit end to open up my questlog
  6. oh i figured it out, i just dragged the folders from the src folder into visual basic's project explorer now it all works fine.
  7. theres no errors. In the project explorer there are NOT any folders called forms modules or classes. when i open client, there ARE folders there. everything works fine when i run the server and edit the map and stuff i just cant open the server source code in visual basic 6
  8. i open server.vbp but all i see is a gray screen what do i do now? edit: i can open client.vbp and view the source code for that on the right side but server i cant
  9. hey, im new but im picking this up quick, just one problem how do you change your starting hp/mp? also how do you change exp needed to levelup?
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