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Everything posted by Annahstas

  1. But I did portforward and it says my port is open.
  2. So even though the works for me I have to get another IP?
  3. I like the shade of orangish-peach.
  4. @Robin: > Release it as a tutorial you cheap bastard. This shit isn't worth a single penny. I love you Robin. Sometimes your serious humor makes me cry out in laughter.
  5. Annahstas

    Chat box?

    @Soul: > Well, [there is this](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=69494.0). It's not complete, and you'll have to find out hoe to render the actual box yourself. I was reading this and fell over laughing at "how" well it went together with the sentence.
  6. OMG, it worked. I feel so stupid. Thank you Kreator. Also, one more question dear. Even though I use other people will be able to play my game when I .zip it up and send it out correct? Or do I need to put my ip in it?
  7. Ok, I have done the following: - I have port forwarded Correctly - I have let it through my firewall - I am using the 7001 Port like I should. I have downloaded everything like I need to. I even checked to see if my port was open and it is. Also yes, my server is online. But I continue to get this message: ![](http://i43.tinypic.com/29eslzs.jpg) >! My server keeps doing this as well: >! ![](http://i44.tinypic.com/4v5mib.jpg) >! I even tried doing this: >! [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,78406.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,78406.0.html) >! But I have 2wire router. A 2701 HG-B from AT&T. Which I followed the instructions from Robins tutorial from the portforwarding link. >! I have been through this several times but I want to figure out my problem instead of having to open it through VB6 to get into game. Any help would be appreciated! I have Teamviewer, skype, and MSN! So any information as to how to help me asap would be nice! Thank you ^^
  8. When the sprite walks side ways it reminds me of a pig and it makes me slightly happy. ^^
  9. You know google is your best friend guys. ^^ https://www.google.com/webhp?rlz=1C1AFAB_enUS452US452&sourceid=chrome-instant&ix=sea&ie=UTF-8&ion=1#hl=en&rlz=1C1AFAB_enUS452US452&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=rmxp%20tile%20sets&pbx=1&oq=&aq=&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&fp=277de88f3b68c9dc&ix=sea&ion=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=621 There did it for you ^^
  10. @SuperSake: > …I'm done here. > > Also, your post says "Pokemon Mystery Dung...", when it's the last post on the Talent Centre board. Here. Stop trying to act like you know everything.
  11. Annahstas


    You can use it as a unisex? http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/22121/t683606-spriting-tutorial-updated-beware-56k-users-lots-of-images/6.htm
  12. @Robin: > No. If you're sending packets then you've done something completely wrong. Hell, if you need to upload your source code at all you're doing something seriously wrong. > > That is literally the single line of code you need. Ah I just love Robin. ^^ Anyway's like he said why can't you just put the sorce code here like everyone else does in a spoiler or code document? People don't like to upload code, could be full of viruses and media fire is one bad egg.
  13. @Ep5i10n: > dead linik ' Yup the link is dead? Do you have another link for us to see?
  14. Very beautiful. I like the dragon statues.
  15. I responded to you about being part of your team. ^^
  16. 1.) Everyone here has been very rude except Captain Wabbit and a few others. 2.) Obviously, 100 items for $5.00 is not bad. 3.) His pixel art may not be the best, but, so far he is one of the few to actually try to make pixel art. Also, it is better than a lot of pixel art I have seen on here. 4.) Mr. Sean, you’re a nice guy! Why be mean? Because everyone else is? 5.) Also Santa dear, you may want to get more known around here like they suggest before they start paying for something and wind up not getting it? We all just take precautions around here because we know how "Brutal" everyone can be here. We don't like to get cheated on things we work hard for. Your art work isn't bad but what probably made them all mad is that you said you only made those in 3-20 seconds. There is no logical way with computers being slow, some graphical design programs delaying a bit, and the fact that you had to draw each one and color them. There is no possible way. I am not saying your pixel art is bad but, you may need to shade and add more detail to them. Because so far what I see is brilliant. Now don't let this get to your head, you must work harder for you want. You just can't expect people to hand over cash for "3-20 second" art work. It takes more time to perfect a skill. I hope this helped you. ^^ Also a good way to get known here is to put up a few pieces of free pixel art in bundles for people. So they can try it out on their sprites and in their game.
  17. So far I think it looks good. You just need to make it look a bit more neater and more people will be barking up your tree. In other words, if you would ever like to code for me I could trade you some pixel art in return if you were up for it. Just message me if you do. Good job though. ^^
  18. It sounds like you are copying a game I have played once. When I find it I will post it here so you can see the exact similarities your game possesses against this game. Over all though it does seem like it would be a nice game, it looks good so far though. Just make sure you credit the right people! Keep up the good work.
  19. Tonight. Around 11pm my time. Which it is 1:20pm right now.
  20. Here in the near future I will put up new pixel art items. Right now is hard to do so not o my computer.
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