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Posts posted by Strafe

  1. @S.J.R.:

    > Monitors aren't calibrated, therefore one cannot assume that even a single colour will look exactly the same, or even similar when comparing the same image on two monitors. The best you can do is choose your colours according to the HSL-model, and then hope that the monitors are at least decently configured.
    > Yours faithfully
    >   Stephan.

    Alright thanks for that Stephan :)


    > Your game is one of a kind! And not only that, you are new, but you're good with EO's dynamics. I like your taste ;]

    Thank you very much :)
  2. @7:

    > Minimalist, yet 1024x768 px?
    > May as well go all out, and get away with using more space, if it's that big.
    > Writing's a bit hard to read, but apart from that, I like it.

    do you know what minimalist means? A minimalist GUI is one that takes up as less GAME SCREEN SPACE as possible. The game could be different resolutions. My oh my.
  3. To Achieve Retroness:

    1.Draw tiles 16x16
    2.Draw them well.
    3.Keep practicing.
    4.Look at 8 bit and 16 bit games for inspiration.
    5\. Resize them without losing quality to 32x32.


    Good luck.

    That dirt needs to look like brown dirt not sick. Transition = the changing of a to b. Your transition is just grass then 'dirt' it should be only a tiny bit for grass to dirt, blended, the grass would grow through and the dirt would not just cover the grass. Keep practicing.
  4. @Sealbreaker:

    > Generic classes - CHECK
    > Generic Tiles - CHECK
    > Generic Maps with almost no features and looking bad - CHECK
    > Generic Story - CHECK
    > No feature List/plans - CHECK
    > I hope you learn alot from this project, good luck on this one.
    > -seal

    How about giving him some constructive criticism rather than just being a complete tosser? Why not show this noobie the ropes, direct him to some tutorials and help him? I would love to see your _amazing_ completely uncliched project. Please direct me too it as you seem to be _amazing_ at dishing out _amazing_ comments and criticism please let me see your _amazing_ project.


    > Story is awful and generic. The about tab is worse. The map's are pretty bad too. Don't line up trees like that, and don't mix rpgvx and rpgxp tiles it looks bad. Map's also don't have enough detail and look really plain. Pretty boring game so far. You have a lot of work to do.

    At least you gave him some criticism thumbs up.

    "The Elven and Human kingdom have been in friendly for 100s of years but after the mysterious death of the Elven king that they blamed on the Humans. Now the Humans have declared war. To Be Continued….."

    So I went ahead and corrected your story grammar and made it sound a bit better (just my opinion so feel free to not use it.

    "The Elven and Human kingdoms alliance has been a long and strong one dating back many generations of kings. But the mysterious assassination of the Elven king has sent the kingdoms into an array of panic and fear. As one race turns on another war unfolds. Who will you choose? And who will claim champion to the mana source?"

    As you can see I changed some stuff, basically I added some fancy stuff into your story words and made it a bit longer. I also added questions on the end because unanswered questions often lead to curiosity and will get people interested. Also I added a little more game content into the story 'the mana source' as your game is called The Mana Saga why not say that the souls or magic of people and living things is controlled by The Mana Source and that the alliance was formed to protect the Source, but as there is a war people are too busy and foolish to not see that something or someone evil is trying to corrupt the mana source? Another race or something perhaps.


    > Why do games always reuse the same classes? I've never played WoW, so I don't get the craze to always have a "Tank" and "Rouge" class… if those are even from WoW anyways...

    Well a Rogue is another term for a thief or bandit, and people should I agree create unique classes or change the name (a thesaurus) but a Tank is a term for a class that takes a load of damage, such as healer is a healer, dps is a quick damage dealer.

    "Warrior: The tank class, uses swords,axes and mauls. Wears heavy and chain armor.

    Mage: The tatcis class, uses wands and staffs. Wears cloth and chain armor.

    Rouge: The assassin class, uses daggers and sling shots. Wears leather armor.

    Hunter: The beast class, uses pets daggers and bows. Wears leather and chain armor."

    Ok let's talk about your classes. Either you don't speak english as your first language or your grammar is poor. If it's number 1 don't worry about it, if it's number two try to look things up in the online or book dictionary. Or use spellcheck.

    Your classes are very boring and normal. But here's some good points:

    You have chosen a good balance of classes that all have different strengths and weaknesses. I like the idea of a slingshot, that's not really used often too.

    Now the bad points:

    It's Rogue, not Rouge. They are very generic classes and also do not just jump on the WoW bandwagon an just copy their classes. Instead create something that ties in with the lore of your game (this is assuming you choose to include the mana source as game lore)

    Advocate: Advocates rely less on the mana source but more on the fine steal they carry. Clad from head to toe in armour and armed with the finest weapons crafted from the source, they are a more than challenging adversary. The tank class can equip swords, axes and mauls. Wears heavy and chain armour.

    Conductor: Conductors bend the power of the source to their will. The most accomplished Conductors have been known to scatter whole armies from the battlefield with their powerful spells. The tactics class can equip wands and staves. Wears cloth and leather armour. ( I changed the armour to cloth and leather as generally spell casters can only wear thin clothes in game lore generally because of not electrocuting themselves and metal is too thick too cast through, but this is your game so edit it as you see fit :) )

    Deuce: Deucer's are the most accomplished blade-masters since time began. Their daggers sing as they dance the dance of death. Only death awaits those targeted by a Deuce. They bend the power of the source to create deadly poisons and to help them to move quieter than shadows. The assassin class can equip daggers and slingshots and can coat weapons with poison. Wears leather armour (Again: I added poisons to make up for the lack of wearable categories, if you don't like, edit.)

    Hawker: A Hawker's best friend is always their pet, joined by the source as children their souls are melded at birth giving the Hawker some of the beast's fantastical powers. Without their pet Hawkers are still more than deadly, best when using a bow Hawkers fire razor sharp arrows that never miss. The Stalker class can equip daggers and bows. Can gain possession of a pet. Wears leather and chain armour. (A cool idea for this one is to tie in with this class lore is depending on the category of the pet they choose (let's say a tiger (so it's a Beast type)) they gain some of it's abilities. So a beast type owner would gain, a Roar type spell, a claw/slash type spell and maybe some sort of pounce or dash type spell too.)

    Anyway, I hope you read and consider my GOOD criticism. Even if you didn't read jack it doesn't matter too me I just want to see better games round here like everyone else yet they don't just appear unless people learn. So good luck I will keep checking back.

    Two things before I leave:

    1\. I simply just again fleshed out your class descriptions and looked up names for Protector,Manipulator,Rogue and Hunter on the online Thesaurus. And those names though not permanent are more than interesting.

    2\. IF you are going down this whole Elves vs Humans route etc. You need to write a good probable story to say one of two circumstances: a) The Humans and Elves realised the source is in danger from Race C so they team up to fight it however some Elves are still in belief that the humans murdered the Elven King (name) so they roam the lands causing havok etc etc etc.
    b) The Humans and Elves are at war over the mana source Humans and Elves are opposite factions, much like WoW (alliance and Horde).

    Either way buddy you are going to have to make a source edit so the player can choose Elves or Humans as a race and then choose their Class.

    Good luck I've got an eye on you, I don't check here much but if you need anymore help etc then feel free to PM me but note: I am not here to help you design ingame content or even do you think I should do this or this. THIS IS YOUR GAME, you decide, that's what makes it unique. I will however help if you get stuck, dont understand how to make your game better, need criticism on stuff etc. Goodluck matey.
  5. I love the grass, but personally your choice of colours for the water seems like you spent time on the grass then rushed the water, the grass is actually quite detailed whilst the water is too simple in contrast, make it a bit more detailed but you can still go simple but that's too simple I reckon. Also the way you used the outline or shoreline for the water is its main downfall, it looks like anti aliasing slightly and so just kind of blurs the image which in this case is bad as the grass is sharp. I really like the grass though but the sand is just a block of colour? Keep it up
  6. @Moretisamoe:

    > the 2nd guy you have up there ( Im guessing its a guy in armor???? ) looks more like a really big chicken to me with a belt on…

    Haha I can't unsee either! But I don't think that's too much of a problem haha. But thanks for pointing that out I will do some tweaking.


    > Looks really cool, I'll defiantly be keeping an eye on this.

    Thanks mate, I'll be sure to keep you updated.
  7. @мasterмind:

    > Looks cool, i like retro-games like that :).

    Cool, can you see any colour problems your end because on my screen it looks as if the hair of the prince and king are too dark to make out the difference clearly between eyes and hair. Can you or anyone else notice that or is it just me?
  8. Tea n' BiscBits is my blog, mainly for my art and game developing. Basically just trying to show people some stuff I get upto nowadays and if anyone want's to have a look feel free to check out my

    **Tumblr** - http://www.teanbiscbits.tumblr.com

    **Twitter** - http://www.twitter.com/TNBGeorge


    click the picture to goto my blog or alternatively the above links

    please note: the above art is a _showoff_, not for crit.

    >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/98eda51ab4291a644762bbe812ce83a9.png)
    >! _Our current WIP logo_
    >! **Hello,**
    >! Mythe is a new Retrographic 2D ORPG. Currently developing the skeletons of the game is myself and I hate the wip thread and I don't have enough content anyway so consider this my graphic showreel thread for the moment. Enjoy.
    >! NOTE: All graphics are subject to change so please view this as a gallery; comment on what you like or dislike but do not criticise at the moment. Thank you.
    >! **This game is re-playable 20825 times! Read below to find out why!**
    >! **#1 Friday, 19th August**
    >! >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/f647960dd4fba0f2b596fa593f22b237.png)
    >! The Map of the Delernoth Peninsula. The red dots are the possible nations which can join you, the gold dot is the King's castle and the orange dot is your castle.
    >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/79cccd770457b3a4438d83829d3286ec.png)
    >! The terrain height map of the Delernoth Pensisula for all you RPing junkies out there.
    >! **#2 Friday, 19th August**
    >! >! ![](http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_lq2q7ttqsa1r1fi7do1_1280.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1313835536&Signature=vja3YxjIDLKff37Qk4dZbSmLuTU%3D)
    >! _General tiles done I reckon. Adding some more stuff here and there but mainly finished with the tiles now. For this game I am going for a roguelike. So no animated sprites I reckon._
    >! I have yet to break down the gameplay. Long story short; You are Lucius Stryde, you are a noble of the Delernoth Peninsula. With no further heir to the throne the country is in ruins. Nobles and bandits roam the lands conquer and slaughtering. A new noble takes the throne only to be cut down by the next. You have all the makings of a true king but as the youngest noble your brothers have taken what remains of your house's feeble army. You must roam the land and gain the trust and reputation you require to acquire an army sizable to storm the keep.
    >! Basically you must gain 3 factions trust by doing quests or killing an opposite faction. This then increases your reputation and when you get to a certain reputation level with a faction they will join you.
    >! There are 53 factions to choose from and you must have 3 factions to storm the kingdom. This means that there are a total 20825 combinations of factions possible. Technically you could replay this game 20825 times. Just one of those lovely features. I'm proving to people everywhere that say RPGVX or RPGXP is not advanced that if I can make (excuse my cockiness) a good game with RPGVX why can't a lot of others do it on here?
    >! **Thursday, 4th August**
    >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/f9e15d0e4c35128a2c1850605a2a1619.png)
    >! _Very much WIP, working on the water at the moment and then may look at adding some more plant life._
    >! Things to do in this order:
    >! * Water/Grass Transition
    * Normal House
    * Add Details to Map + House
    >! What do you think? Remember it's all WIP.
    >! **Friday, 29th July**
    >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/838b943ddcc4abb78c24251aa48a02e1.png)
    _From left to right: Innkeeper, Knight, Soldier, King, Queen, Prince, Princess. (ingame size)_
    >! **Information**
    >! As I think it's obvious we are going for a more 1-2 (Mainly 1) Shade style, the sprite template was originally slightly inspired by a lovely game called Dungeons of Fayte PLEASE play it here: http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=10372.0
    The sprites are drawn 16x16 and then resized to 32x32\. We are planning to go all custom including spells, icons, paperdoll, the works. To pay for website hosting and funding etc we are planning on selling themed packs of graphics for a cheap and reasonable price to encourage others to start editing or moving away from the RPG Maker RTPs that so many use and with tutorials and purchasable templates for everything from our planned website we hope to create effectively a lively community and sell our graphics from the game. I was however interested at somehow creating a free limited RTP for Eclipse Origins so members do not start making games with the RMXP RTP, it would be nice for Eclipse to have it's 'own' RTP, would it not? Anyway this is bordering on a tl;dr article. It's early days and let's see what will be the outcome of this.
    >! **tl;dr** - it's one paragraph, read it before asking questions as answers may lurk in the sentences!
    >! _Awaiting your comments,
    >! Tea n' Biscbits_
    >! tl;dr? don't bother posting please.
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