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Posts posted by Strafe

  1. Not a mistake at all, if you spend your life being spoon fed you will only learn the shape of the spoon. You need to go and test your skills and see where your art takes you! Don't copy, but get ideas of course ! I think the more work the more it'll look more of a style. Good progress man
  2. Mate besides what people are saying I can completely see where you're coming from, I am custom making the Gfx in my project and it's much more motivating to be seeing your progress and project develop.

    I like the style I think some of the colours I.e the door and dirt are too similar palettes that just blend together. The trees are a huge improvement and the pattern on the new houses is wicked I love it and it looks medieval.

    A few tips would be as you go along and create these custom tiles would be to save the colours and adjacent shades in palettes so that when you make a themed set of tiles it looks much more together and a set when it matches.

    Good luck with your game. I think the best way personally to keep creating and making sufficent progress is to map out and know what your creating before you sit down to create basically; plan ahead!
  3. So I have a few questions. As I've been away for a while naturally eclipse is updated to 4.0 as an old member I'm used to open source eclipse and so I've got a few questions…

    1\. If 2 is open source then except for the added features what are the reasons for not using robins engine?

    2\. Certain features that existed in 2.0 such as attack frames, unlimited quests etc have been removed or limited in 4.0 are these features that are limited such as quests in 4.0 seriously limited ?

    3\. The GUI in EO is fully adjustable whilst EO 4 appears to be only changeable images, is that true?
  4. ![](http://s1.postimg.org/yulgznzkv/Mythe_Logo_Original.png)


    _I've dipped in and out of these forums under various alias' since a young age, now free time and interest have caught me back up I'm investing my free time in a project I started many years ago._

    _For the moment I'm just going to use this as a dump to get some feedback whilst I start to recreate content. The style I'm going for is minimalistic,_

    _2 tone type pixel art that brings a refreshing, yet nostalgic feel._

    _Inspiration has derived from many games + authors but most notably:_

    _Dungeons of Fayte, Ian Livingstone,Terry Pratchett, Chris Riddell, Heroes of Might & Magic 3, Warcraft 3, Thief_

    _Please note: All of these graphics are 100% custom, ideas + colour schemes are sometimes heavily influenced or inspired from a source/s. So please respect others artwork + I will always give credit when due, (Yes the original naked sprite was influenced by Oryx's)_


    **NEWEST UPDATE 01/04/2015**

    **So progress is under way, and heres another sneak peak. The zone map! This is how it'll look overworld wise. Skulls are bosses, sword and shields are war zones, keys require all zones completed before moving on and houses are safe zones ofc. Waddaya think**




    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/f829738338a9ee7d0190c629dcf105ef.png)
    >! Prince in a sacrificial circle!
    >! Commonly encountered evil races throughout the game:
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/99c331a70b104ed9bbf8efd1b413fba0.png)
    >! Urgs
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/8a13be3791e255776d6796b8648b5927.png)
    >! Living Dead
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/680a347045e16260cef4b784a2b58156.png)
    >! Barbars
    >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/337229bc73850fb008afcf3d5513e487.png)
    >! innkeeper, knight, soldier, king, queen, prince, princess.
    >! ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
    >! **OLDER UPDATES **
    >! >! 22/03/2015
    >! Taking onboard what everyone said ive started getting momentum, the gears are grinding and progress is being made based upon peoples critics i actually came up with a style i prefer witha better perspective plus now i have some palettes everything is going to look much cleaner and more like a set.
    >! ![](http://s29.postimg.org/6lbqfxudz/NEWEST.png)
    >! ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
    >! >! 20/03/2015:
    >! So I have started chucking some tiles together and mocking up some stuff, this is what I have done so far just to show how the autotiles work but later when Im stoned ill start working on the actual game areas. Note the little details throughout, any suggestions hit me up!
    >! ![](http://s13.postimg.org/dn4h6dnhj/grass.png)
    >! Shady shop in the woods selling black market magic
    >! ![](http://s30.postimg.org/m2ky7jt0h/snow.png)
    >! Weapon shop in snow
    >! ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
    >! OLD OLD OLD to show progress
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/0c2dfaefdaa319b0f80e492347dbafb3.png)
    >! Grassland
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/b25072f1b04619e0ca2c2a28985a810f.png)
    >! Desert
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/b743b15d9b71a41cb0227ba8a61c420c.png)
    >! Swampland
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/775f18d1e3228b1c9be6c7a1086e95cb.png)
    >! Blasted Land
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/6a928b72ee1c134a1293f71b30aa2bdd.png)
    >! Snow
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/c71904590f23ee52fe1ea726196776b4.png)
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/cc7b229947e31370a383f6957a0b7556.png)
    >! ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/cd890753db4904905d7d24abc2ca0a74.png)
    >! world map mock up
    >! Any feedback and constructive criticism is more than welcome and of course if you feel you have anything to add then comment away! But please respect the style that I am going for is quite simply my own and although suggestions are always welcome there is no specific way to how I make my art :)
  5. The text and the moon don't fit, open up Illustrator and make it all that hip new vector style, don't have mixed styles in a splash screen it's like tileset mixing - the bad kind.

    @KUSY did you draw that? if so I love it
  6. Finite Incatatum


    Please note, I want the background to be mellow and blending aside from the fact its a shitty school toilet never seen a clean one side scrolling games I find are soo distracting when the background is more prominent than the front, if it was brighter more contrast etc you'd be playing and be like ooh like at that urinal - HOLY SHIT ZOMBIES EATING MY FACE
  7. Okay, for the writing, except for the score and the hp bars it all pops up quickly and goes i.e the mini scores or the headshots. I agree that the top is still too mushy blended grey but tbh that is what my school bathrooms are like, they are cheap and shit and grey and blue not fit for a king which is why I like to give the feel of even the ground being cleaner and looking better than them, the red I will dumb down but without sounding as if I didn't listen to your crit as it's obvious by this post it is, I will go away and tomorrow will repost a revised version where the red is more pastel like my other palettes and I will slightly contrast the greys but as I said I would like to keep the overall boringness of the room, plus when it's full of zombies and blood and scores will look better and more lively. Please note that this isn't a screen shot this is a visualisation diagram or mock up, it's too see what stuff would look like when it's all on the screen at the same time. Thanks for your comment mate
  8. @Byson:

    > As much as it is only a little doodly thing. It appears that your skill with retro graphics are actually very good. As much as I know the times have graphically moved on, there are always people that enjoy a journey into the world of Nostalgia.
    > Fact is, if you are able to incorporate nostalgic graphics such as this into a plot/idea of which are both a collision of Past and Modern genre basis, then you could have a winning formula on your hands. I'm sure if Highschool of the Dead can do it, so can you :)

    Praise the lord a real comment! Thanks mate, I now have a question, look at the other thread's graphics (link is my my sig) would you ever be interested in buying this kind of style graphics which gives you rights to change them and includes templates to create more of the same style? For a small price
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