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Everything posted by SkywardRiver

  1. And in all those other engines you did have a massive map with lots of animated tiles?
  2. That fix was experimental, as I've said in that thread. Even still, I've tested it and there are no errors with it. The video he linked was referring to the Eclipse-wide GPU to Movement bug.
  3. There is no problem with the movement in this particular engine. If you have problems with movement with this engine, you're going to get the same problems with every other engine…
  4. It works fine for me… Did you edit the source at all?
  5. Picking up work on this again. Cici disappeared with all my recent server files so I have to redo about 12 hours of work. It's getting closer to Launch though.
  6. I've tested it and it's working. Make sure you are in a Craft Tile and have the appropriate tool.
  7. A completely unnecessary fix. Regardless, it will be in the next update as well.
  8. 1\. http://www.eclipseorigins.com/thread-85146.html Thanks for reporting the rest. They should be fixed next update.
  9. This method uses your computer's clock instead of getting your system's time and then running it through the client from there on.
  10. Dang xD I thought I was being so clever with this 'fix'. Hmmm, well we'll see if I use it in EOO. As for everyone else, it's here for use haha.
  11. Oh wow. So this ^^^ isn't quite a good option then eh?
  12. @'Growlith1223': > Time based movement within the eclipse engine was more or less an expirement and turned out to be a failure. regardless, good tutorial, I don't see anything wrong with what you have here! What was wrong with Time based movement? Does it not solve the problem of lag-moving?
  13. You'll have to program in further advancements yourself. A new tutorial on how to (theoretically) fix the issue of increased movement speed upon lag right here: http://www.eclipseorigins.com/thread-85146.html
  14. So, this has long been an issue with Eclipse Engines. If your game is lagging due to too many animated tiles, large maps, autotiles, or whatnot, on a not so great computer you start to notice an increase in movement speed. This tutorial should fix that issue. It should be noted that I'm not completely sure of this at all. This is outside my realm of experience so any input/feedback on the matter would be greatly appreciated. This is all Client Sided: To start off, add these variables to modGlobals ``` Public TimeGetTimeS As Long Public TimeGetTimeM As Long ``` Next head to modGameLogic and add this: ``` Dim STick As Long Dim ComTimeS As Long ComTimeS = 120000 ``` Under this: ``` Dim Tmr1000 As Long ```Now add this just below "FrameTime = Tick" ``` ' Trying out a new method of processing movement. This will attempt to use computer time rather than program time. TimeGetTimeS = Second(Now) If TimeGetTimeS > 59 Then TimeGetTimeM = TimeGetTimeM + 1 End If STick = (TimeGetTimeS * 1000) + ((TimeGetTimeM + 1) * 60000) ComTimeS = ComTimeS + 600 'Edit this number to effect speed. ``` Now find this: ``` ' Process input before rendering, otherwise input will be behind by 1 frame If ComTimeS > (STick) Then For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex If IsPlaying(i) Then Call ProcessMovement(i) End If Next i ' Process npc movements (actually move them) For i = 1 To Npc_HighIndex If Map.NPC(i) > 0 Then Call ProcessNpcMovement(i) End If Next i If Map.CurrentEvents > 0 Then For i = 1 To Map.CurrentEvents Call ProcessEventMovement(i) Next i End If ComTimeS = STick - 1000 End If ``` Now again, this is just a trial. A test-run, if you will. I'm tired and not sure if I've done this right. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  15. If someone wants to upload a mirror to github I'll put a link on the main thread. leminhde, it seems that when that many Animated Tiles are down the character moves quicker. I'll take a look into this.
  16. Hey this is Skyward/Jaxx bringing you the first tutorial feature-add on to Eclipse Skywyre (primitive edition). The Survive Map Moral is simply a map moral in which you will no longer regen health or magic. This makes for a unique game dynamic for dungeons or some 'undead' life-sapping map or whatnot. _**Client**_ So, to start off, find: ``` Public Const MAP_MORAL_PARTY_MAP As Byte = 2 ``` and place this underneath it: ``` Public Const MAP_MORAL_SURVIVE As Byte = 3 ``` Next find: ``` Public Sub UpdateDrawMapName() ``` and before Case Else place this: ``` Case MAP_MORAL_SURVIVE DrawMapNameColor = Grey ``` Next open up frmEditor_MapProperties and in the cmbMoral listbox, add in Survive. _**Server**_ So, to start off, find: ``` Public Const MAP_MORAL_PARTY_MAP As Byte = 2 ``` and place this underneath it: ``` Public Const MAP_MORAL_SURVIVE As Byte = 3 ``` Next find this: ``` ' check regen timer ``` And replace the bit under it with this: ``` ' check regen timer If TempPlayer(i).stopRegen Then If TempPlayer(i).stopRegenTimer + 5000 < GetTickCount Then If Map(Player(i).Map).Moral MAP_MORAL_SURVIVE Then TempPlayer(i).stopRegen = False TempPlayer(i).stopRegenTimer = 0 Else End If End If End If ``` ** _Optional_** If you want the Survive Maps to be PvP then find this in modCombat -> CanPlayerAttackPlayer ``` ' Check if map is attackable ``` And replace that bit under it with this: ``` ' Check if map is attackable If Not Map(GetPlayerMap(attacker)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_NONE And Not Map(GetPlayerMap(attacker)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_SURVIVE Then If GetPlayerPK(victim) = NO Then Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "This is a safe zone!", BrightRed) Exit Function End If End If ``` That should do it. Never really tested it, as I've just thought of it and designed it while writing this, but as far as I can tell, it should work perfectly.
  17. The fix is going to be included in today's update. * * * v3 Has just been released. Nothing major, just bug fixes. Not many, if any, features are going to be added to this engine. Tutorials may be made and released, but I'm looking to keep this a solid BASE to start from. I don't want to repeat Eclipse Chronicles xD
  18. I know you're talking about face for event. Add it in yourself. It's not in this engine, nor is it planned. If you want your character to run faster, take a look at these; client side. ' Speed moving vars Public Const WALK_SPEED As Byte = 4 Public Const RUN_SPEED As Byte = 6
  19. 1\. Just press insert… ![](http://s15.postimg.org/qvefiqt6z/help1.png) 2\. Read the features list… ~Stamina and Weight~ Items can now have an assigned weight. If you are carrying more weight than you have Stamina, you cannot run. 3\. Add that in yourself. Some people, like myself, don't want to make faces for every character.
  20. Server Side modPlayer -> CheckPlayerLevelUp. Change the 25 to whatever you want.
  21. Sorry guys, the update has been delayed. It should be out Friday Night.
  22. Update planned for later today. Just some minor bug fixes and an optimization or two.
  23. Just found a bug involving the new in-game mouse cursor. It has been fixed and will be in the next update.
  24. @'riokoshin': > @'Jaxx': > > > Hey Zetasis. Either you have Night disabled or it's a bug I didn't catch when making the engine compatible for release. I'll take a look when I get home :D > > > > And yeah, Bubblegum, it was the conversion :/ I'll be fixing it up later today :D > > Alright cool. I'll keep an eye out for an update and if I find any more bugs I'll be sure to post them. Again, thanks for the engine. No problem man :D Alrightyyyy so it wasn't a bug. Night works fine for me. It slowly fades in and out as time goes on, just as designed. Let me know if the problem persists and I'll take a look.
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