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Everything posted by DÃÂsk

  1. I mean, complex AI's make it all the more fun, but I think timing has to impact gameplay somehow, its what separates the button mashers from the experts. But i also think its good to have both sides, so both the casual and intense gamers can both enjoy the game. This is kinda offtopic, but i think its important to have other methods of advancing through the game, since if you were actually a warrior, slaying baddies 24/7 would get tiring hella fast. Lovin' the comments, ty guys, new perspectives on old things are always great ;)
  2. I dunno, was thinking about this today and I wanna hear your opinions! What separates the boring combat from the interesting? For me its gotta be a combination of stun and knockback, breaks up the monotonous take turns hitting scheme, also makes the combat versatile, like chain skills and stuff.
  3. It might just be me, but the dirt tiles look like they've been paste on, like a carpet over the grass. Probably either change the border/transition, or desaturate the path palette, or just lower the contrast (less contrast makes things seem farther away, same with saturation, more = foreground, hence atmospheric perspective)
  4. Damn, this looks sooooooooooooooo professional D: *fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap* dowant :(
  5. Noses on chibis usually end up looking weird, just sayin. I'd say to make it less blank either, -get rid of the nose, -add highlights to the irises, -add eyelashes(just use a darker shade on the edges), -add eyebrows, -or make the pupils not as circular/point em down. Also, the female's lookin a bit too muscular, maybe tone down the definition in the arms
  6. Usually like in RPGMaker stuff, theres completely straight paths, either that or its the jagged diagonal thing. I was just wondering how you achieve paths that arent exactly straight, but look like they've been shaped by the way they're used and dont conform to the tile grid. Basically i want to know what tile pieces I'd have to create to achieve the same effect in games like Sword of Mana Examples: ![](http://www.emuparadise.me/fup/up/44505-Sword_of_Mana_(U)(Mode7)-3.png) ![](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_s4nTEmqXngQ/S1pbWP7dKiI/AAAAAAAAAtM/JkFqCC3t8J0/s320/sword_of_mana_profilelarge.jpg) ![](http://www.playerschoicegames.com/swordofmanagba3.jpg) ![](http://orpgcreation.com/images/owscreenshot.png) ![](http://orpgcreation.com/previews/preview32.png) [Credit ZoSo for last two] Im going for those kinda patchy looking jagged paths, if y'know what i'm saying I'm not looking for pixel help, but more just descriptions/pics of the path pieces i'd need to create in order to achieve this
  7. DÃÂsk

    An Inn

    The floor paneling isn't with the perspective, if thats what the things inside the door are. Same with the door, the lines should be parallel :) also, if you're gonna do that kind of perspective (the kind that gets smaller as it goes into the distance), designate a point, and have all walls and straight lines extend to that point(in terms of their slope). Just sayin, but this kinda perspective wont work in a game, unless you can resize the character smaller as it gets closer to the top of the map.
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