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Everything posted by Bonk

  1. Nay, be not fooled by the fiery pink taco! Under the Lord High Marsh (who appears to have abandoned his own religion), we shall douse it with eggnog. Thy taco of horror shalt not frighten the followers of Robin. Tiana, I'm dissappointed. We even had Robin doing lap dances, but you missed out.
  2. Noo! She is tricking you. Here words are laced with spite and betrayal. Do you know where she will lead you? That's right, Justin Bieber, Jedward and Nyan Cat having a party. You say that our Robin, bless his soul, cannot perform miracles? Then explain Origins. Who believes this jezebel can bring you to enlightenment? Rest upon the wings of Marsh, for they are fair and safe. Come Doomsday, the traitors will be cast into Xtremeworlds. Believe in Robin, thy lord and you shall be saved.
  3. It's my religion -.- I had the initial idea :L And don't trust Gwen, she's a temptress. Remember when Robin spent 40 days and 40 nights on Xtremeworlds Forum being tormented by Gwen? SHE IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED. She wants your soul. That's why she can't palate eggnog, her soul is so unclean that pure eggnog will melt her.
  4. Throw him to the Lions! ![](http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/64/Gladiator_Thumb_Down_01.gif) And it's a religion of the people. It's **our** religion. *Hippy*
  5. Having tried it, it is well and truly a mouthgasm. Nutmeg, cinnamon and a candy cane. Doesn't get better
  6. Odile, from Swan Lake, maybe? I think you offended half the Eclipse lot when you denounced Eggnog :) And if anyone thinks this is fake, here's some art from the 16th century. Dispute that. ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/5170ac0ac17afc0d0c071fd2cac2f0b1.png)
  7. Meh. Most religions have flaws. The Bible has plenty and that's widely followed. Take Adam and Eve. It was all God's fault. He didn't want Eve to eat an apple, so what did he do? Made it super-pretty. It didn't help that her brain was made of rib, either. Then he started with the "Eve, life will suck from now on. You will bleed for a week each month, and child birth will really hurt, but in reality, he's either just bad at building vaginas, or Adam and Eve weren't real. I'm going with the former, Eclipse-Style.
  8. I can't see why not. If Pastafarians can worship spaghetti then I can worship a judgemental, egotistical and downright rude community. It's a wonderful life. And besides, Lollicat, you're responsible for a thread in there anyway.
  9. Following an epiphany in Marsh's annual eggnog thread, I have decided to form the Church of Eclipse. Please bear in mind this is a _very_ serious topic and flaming will be deemed racism. **The Lord's Prayer** _(Edited from the original)_ > Our Eclipse who art on touchofdeath, > hallowed be thy name. > Thy website come, > thou flaming will be done, > on Mirage as it is in Origins. > Give us this day our daily eggnog, > and forgive us our programming, > as we forgive those who steal our source code. > And lead us not into Chaos Engine, > but deliver us from glitches > For thine is the Stable, > the Origins and the Evolution > Forever and ever > Amen. **The Ten Commandments** _(As revealed by Marsh, as he led the Newbs from Chaos Engine)_ > Thou shalt have no other engines but Eclipse. > Thou shalt not make for yourself any idol of Robin, nor bow down to it or worship it. > Thou shalt not misuse the name of your God. > Thou shalt remember and keep the Eggnog thread holy. > Thy must respect Gwen and Anna. > Thy must start thy server. > Thy must not commit arse-kissing. > Thy must not steal thy neighbour's source code. > Thy must not give false evidence to Newbs. > Thou must not be envious of your neighbour's tilesets. You shall not be envious of his features nor his storyline, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour. **Positions** _(In order of importance)_ Robin - Jesus Marsh - Moses Renzo - Mary Magdalene & Head of Summer Schools Ryoku - The Pope Bonk - Archbishop of Eclipsebury Gwen - Satan/Lilith/Odile/General Seductive über-cow
  10. Flick through Google Images.There's loads.
  11. Exactly. I just like it the way it is, or the way that Alatar re-arranged it :)
  12. [This](http://lmgtfy.com/?q=final+fantasy+sprites) is a great resource :D
  13. @Kusy: > Yeah Bonk… let's totally discard the fact that every single game out there has an external map editor if it does have one... and for a good reason. Try reading what I write next time. Especially this bit: @Bonk: > I'm sitting on the fence where that's concerned. I'm unsure if optimisation would outweigh the work involved in answering countless questions. Anyway, Robin, the point was that I like the in-game editing. Mapping in Genesis didn't allow a view of how it would look in game, unlike Eclipse. I was actually talking about implementing them into Eclipse, not Crystalshire. I have no plans on using CS:DE any time soon, and seeing as it's unlikely to be updated with the present situation there's no point going down that road. Combine that with the fact that you programmed almost the entire thing and you'd know how to put it together and use it, it voids the argument, as such. Maybe external editors would weed out a few of the people making vacuous threads entitled 'Crap Online' in the projects section, but at the cost of more questions to which we'll all have to reply with "Read the tutorials.". Exactly the point I was writing about beforehand.
  14. TBH, I'm unsure if external editors are a good idea. I had a look into Genesis 2D before and the Editors just put me off. I like how simple and, for want of a better word, light Eclipse is. Doing it properly would most probably require setting up usernames and passwords for each user of the editor and could be too complicated. Just typing in '/admin' is hard enough for some new users. Even starting the server is outright confusing for them. How do you think it would pan out if we started messing about with external editors? I'm sitting on the fence where that's concerned. I'm unsure if optimisation would outweigh the work involved in answering countless questions. I like the idea of the slimmed map editor instead, because it's sometimes difficult to get them side by side. They only just fit onto my screen.
  15. Bonk


    Have you tried using a port-tunneler? I seem to remember a tutorial surfacing somewhere.
  16. Use [this](http://www.simpleportforwarding.com) software.
  17. Eeehh, Don't use Hamachi D: If you really have to, I think you need to put your external IP in, not your Hamachi Network. Using Hamachi is essentially abusing it's networking features. If he's trying to connect to your Hamachi Network it won't get through. Use [this website](http://www.ipchicken.com) to get your external IP.
  18. Bonk

    How to make…

    Inb4 Robin says no. No-one is going to make that for you. Just look around at other requests. You'll have to program it in, a good place to start might be the broken tiles tutorial in the source tutorials.
  19. @lords: > How can animal ni open syste Come again? If you're talking about the pet system, you should probably mention the problem to get help.
  20. I'm not improving on it as such, because I'm not bothering with it any more. As for the trees, they're circular because it's cartoony. And the sand is the same, for the same reason and the fence bars are burgundy and thin because it's rusty wire. Adding dimension wouldn't be possible at that level. If you need to alter anything, just do it. The Aliens don't mind. ;)
  21. So, say you had Team Red and Team Blue, could players choose their team by going into a blue or red lobby? Or are the teams randomly assigned? And can you have character armour and guns, ect?
  22. As you can see in a thread I've been posting on, I've been working on this tileset for a few weeks. I'm not using it in-game, so it's here for anyone to use. Edit it, cut it up, claim it as your own… I'm really not bothered. Say an alien did it! Or not. Anyway, here you are: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/e2530bef1f2897b6efbb263d01c1acf8.bmp) Have fun!
  23. @RobJanes: > ![](http://i.imgur.com/WTKZU.gif) Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!
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