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Everything posted by Bonk

  1. Bonk

    Other payment

    Set the item type as currency.
  2. Bonk

    Help me

    Pfft, you don't select EVERYTHING and copy and paste it. Where it's in the code boxes``` copy and paste it into it's corresponding place. ```
  3. Bonk

    Help me

    Do you mean you want lasers in the game, but you can't because the engine doesn't support it? Search 'Ranged projectiles' in the search bar on the homepage. It's in the source tutorials.
  4. Bonk

    Chat bubles

    Crystalshire: Developers Edition.
  5. Bonk

    Special Status

    There's a user title tutorial. Use the search bar instead off making millions of question threads.
  6. Bonk

    Chat bubles

    Theres a tutorial, but it's innefficient and badly made. You could always rip the system from CSDE, though both methods require some work.
  7. There is a tutorial for MP3 support, but you need a Thompson licence and they weigh in at about £10,000, so it's generally a no-go. With practice (or a good musician) you can make some good midis, though.
  8. Nyeahh… I suppose. Wasn't meant as offensive. I'll fix it up. @Bonk: > All religions are diverse and varied. Their cultures can bring interest and beauty throughout any country and have always be a force for good in the world. I am good at arse-kissing :L
  9. Because it's just a joke. I know religion isn't that clear cut or black and white. It was meant for humours sakes (:
  10. Polarisation. Have you never witnessed religion before? Christianity- "People live in the Holy Land. We can leave them, or mercilessly slaughter them." Islam - "People don't obey our religion. We can leave them, or blow them up." Rastafarian - *Puff of sweet-smelling smoke*
  11. Bonk

    Dynamic ip Dyn

    If it's No-IP or something similar you're using, then use your 'blahblahblah.No-ip.org' that you got. From there it re-directs to your machine.
  12. Merely a day after this religion is formed, has it been split into three. True Believers, Gwen Worshippers and Eggnog-less Protestants. So far we've given out free lap dances, drank eggnog, discussed Marsh's dong and compared Gwen to Lilith. That's more excitement that Christianity's had in 2011 years.
  13. So we all drink eggnog, get Robin's lap dances and want to see Marsh's dong. That's the definition of pure and holy.
  14. @Bcm27: > Wouldnt you like to know? That's why I'm asking ;)
  15. Is it as big as it is in the painting?
  16. Such a wholesome counterpart for Moses. This religion is so innocent, I think we need a Virgin Mary.
  17. Why is there even a picture in the first place?! Though if Renzo's involved I'm not sure I wat to know…
  18. They have cameras with a big enough vantage point?
  19. You'd be the expert on buzz kills -.- And besides, that's still racism.
  20. And an innaccurate painting by Michelangelo, once thought to depict the creation of man, know known as the beginning of an all-out orgie. ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/3a34c0b4ac9dc864336c7893ff178455.png) Everyone understands the importance of orgies within religions. Look at the Romans, hey.
  21. Who else's Messiah gives lap dances? I mean, witness the fitness, right? ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/d34d7cc84ee4035229e29347a68b2fa3.png) Robin, you make this religion hot :)
  22. Everyone under the age of four is taken by renzo for an 'inspection'. And free pirate ships given.
  23. Then convert and there'll be pictures :D
  24. The eggnog is key. And who doesn't want to see Robin in a thong? Now, people of Eclipse we need disciples. 12.4 of them, to be exact.
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