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  1. Actually i just looked on line and found that. I just looked up the cross sign on google then posted here. God knows why they didnt put it on the keyboard…
  2. no way the way i was taught is you take your 2's and straighten them out like Z's. Then you count the lines. A Z has 3 lines so 2+2 actually equals 6
  3. GAH! I thought it was 8\. My mistake!
  4. Alright guys i need help with my math homework my teacher gave me today… 2+2?
  5. Poking around VB6 somemore made me see the Run command in VB6\. Locking thread, as my problems are fixed
  6. Im not sure if Im compiling it… but using VB6 shouldnt saving it be the key? and Seeing blue, are you suggesting i poke around the mod database and mess with the afterdeath settings?
  7. Following this tutorial http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68426.20.html on quests, after doing all of that work, I still cannot see the Scripted in the NPC Behavior. Also I set the default starting position in the modconstants using vb6 to ' Default starting location [Server Only] Public Const START_MAP As Long = 4 Public Const START_X As Long = 7 Public Const START_Y As Long = 11 Yet when new characters are created they still spawn on map 1, with coordinates 5 and 5. So my question is, is the server and client even reading the modules, or am i actually doing it the right way?
  8. Thank you! I edited it with wordpad… Ill have to download vb6 later
  9. Thanks, thats kindof what I was thinking but theres no guide saying it. Any help on the default spawn point though?
  10. Just a quick question… I port forwarded on my router the right way and all, changed the client's IP to my external Ip and yet I still cannot connect to my own server. Is it because to connect to myself I NEED to put it to localhost? or will other people actually be able to connect to me? Also how do i edit the default spawnpoint?
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