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Posts posted by abhi2011

  1. > Its mean, I have to share eoclient.exe & all data files to them ?
    > There's no way for game working without share my resources ?

    Why would you want send a game without your resources??
  2. > Dx8 is not the one in the wrong right now, it's your code. for one, you'd want to use D3DPT_LINESTRIP instead of a trianglestrip. linestrip uses 2 points, instead of what YOU are doing, which is 4 points…

    Using a line strip or a triangle strip doesn't matter. The rendered image won't show up. I never could figure out why. 

    > ```
    > Private buffer As Direct3DVertexBuffer8
    > Const fvfUDVertex = (D3DFVF_XYZRHW Or D3DFVF_DIFFUSE)
    > Public Sub DrawPolyLine(Vertices() As typUDVertex, lPointCount As Integer)
    > Dim VertexSize As Long
    > VertexSize = Len(Vertices(0))
    > Set buffer = d_D3DDevice.CreateVertexBuffer(VertexSize * lPointCount, 0, fvfUDVertex, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT)
    > Call D3DVertexBuffer8SetData(buffer, 0, VertexSize * lPointCount, 0, Vertices(0))
    > d_D3DDevice.SetStreamSource 0, buffer, VertexSize
    > d_D3DDevice.SetVertexShader fvfUDVertex
    > d_D3DDevice.DrawPrimitive D3DPT_LINESTRIP, 0, lPointCount - 1
    > End Sub 
    > ```
    > Nope, isn´t that big crap that it cannot handle basic shapes. With this f.e. you can draw basic polyline using DX8:

  3. > ,…,<>" data-cid="929239" data-time="1412330348">
    > no image is sent and 'saved' client-side, all nedded image data is sent to the client and stored in a record, easy

    Oh, it's held in memory. Why not just save it and do a hashcheck on login with a record-table? If there is a file that isn't there in the list then remove it. If the Hash is wrong then remove it. Give the record to the player ever time they log-in compressed down and send them the files they request in a big packet all compressed down again..
  4. I don't know if there any any XML libraries for VB6 but as Marsh said you can use a binary table. [Here](https://www.dropbox.com/s/g375xtywdfwj7cy/Internationalization.zip?dl=0) is an example of loading files and saving them to binary files with multiple "languages". If you need more help just ask. :)
  5. > For example.
    > You can't have a class Network with a constructor that contains a definition for List and another class network with a constructor that contains a definition for List and expect JVM to understand that they're 2 different classes.
    > And there are other differnces too, which get into the delegates behind C#, the conveneincy of properly multi-threading your software, yielding your software.
    > CLR allows you to define new value types as structures (struct) while java has a fixed set of value types.
    > and as stated before… 32bit memory allocation

    You can't have the classes with the same name declared in Java package. But you can have a class called 'Network' and 'network' in the same package. These two can have two different constructors. I think you meant to say two different constructors/methods of the same name with two different parameters like List and List isn't allowed in java. (I don't know if it is allowed.)
  6. The best way to do it would be via your game website.. removes most of the hassle. Most Forum softwares have plugins will allow you to sell items on your website. IPB has Ip.Nexus as an example. 

    When items are bought from the store then it'll be logged in the Forum DB. Just cross check from the server and hand out items.
  7. > But why does it have to be, you could just give it the size of the images on the tileset and let it show them to you like that.

    The engine should do it automatically. (JC added in GDIp just so that images could be put into Powers of Two and created so that non of this would occur.)
  8. Have you tested your code? 

    You're missing two end ifs. Not sure if vb6 will make a fuss of it but you should still add it in. Also remeber never to use hard coded values. Always use variables/constants where possible. Instead of checking if the player access is 1 you could check it against the constant Admin_Monitor. 

    **Note: **

    I don't think giving your players a message "Only the server admins" is going to be enough. 

    My revised/fixed code. 

    If frmServer.chkGMOnly.Value = vbChecked Then ' You can use 1\. Everyone uses 1\.
    If Player(index).Access < Admin_monitor Then
    Call AlertMsg(index, "Sorry. The server is accessible to admins only.")
    end if
    end if

    Also your instructions to add a form control aren't clear enough. You might want to **bold out statements or properties** names(Caption/Name). 

    Not trying to demoralize your or anything. Just giving you some pointers for your next tutorial.
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