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Posts posted by abhi2011

  1. Nice work on the fullscreen system. Here are a few things you might wish to change.

    1) You are re-calculating variables like MAX_MAPX every time you render. You shouldn't. Just calculate it once (when the resize occurs)
    2) You're re-init method (DirectX_Reinit) doesn't reinit the graphics engine to Fullscreen mode. Not sure why you have a ReInit method and a plain old init method. Roll them into one method.
    3) Your GUI coordinates are calculated during rendering. This is totally stupid, esp. when you have UDTs for holding these essential GUI data. When you resize, re-calculate these coordinates and store them in the UDT. This will also fix your problem with mouse down/up etc events not working when in fullscreen.
  2. If you were to look at the end of the method you'll see the 'If DidCast = true then' part. This is where MP reduced. Basically, we want to jump to that point in code. Use a Code label along with a GoTo statement.

    If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index) - Linear).Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then
    didcast = true
    goto theEnd

    ```That's what your problem line should be.

    If DidCast Then
    ```add a "theEnd: " line. This img should help if you didn't understand -> http://imgur.com/5PzfX9x

    This line of code```
    If Calculate <= 0 Then Exit Sub
    ```has the same problem. It calls Exit Sub from within a loop. Meaning, any damage done in a previous iteration will be handled but since the method is exited, mana won't be deducted. Exit sub should be called in only those instances where nothing has been done for a logical deduction to take place. (for eg. when no target has been selected, it'd be wrong to deduct mana without any damage happening)
  3. It's nice of you to share this. But, if you are releasing a tutorial, it'd be best if you go all in or don't do it at all. You've told us how to connect to a db and query it. But, you haven't told us how to retrieve data after querying.
    Set rs = cn.Execute(strsql)
    ```the varaible **rs** has never been declared and you've never told us what it references to.

    btw, why is Microsoft Remote Data Object 2.0 needed in the project? Is it ever referenced? I'm pretty sure you can use ADODB in Microsoft Activex Data Objects Library 2.8 project to do all you'd event want to do.
  4. 1) Make sure to re-install VB6, and the runtime files.
    2) Delete your .vbp file and get yourself a fresh one.

    Visual Basic 6 has a peculiar property of rather than just failing to load a project with invalid Control Dependencies, it just replaces all of the extra controls with picture boxes. This messes everything up. If, after you loaded your project and recieved this error for the first time, you saved the project and anything you loaded up, then you just corrupted all of your forms and such. The only way to solve this is to either replace all the replacement pictureboxes with their actual controls, or get yourself a fresh copy of the source.
  5. I'm not sure about this but you can probably invert a Dx8 texture by putting the width and height of the destination to be a negative. I'm guessing that DX8 will invert it. The other way would be to reload the png spritesheet in GDP, flip it, save the image, load it up in Dx8 and then render it. Though this may result in a drop in fps.
  6. Whoa, that looks real nice. Good job man. I'm guessing, you get the sprite, laterally invert it, reduce the alpha, and render it. But where would you squeeze the rendering in so that it becomes a part of the actual map, without interrupting the flow of the rendering of the map? :O

    p.s I don't think you'd actual tell me because this system is paid and stuff, but it's worth a try :P
  7. It matters. I helps reduce useless Desktop clutter. (I'm guessing I and many people hate having junk on the Desktop). And, if you delete the file without un-registering it properly then it'll leave registry entries. Better to have it someplace you won't accidentally delete it.
  8. In the beginning, you say to change _MAX_BUTTONS _from 65 to 66\. But in the rest of the tutorial, you never use the index 66 for _Buttons_, you only use 65. 

    i.e there is no, _With Buttons(66)_ anyone where to declare the 66th button.

    ' main - friend button
    With Buttons(65)
    .state = 0 ' normal
    .x = 231
    .y = 41
    .Width = 69
    .Height = 29
    .Visible = True
    .PicNum = 36
    End With

  9. You basically call GetPlayerInvItemNum for every invslot and check if it equals to the Gold's item number (The slot you choose while editing the gold in the item editor). For this example, let's consider that there are 35 inventory slots and that 1 is the Gold's item number.

    for i = 1 to 35
    if getplayerinvitemnum(myindex, i) = 1 then ' We found the gold
    amount = getplayerinvitemvalue(myindex, i)
    exit for
    end if

    After you get the amount, render it out. In case amount equals 0, this means that there is no gold. You could check for this and not render any text or render "You have no gold" or something.
  10. I'm guessing you still haven't fixed it. Try the following: 

    1) Reinstall the run time files and VB6. 

    2) Delete the current source and get a fresh copy. 

    3) Open the .vbp file in a text editor like notepad. Search for** MSCOMCTL.OCX. **There should be a **#2.x# **where x = 0/1\. If x = 0 then change it to 1 and vice versa. 

    4) Save the file and repoen it in vb6.
  11. Okay, so I checked out how GameJolt works, and it's an HTTP based API. (I don't know what it's actually called). On a simple Google Search, I didn't see any VB6 libraries.  I did find a VB.Net one though. You said you opened the main file, achievements.vb. The extension vb is used in VB.net and not in VB6, making me believe you downloaded that one. I'm sorry but VB.net dlls/libraries aren't supported by VB6.
  12. I don't know how the bars are shown in EW but I'm guessing they are rendered on a picturebox. You may have forgotten to remove that picturebox from the form. 

    Now, I'm guessing that that that method is never even called, or at least, this isn't 

    BarWidth_GuiHP = ((GetPlayerVital(I, Vitals.HP) / sWidth) / (GetPlayerMaxVital(I, Vitals.HP) / sWidth))

    The reason being that, like Sherwin said, I = 0; sWidth = 0, which would mean that either Division by Zero would be thrown or an overflow. Try setting a breakpoint on DrawGUI in Render_Graphics and step through your code. 

    **Note**: If you don't know how to set a break point, find DrawGui and hit F9\. When the program runs till that point, it'll automatically pause exectuion and wait for user input. Press F8 to run the highlighted line of code, and as soon as it is run, to stop execution. Keep doing this and make sure you actually enter into the DrawGUIBars and see if it executes everything in that method fully.
  13. Hey guys, 

    Microsoft just announced that Windows 10 will be the last version of Windows. [Here's](http://thehackernews.com/2015/05/microsoft-windows10.html) an article from the The Hacker News. What's your take on this? What will happen to VB6, and any COM based programs? Will they just die with Windows 10, or do you will Microsoft provide support for them in whatever OS that comes after Win 10? Will the re-write VB6 and make it more modern? Probably not, but I along with a few others would like this. Will .NET still be supported after Windows 10?
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