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Posts posted by abhi2011

  1. > ,…,<>" data-cid="922618" data-time="1399743030">
    > I think it would be best to use an image with that effect because then it could have smooth alpha making it look better.

    Not only what he said but I don't think DX8 allows you to render normal stuff on top of textures. It just won't show. Don't ask me why. It never worked for me. 

    As for the lighting just create an almost solid black/solid black texture and just render it with an alpha level proportional to the distance from the light source. 

    There is a tutorial around here somewhere by Deathbeam.
  2. ~~Post the DrawBox procedure~~. 

    Misread it.

    Are you trying to directly render it onto the screen or are you using a texture? Using a texture might be possible. Just define a circle within a square and have the extra bits transparent,
  3. > If you ever come up with something to show, you can PM me and I'll look over it, depending on how the scripting is(Assuming classic scripting?), I could do that, as well as mapping, but really, there's nothing that seems to be promsiing right now about it.

    If by classic scripting you mean sadscript then that's dead. 

    I think the scripting the OP talked about was of creating events and possible custom scripts writting in vb6.
  4. Loop through the each and every option and check whether the x and y is within the text area. Something like this

    for i = 1 to 10
    if (text is not empty) then
    if x > textX and x < textx + textwidth then
    if y > texty and y < texty + textheight then
    end if
    end if
    end if

  5. > I wouldn't buy this cause it isn't properly advertised for what I would want from something like this. Basically, you need to work on your presentation skills cause no on is going to shell out cash for something which looks shady.

    pretty sure the original author is going to make this opensource
  6. > peoples count the legend about a language dead… calls her "Vb6" u.u rsrs..  advice to me no spend my time studying vb6?

    I serioulsy didn't understand much of what you said other than the last few words.

    Yes, if you don't already know VB6 don't learn it. It is basically dead and no one has any use for it other than a few people here and there. Learn a modern language like DotNet or Java or JavaScript.
  7. A few things you have to be aware of. This might have been mentioned in the above posts but I am not going to bother reading them:

    If you have a client and server on the same computer than make sure the client connects to the localhost. In other words the IP should be localhost or

    For the other player the IP should be the server host's global IP which can be found @ www.ipchicken.com. Make sure the Server Host has it's port forwarded.
  8. If you mean don't walk for specific events then make an option for each event like "Can Player Move while In Progress?" 

    Then on client side if the player is in and event and if the event has got movement disabled then don't move. This is some  air code

    CanMove as byte ' 0 = No, 1 = Yes


    If InEvent then
    if not event.canmove = 0
    canplayermove = true
    end if
    end if

  9. Make sure frmMain is the same size. And make sure you compile using vb6\. I don't think you have it cuz no one names a mod like this Attribute VB_Name = "modRendering" unless you're reading the source code on notepad
  10. You can't fully protect your graphics in eo4 cuz it doesn't allow encrypted files. Hiding folders isn't much of use cuz people who have enabled to view hidden files can access them. And locking does absolutely nothing
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