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Everything posted by Riiicardoo

  1. Well guys, this tutorial teaches you how to fix the bug that is in 2.0 and it was not sent the correct class id of the client, perhaps forgetting the robin or have found it unnecessary, and Open the Server Look for: ``` Function PlayerData(ByVal Index As Long) As Byte() ``` After: ``` Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerPK(Index) ``` Place: ``` Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerClass(Index) ``` Open Client Look for: ``` Private Sub HandlePlayerData(ByVal ``` After: ``` Call SetPlayerPK(i, Buffer.ReadLong) ``` Place: ``` Call SetPlayerClass(i, Buffer.ReadLong) ``` Now you can show the class name of the character in the status of the client using the code: ``` Class (GetPlayerClass (MyIndex). Name ``` credits: Marlos Range (Why Create and Provide)
  2. Thanks people, I am very happy with the note, and I hope to improve
  3. But the boat is not to be achieved even
  4. The system works like this: You enter the time you want the last event in txtMult more per second, and doubled as places of experience in txtMult2, there is then only activate chekBox that the event will run
  5. I tested here and take, I q and a fault was in the abir chekbox first and then by the values ​​of the textbox to fix it so put this code in textbox1: If chkMult.Value = 1 Then tmrMult.Interval = txtMult.Text * 1000 End If And textBox2 If chkMult.Value = 1 Then Call GlobalMsg("The experiment is being multiplied by " & txtMult2.Text, 1) End If
  6. I took a look at the tutorial and when you finish making the quest she will already be long, it would help you put temrinar quest to attack the NPC after completing the quest I'm not mistaken is this part: ``` If NPC(npcNum).Behaviour = NPC_BEHAVIOUR_FRIENDLY Then Call CheckTasks(attacker, QUEST_TYPE_GOTALK, npcNum) Call CheckTasks(attacker, QUEST_TYPE_GOGIVE, npcNum) Call CheckTasks(attacker, QUEST_TYPE_GOGET, npcNum) If NPC(npcNum).Quest = YES Then If CanStartQuest(attacker, NPC(npcNum).QuestNum) Then 'if can start show the request message (chat1) QuestMessage attacker, NPC(npcNum).QuestNum, Trim$(Quest(NPC(npcNum).QuestNum).Chat(1)), NPC(npcNum).QuestNum Exit Function End If If QuestInProgress(attacker, NPC(npcNum).QuestNum) Then 'if the quest is in progress show the meanwhile message (chat2) PlayerMsg attacker, Trim$(NPC(npcNum).Name) + ": " + Trim$(Quest(NPC(npcNum).QuestNum).Chat(2)), BrightGreen 'QuestMessage attacker, NPC(npcNum).QuestNum, Trim$(Quest(NPC(npcNum).QuestNum).Chat(2)), 0 Exit Function End If End If End If ``` ignore me if I'm wrong, good luck
  7. I looked in the tutorial and the time to take picture of the map will not get the autotile, faciu is correct, you just go in Sub Screnshotmap (I guess that's it) and a choice of more adiconar Screnshot
  8. Yes, but I was not, was my friend
  9. Thanks, believe it looks, improved more than two times when I made a map, and the other giving tip: D, I will improve even more this is my fifth map
  10. Server Side Create a checkBox, textBox a timer and 2 textBox with the following settings checkBox Name: chkMult timer Name: tmrMult Interval = 1 Enabled = False TextBox1 Name: txtMult Text: Temp TextBox2 Name: txtMult2 Text: experiment Within the timer add: ``` chkMult.Value = 0 tmrMult.Enabled = False ``` Within the checkBox add: ``` If chkMult.Value = 1 Then tmrMult.Interval = txtMult.Text * 1000 tmrMult.Enabled = True Call GlobalMsg("The experiment is being multiplied by " & txtMult2.Text, 1) End If ``` Within the textBox1 add: ``` If chkMult.Value = 1 Then tmrMult.Interval = txtMult.Text * 1000 End If ``` Within the checkBox2 add: ``` If chkMult.Value = 1 Then Call GlobalMsg("The experiment is being multiplied by " & txtMult2.Text, 1) End If ``` Look for: ``` ' Calculate exp to give attacker exp = (GetPlayerExp(victim) \ 10) ``` And add up: Look for: ``` ' Multiplier Exp If frmServer.chkMult.Value = 1 Then exp = exp * frmServer.txtMult2.Text End If ``` ``` ' Calculate exp to give attacker exp = NPC(npcNum).exp ``` And add up: ``` ' Multiplier Exp If frmServer.chkMult.Value = 1 Then exp = exp * frmServer.txtMult2.Text End If ``` Credits: me
  11. thank you I'm still newbie
  12. ![](http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/4435/florestav.png) Give note 0 to 10 Sorry if posted in the wrong place
  13. Client~Side look for: ``` ' Check if player is walking, and if so process moving them over Select Case Player(Index).Moving Case MOVING_WALKING: MovementSpeed = ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (RUN_SPEED * SIZE_X)) Case MOVING_RUNNING: MovementSpeed = ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X)) Case Else: Exit Sub End Select ``` Change to: ``` ' Check if player is walking, and if so process moving them over Select Case Player(Index).Moving Case MOVING_WALKING: MovementSpeed = ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X)) Case MOVING_RUNNING: MovementSpeed = ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (RUN_SPEED * SIZE_X)) Case Else: Exit Sub End Selectt ``` Credits: My
  14. **Server~Side** In **frmServer** in Tab **Players** crate 1 **commandbutton** called: > Name: mnumMute > Caption: Mute 2 clicks and add: ``` Dim Name As String Name = frmServer.lvwInfo.SelectedItem.SubItems(3) If Not Name = "Not Playing" Then Call ToggleMute(FindPlayer(Name)) End If ``` After the **modDatabase** look for: ``` Public Sub LoadOptions() Options.Game_Name = GetVar(App.Path & "\data\options.ini", "OPTIONS", "Game_Name") Options.Port = GetVar(App.Path & "\data\options.ini", "OPTIONS", "Port") Options.MOTD = GetVar(App.Path & "\data\options.ini", "OPTIONS", "MOTD") Options.Website = GetVar(App.Path & "\data\options.ini", "OPTIONS", "Website") End Sub ``` Below add: ``` Public Sub ToggleMute(ByVal index As Long) ' left out for rte9 If index MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub 'Toggle player mute If Player(index).isMuted = 1 Then Player(index).isMuted = 0 ' Let them know PlayerMsg index, "You were Discilenciado and can already speak of change", BrightGreen TextAdd GetPlayerName(index) & " Você foi Discilenciado." Else Player(index).isMuted = 1 ' Let them know PlayerMsg index, "You have been silenced and can not talk about change", BrightRed TextAdd GetPlayerName(index) & " Você foi Silenciado." End If ' Save the player SavePlayer index End Sub ``` look for: ``` Private Sub HandleBroadcastMsg(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) ``` beneath: ``` Msg = Buffer.ReadString ``` add: ``` If Player(index).isMuted Then PlayerMsg index, You have been silenced and can not talk about change", BrightRed Exit Sub End If ``` look for: ``` ' Position MAP As Long x As Byte y As Byte Dir As Byte ``` add below: ``` 'mute isMuted As Byte ``` Credits: Robin
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