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Posts posted by BeNjO

  1. Well, yeah when I finished all my splicing, I expect him to of at least opened the codes in 24 hours. Love how he's talking through you. Old GUI? Erm nope:




    It's the exact same GUI I spliced for him and the same project with slightly more added to it than when we left it. Now tell me I'm wrong for complaining when he's using all the GUI I spliced up for him then he ditched the project after I did all my work. I proved my point. Also wanted to point out that he claims he deleted everything to do with GodSoul so he could not hand it over. Clearly not.

    Edit: Slightly more = the Radio button in the settings menu haha
  2. Not saying it broke any rules, I'm saying John blatantly lied to me and I actually spliced all the GUI for this game then he pretended to ditch it but secretly work on it behind the scenes.
  3. Small fix here,

    Server side guild playerdata is been sent as byte string string long, but the client is reading it as byte string string integer. Adding anything to the player data after the guild data will be wrong.

    Server side:


    Client side:


    Change client side to readlong to fix this.

    Also Quest's do not have a class requirement check on "CanStart", Simply add a check in the CanStart sub of the server to fix it.
  4. New patch with the following updates:


    >Time Changes
    -As the time in world does go by a little fast, We've reduced how fast time goes by, by half. Instead of 2 intervals of 30, we've reduced it to 4 intervals of 15.

    >Item Despawn
    -There was a problem with Items spawning overtime. As this portrays a huge problem in regards to frame rate, we've looked into the problem and came up with a solution! Items now Despawn after a total of 5 minutes. So hurry back and get your items before they're gone!

    >Monsters Drops revamped & balanced
    -Monster drops have been revamped and balanced. Some mobs will now drop different items then what they previously dropped.

    -Drachma is now extremely rare, and can be bought at our shop found here: [http://www.skywyre.net/community/index.php?threads/eoo-donations-shop.413/](http://www.skywyre.net/community/index.php?threads/eoo-donations-shop.413/)

    ~New Gameplay Features~

    >Arena and PVP fixes
    As PVP was seriously broken when added, it has been fixed to better suite the player base. Alongside the patches, here are some new features that have been added:
    -Team Arena and CTF
    There are now two game types that players can choose from while in the arena. These two game types consist of Team Arena and Capture the Flag. Team arena pits 2-4 players against each other in an all out brawl. (10-20 kills to win) Capture the Flag pushes players to gather the opposing teams flag, and bring it back to their side to score points. (3 points to win)
    Players can also choose to be on Red or Blue team.
    -Arena Awards
    After each battle is finished, players will recieve awards accordingly. The winners will recieve better rewards than the opposing team. *OBVIOUSLY* (Arena awards will not be released)
    You can now join a Queue to join an Arena match on either red or blue team.
    -Player Killing
    Player who kill other players in the arena will not be deemed player killers.
    -Player Killing Maps
    PVP maps will be stated by the Red map name in game. All red named maps are PVP and you will be deemed a player killer if you kill a player in one of these maps.
    -Mounts are no longer allowed in arena battles.

    -Quick targeting is now in game. To use this feature, simply hit Q on your keyboard and the nearest mob or E for player will be targetting.

    >Spell Countdown
    -A spell countdown has now been added to each spell. A number will now appear indicating how long a player must wait before he/she can cast the spell again.

    >Players Target & Targets Target
    -We've added the Players target and the targets target to the game. Players will now be able to view the Opposing Player or NPC's Health and Mana, Alongside that player, or NPC's current target. There are now boxes that will show the Players Health and Mana if the player is targeting themselves. Along with the players Target's Target's HP and Mana.

    >Chat Channels
    -More Channels may be added in the future, but as of this update the chat channels are as follows:
    F1 = Global Chat
    F2 = Map/Local Chat
    F3 = Emote Chat
    F4 = Guild Chat

    >AOE spell overlay
    -We've added an overlay to AOE spells. This Red and Green overlay will show the area range of the spell that is being casted (Green) and where it cannot be casted (Red).

    >Buff Spells
    -Buff spells have been added and are ready to be used. This is however excluding Attack & Defense buffs, due to the coding prohibiting buffs for these two attributes. However, buffs that increase STR/AGI/INT and END will increase the attack and defense of items that scale with that stat.

    >In game Cosmetics shop
    -With Drachma becoming exceedingly more rare, Merchants within Cerratar have taken it upon themselves to sell items of cosmetic use. Some examples of such items consists of: Mounts, Wings, A minion etc.

    Here is a list of bugs that were in game, and are patched as of this update.
    -An occurrence where players could exit some map boundaries has been fixed.

    -An occurrence where players could heal above their maximum HP while drinking potions and or Mana potions, has been stopped

    -An occurrence where players would not unstealth while firing arrows and casting spells has been patched. Players will now unstealth while casting and shooting arrows.

    -An occurrence where NPC's would get stuck between two blocks has been patched, NPC's will now walk around all Blocks.

    -An occurrence where some quests wouldn't show up has been patched.

    -An occurrence where a certain event crashed the server has been fixed, and we've found away to avoid the problem.

    -An occurrence where players wouldn't be able to access the game with their intended Username and Password has been patched.

    -An occurrence where players would stop moving while in a bank or shop has been patched. This occurence happened due to player trying to unequipped a piece of armor while in the shop or bank overlay.

    -An occurence where Items didn't despawn after dropped by players and NPC's has been patched.

    -An occurence where DOT (Damage over time) spells didn't work correctly has been patched.

    -An occurence where players would still be able to view an opposing player if that opposing player was stealthed has been patched. Players now enter *True Stealth*

    -An occurence where quest requirements didn't function correctly has been patched.

    -An occurence where private messaging using ! didn't function correctly has been patched.

    -An occurence where text would pop up saying there was something wrong with the boss has been patched.

    -An occurence where players could use spells and range over *Block* attributes has been patched.

    -An occurence where bows scaled with Strength has been patched. Bows now scale with Agility.

    ~Future Content~ (Spoilers)

    >Voldovas Capital

    >Page, Hunter, & Apprentice specific Quest lines and corresponding raids (lv 50).
    Page = Legion – Hunters = Drow -- Mages = Acolytes.

    >Ambertooth Raid (Lv 50)

    >ArchLich Raid (Lv 60)

    >Lord Ice boss release

    >Phased boss fixes and general release

    >Valentines Day Raid (Sunstone)

    >Easter Bunny Visits

    >Guild Maps (May or may not include Guild houses for players to purchase)

    >The Vault Raid & correspodning armor set: GaMeshed Armor(Legion)

    >Sacred Grounds Raid & corresponding armor set: Arc Armor(Drow)

    >Shadow Realm Raid & correspoding armor set: Shadow Robes(Acolytes)

    >Two new towns: Glenora and Chelford

    >Many more Quests including more Main story quests

    >Team Arena Map & Capture the Flag map

    >Level Cap raised to 80

    When the update comes out, the server will be in Admin Only mode for about 2-5 hours after the update is released. This is so that everything is situated correctly within game for the best play experience that we can offer with this update.

    If there are any bugs, features, or changes that need looking at, you can let us know in-game, or on Skywyre. Please let us know if  there are any bugs or things that need changes so we can provide the best gaming experience we can.

    Thats all for now guys! Tune in for more in the upcoming week. Update will be rolling out within the next 2-4 days,
    I hope to see you all in game!

    Stay Salty my Fellow Gamers!

    Also, here are some screenshots of the new update:

    Download from here:



  5. @'Helladen':

    > VB6 was good for awhile, .NET has finally matured and time to move on. :P Even though the IDE sucked, the speed and performance of VB6 was better for many years after Microsoft abandoned it.
    > Can't you just use a .DLL like Thomas coded in a new way to handle the tick count using timeGetTime which utilizes a new method of keeping track of the time, rather than using the plain old GetTickCount. This is also better and harder to hack I have noticed.

    But yet still continues to use VB6\. You said in another thread that was deleted about moving on and going 3D and within about 2 hours of posting it you released a new update for mirage source on hitspark.
  6. Totally agree,

    Many people think they need a team when they don't.

    Testing is going great fixed loads of issues and got selection of players who come on daily (haven't advertised it anywhere but here and made a Facebook page) so happy about having daily players with next to no advertising. Done a few tweaks on the server to lessen the packets sent for a few details that didn't need to be sent often and changed the world boss indicator slightly. Things are going smoothly I'm taking my time doing updates now as I was pushing updates on a daily basis which is a lot to download but needed to as there were game breaking bugs.
  7. @'Jeppe':

    > @'Exception':
    > > Looks like Prospekt Source to me.
    > >
    > > I recommend you avoid it.
    > Why? I used to play this game and I remember it being so awesome :P it wasnt much bugs either.
    > EDIT: He problary didnt use that source beacause you need to install "Eclipse Origins" runtime files to make it run.

    The engine is and was littered with bugs. I should know I was one of the coders. Also what does needing to install the runtimes have to do with anything? Don't ask a question then shoot down someone who replies with the truth.
  8. Public Testing is still under way, fixed a decent sized list of thing in Version 1.6:

    > >Version 1.6:
    > Fixed Buy/Sell tool tips on Vendors,,
    > Fixed Arena Gate tool tips,
    > Fixed map glitch in Gilramore (top right of map),
    > Horses do not drop now (fixed bug),
    > Resolution options have been adjusted (manually enter -1 into the settings.txt to see)
    > BlackSmith selling 2 Copper Leggings instead of legging and armor has been fixed,
    > Ratkin quest log bug fixed,
    > Chat window has increased +1 line,
    > Pressing Return [Enter] now looses chat focus after sending message,
    > Launcher is now self updating.
    > >Version 1.5:
    > Server updated for quests and respawns.
    > >Version 1.4:
    > Horses no longer drop on death,
    > Hint and Tips on loading have been made more elaborate.

    Its been great fighting world bosses with groups of random players who I have never met. Really kicks it into you that you can do things solo rather than needing a huge team with a huge budget. Really stoked for the future of Division Of Life!
  9. After many days of fixing stuff and missing my original test date, Division Of Life is finally LIVE!

    You can grab the 32-Bit Installer [[Here]](www.divisionoflife.com/setup-32.exe) and the 64-Bit Installer [[Here]](www.divisionoflife.com/setup-64.exe) .

    Will update with Mirror links tomorrow as its just past 3AM here.

    Please run the game via the launcher to stay up to date with any patches I release. If you find any bugs or have any concerns feel free to start a thread in the Bugs and Glitches forum [[Here]](http://divisionoflife.boards.net/board/7/bugs-glitches) with pictures and a good description :). I will write a good bug submission guideline tomorrow also to help you quickly submit bug reports without typing loads.

    For the time being the game's main executable is unsigned so you may be prompt before it is allowed to run.
  10. @'Slasheree':

    > only took me 5 min, this is in a 100x100 map
    > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAgp7oTREQU

    Looks good Slasheree, Not many people want to take the challenge to fix it haha. I just made a separate sub that is used for map editor only myself as a quick fix but its not like I map or anything :p.
  11. Its not every tick, its every map load/ map editor cancel, map editor OK, clicking on a the map with AutoTile selected in the map editor.

    I'v just copied the whole sub and made the map editor use that alone, it has 0 lag looks al right to me and then its updated on clicking OK. Small issue with the calculations but at least there's 0 lag..

    Also i checked from Elysium Diamond (no auto tile) all the way engine to engine up to Skywyre and if the engine has auto tile it uses the same MaxX MaxY as Skywyre :(.
  12. It should really be changed to check and adjust the single tile, I forgot to mention,

    CalculateNW_Normal layerNum, x, y

    ' North East Quarter
    CalculateNE_Normal layerNum, x, y

    ' South West Quarter
    CalculateSW_Normal layerNum, x, y

    ' South East Quarter
    CalculateSE_Normal layerNum, x, y

    it does each one of those lines PER click, so it calculates SW/SE/NE/NW per click 4500 times
  13. ![](http://puu.sh/mzxPC/989c0d7a40.png)

    This is the reason for auto tile sucking. This is the same in all engines I have checked. It checks from 0,0 to the maps MaxX and MaxY and all layers per click/Ok/Cancel.

    Its not too bad on small maps, but when your maps get big it dies:


    30x30 map, 5 layers (ground, mask 1 mask 2 fringe 1 fringe 2)

    900 tiles per layer, 5 layers = 4500 total

    and thats why it dies.
  14. Thanks guys,

    Like most games, some times people do not like or agree with certain things, but you can't please everyone :p. Looking at a second public release on the 25th of Jan!

    Fixed the Armoured Black Horse mount, You could buy it but not use it,
    Dungeons 1 to 3 have been adjusted and will be finalized before public test #2,
    The Account Server has been updated to allow characters to walk onto higher Z axis areas,
    There is an Item for sale that removed all equipment and places them in the inventory. This is added until I am certain the bug no longer exists,
    Fighting whilst mounted now has the correct animations for different weapons.
  15. New items with effects:


    Fixed a few issues with NPC's dropping blank loot,
    Gold has been increased for world bosses,
    Crafting stations are now AoE rather than certain position at anvils,
    Character's images are now working again and uploading correctly,
    Added suspension as a WIP to account information,
    Ranged Aggro range added to NPC Spawns,
    World Bosses now has a +% increase for exp/loot,

    New video to come soon!
  16. Welcome!

    I also agree with CRaptor, Take a peak at my guide on starting up (http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/thread-85376-newpost.html) and put your talents to use for yourself rather than someone else. You don't need to worry about anyone else ditching the project and all your work goes in the bin. The learning curve is very minimal if you do not want to code anything. Your writing skills could make some a really detailed quest line! Keep us updated on what ever you choose to do :.

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