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Everything posted by DopeyBiach

  1. Cheers again Wabbit, now I get: "Compile Error:" "Only comments may appear after End Sub, End Function or End Property" Here: ``` Public PetMapCache(1 To MAX_MAPS) As PetCache Public Type PetCache Pet(1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS) As Long UpperBound As Long End Type ``` Ugh sorry for being such a pain, I really should've learnt more VB before I starting piling my porblems onto other people, am learning though, slowly.
  2. Here you go, cheers for the help Wabbit ^^ ``` Sub PetDisband(ByVal index As Long, ByVal MapNum As Long) Dim i As Long, j As Long If TempPlayer(index).TempPetSlot < 1 Then Exit Sub 'Cache the Pets for players logging on [Remove Number from array] 'THIS IS KINDA SLOW (EVEN WITHOUT TESTING, LOL), MAY HAVE TO CONVERT TO LINKED LIST FOR SPEED For i = 1 To PetMapCache(MapNum).UpperBound If PetMapCache(MapNum).Pet(i) = TempPlayer(index).TempPetSlot Then If PetMapCache(MapNum).UpperBound > 1 Then For j = PetMapCache(MapNum).UpperBound To i Step -1 PetMapCache(MapNum).Pet(j - 1) = PetMapCache(MapNum).Pet(j) Next Else PetMapCache(MapNum).Pet(1) = 0 End If PetMapCache(MapNum).UpperBound = PetMapCache(MapNum).UpperBound - 1 Exit For End If Next Call ClearSingleMapNpc(TempPlayer(index).TempPetSlot, MapNum) Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).NPC(TempPlayer(index).TempPetSlot) = 0 TempPlayer(index).TempPetSlot = 0 're-warp the players on the map For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex If IsPlaying(i) Then If GetPlayerMap(i) = GetPlayerMap(index) Then Call PlayerWarp(i, GetPlayerMap(i), GetPlayerX(i), GetPlayerY(i)) SendPlayerData index End If End If Next End Sub Public Type PetCache Pet(1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS) As Long UpperBound As Long End Type Public PetMapCache(1 To MAX_MAPS) As PetCache ``` Btw, Lightning (I saw you reading my post), I know that you had trouble with a few inconsiderate/ungrateful people who wished to use this system, I'm not one, I admit it's my mistake entirely, and any help would be appreciated, and I wont flame or anything like that, I'm desperate to use this D:
  3. @GoldSide: > will you add this > ``` > Public Type PetCache > Pet(1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS) As Long > UpperBound As Long > End Type > > Public PetMapCache(1 To MAX_MAPS) As PetCache > > ``` Already have it :[ (And just tried re-adding it in a load of places) THanks though :]
  4. I've been wanting to use this amazing system in my game for a LONG time now, however I always run into the same problem, I've given up, re-tried, given up, re-tried, and so on.. I'm not just whimpering and whining over the first error, I know it's going to be an obvious mistake somewhere, but I ALWAYS run into this error.. "Compile Error" "Sub or Function not defined" On this line: ``` For i = 1 To PetMapCache(MapNum).UpperBound ``` In the Sub PetDisband in modGameLogic.. Can someone PLEASE help, I've tried all I can think of, which isn't much seeing as I'm an amateur in VB6\. All help will be HUGELY appreciated in aiding me to use this amazing system. Thanks again. EDIT: This is Server-Side.
  5. Cheers for all the ideas/criticisms and such, will take it all into consideration, remember this is my first, meaning there will be a second. Which will have all your improvement ideas and such implemented into it.. Once again thanks, main point atm I think would be to add a sort of theme to it.
  6. @Scootaloo: > Try looking for "HandleKeyPresses" .. @DopeyBiach: > Ugh still no luck, theres nothing in modinput to do with the F1-12 buttons :/ Any ideas?? PLEASE D:
  7. Ugh still no luck, theres nothing in modinput to do with the F1-12 buttons :/ Any ideas?? PLEASE D:
  8. Oops sorreh, :sad: Your apparently a phat coder.. You have any ideas D:?
  9. How would I go about making it so that when I hold down a specific key, it doesn't rapidly use it.. Example: So that if you hold down CTRL you attack ONCE, rather than repeatedly However I want it so it's not as irritating focusing on the chatbox using enter. PLEASE HELP MEH D:
  10. @ZoSo: > Looks kinda oldschool, like in the stuff people did back in 2005 for mirage based games. I like it a bit.. Think think it looks oldsschool? I thought it was.. Idk wtf it is tbh. Cheers :D
  11. @Draconix: > For the chatbox, either don't use shading or make it a smooth gradient, not an abrupt transition between two shades. > I also strongly dislike the bar at the top with your game's name, unless that's not part of the GUI itself :p > The buttons could be shifted down a bit so there's even space between the Ping bar and the Inventory window. > Overall, though, for your first GUI, that's actually pretty decent :) Thanks :D.. Didnt notice the buttons were so high cheers ^__^. And the bar at the top is my xp theme lool :D
  12. I've remade conversations, quests, maps, buttons, shops, etc the lot in the same style. :D Wha you think? How could I improve it? Would you use it? Preview: (Has been sized down to avoid it getting robbed) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/fecd199f56030dd7abf30021e64ab256.png) EDIT: This is old, view my new one here :D… ``` http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,78103.0.html ```
  13. @Boko: > Well I play WoW so I'm use to it :P > > For those interested in the return key toggle chat method, here's the code: > (Full Client Side, it's not too different to the OP's method) > **(Updated with fix from 2nd page)** > **In modGlobals:** > _Add:_ > ``` > ' Chat Focus > Public ChatFocus As Boolean > Public KeyDown As Boolean > ``` > **In modGeneral:** > _Replace entire_ **Public Sub SetFocusOnChat** _with:_ > ``` > Public Sub SetFocusOnChat() > On Error Resume Next 'prevent RTE5, no way to handle error > If ChatFocus = False Then > ChatFocus = True > frmMain.txtMyChat.SetFocus > ElseIf ChatFocus = True Then > ChatFocus = False > frmMain.picScreen.SetFocus > End If > End Sub > ``` > **In modGeneral:** > _In_ **Sub GameInit**_, just before_ **Call SetFocusOnChat**_, Add:_ > ``` > ChatFocus = True ' Default to screen focus > ```_Also, move the following above the_ **Call SetFocusChat** _instead of below it (because it's not possible to set focus on picScreen if it's not visible yet)_ > ``` > frmMain.picScreen.Visible = True > ``` > **In modInput:** > _Replace:_ > ``` > If GetKeyState(vbKeyReturn) < 0 Then > CheckMapGetItem > End If > ```_With: (Replace_ **NEWKEY** _with which ever key you'd prefer to have for picking up items)_ > _(If you're going the route of WASD movement, a key like Q wouldn't be a bad choice, replace with_ **vbKeyQ** _for example)_ > ``` > If GetKeyState(vbKeyNEWKEY) < 0 Then > CheckMapGetItem > End If > ``` > _Just under or above that add:_ > ``` > If GetKeyState(vbKeyReturn) < 0 And KeyDown = False Then > KeyDown = True > ElseIf Not GetKeyState(vbKeyReturn) < 0 And KeyDown = True Then > KeyDown = False > Call SetFocusOnChat > End If > ``` > You may now also add OP's WASD movement config to this **modInput** _file._ > _But I recommend just adding Or statements to the arrow key ones instead of making new individual statements, for example:_ > _Replace:_ > ``` > If GetKeyState(vbKeyUp) < 0 Then > ```_With:_ > ``` > If GetKeyState(vbKeyUp) < 0 Or GetKeyState(vbKeyW) < 0 Then > ``` > _You will still need the_ **ChatFocus** _if statement around them to ensure you're not moving when typing w/a/s/d. > You may also prefer to wrap it around all the key presses to ensure when you're typing, you're only typing. (If you were to attempt to paste something in to the chat for example and you're standing next to someone, you're going to end up accidentally hitting them by the control key press.)_ > > **Optional Step:** > > **In frmMain (Code):** > _In_ **Private Sub picScreen_MouseDown** _Remove/Comment:_ > ``` > Call SetFocusOnChat > ```_(This causes the return key to be the only method of switching focus, but it's not required.. personally preference)_ > > I might be forgetting something, I patched this up in just a couple minutes by looking at OP's code. I tried using this, and when chat was focused I could still move. This is a better way of doing the keys I personally think, when chat isnt focused you can use up, down, left, right, w, a, s & d to move. When it IS focused you cant move. This is my method (Also first code ive ever changed personally OMG :DDDD lmfao: DISABLE MOVEMENT WHILE CHAT IS FOCUSED ``` 'Move Right If ChatFocus = False Then If GetKeyState(vbKeyRight) < 0 Or GetKeyState(vbKeyD) < 0 Then DirUp = False DirDown = False DirLeft = False DirRight = True Exit Sub Else DirRight = False End If End If If ChatFocus = True Then If GetKeyState(vbKeyD) < 0 Then DirUp = False DirDown = False DirLeft = False DirRight = False End If End If ``` Then rinse and repeat :D EDIT: To stop focusing on the chat box whenever you equip/use something: Find: ``` If x > picInventory.width - 10 Then ```Then null out the line above it with a ' like so.. ``` 'SetFocusOnChat If x > picInventory.width - 10 Then ```
  14. @Justn: > Driving home ill help in a few ur using the one I posted right? Yea :D.. Cheers lol. I was so excited when it all looked like it was perfect, til I logged back in -_-.. Meh :P
  15. I see Justn!!!! Omg you MUST know the answer x3 :DDDDDDD
  16. @Soul: > Can you post the tutorial (if any) you used to do this? It may help with the support process. This one :] ``` http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,75028.0.html ``` I'm using [EO] 2.0 I know the tut isn't for 2.0 specifically, buh it worked perfectly, APART from the fact whenever I log the items aren't in my inv?? Theyre fine til then. Oh, also they all equip perfectly except 'accessory', dont really care too much bout that though lol.. Thanks again :D
  17. I've got extra item slots in EO.. And the 'new' items, such as accessories and rings etc disappear on log out, and I don't know why, they equip fine, draw fine, etc, but when I log out and back in they're gone? Any help would be HUGELY appreciated :cheesy:
  18. Merging into one thread.
  19. Merging into one thread.
  20. Merging into one thread.
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