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Everything posted by Troll

  1. Troll

    Tribes: Ascend

    Some more keys for the hell of it. A23B7-2107F-EF734-98687-87D41 A29AF-B8204-B84F4-4FB98-24283 A2CCF-B8CAD-BB8F4-5149D-F1245 A2F7C-F749A-E31F4-22D9A-E7393
  2. Troll


    Still think this is epic: http://kotaku.com/5869976/how-to-play-as-link-in-skyrim/gallery/2
  3. Sadly, I played this game for like 5 minutes then un-installed….just wasn't that appealing.
  4. Troll

    GuildWars 2

    I only play games that have amazing looking water….so they better have sexy water.
  5. Nice lol. I couldn't really get into BF3…tried recon out and did 3 headshots to someone and they didn't die, so that basically made me un-install Origins. (I obtained a free copy of BF3, so I didn't really care lol) I'm still a BC2 fan.
  6. Troll


    @Murdoc: > One trip to wikipedia would've changed your mind. Vindictus was released in Korea January 2010\. Dragon Nest was released in March 2010\. ;-) … However, the close release dates make me wonder if they had originally planned for two action mmo's with similiar elements but different graphic styles. I'm pretty impressed with Nexon. So far, they have not let me down with any of their games. The first one I ever played by them was Nexus TK (back in 1998), one of the best 2d orpg's of all time. Ah, regardless it's very close lol….just kept thinking DN came out first for some reason. From Nexon, I have to admit that they let me down with Combat Arms. It was fun during beta, loved the knife fights and whatnot...but they just couldn't manage all the aimbotters (not sure if they ever figured out how to get rid of a majority of them) I understand that every FPS mainly has them, but CA had the worst of 'em.
  7. Troll


    @Tagi: > It's the first MMO with combat like this. I thought Dragons Nest came out before Vindictus? Which I'm pretty sure they're quite the same, just one's more Anime than the other. Then again, I am pretty dumb when it comes to things like this.
  8. Troll

    Tribes: Ascend

    I never played the first one…wish I did. There are quite a lot of complaints from the veterans that Tribes Ascend still needs to be improved a lot if it wants to be like the other series, but so far imo it seems pretty damn fun. Like I said, if you need a key I'll gladly provide one.
  9. Troll

    Tribes: Ascend

    Anyone playing the beta? If so, let me know your name and I'll add you. (My name on there is Derpes) Also, if anyone's actually interested in trying it I'll gladly provide a beta key. (Only have 1, so it goes to whoever asks first) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oevWde_F-yU Would be better off searching for actual gameplay, but yeah.
  10. Troll


    It was alright, but that's back when I played closed beta. Back then servers were crashing so much and it was just really unstable, so I decided to stop playing it when it went open.
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