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Everything posted by EclipseCommunity

  1. @Smore: > Good feature, bad tutorial. You didn't say where to search for the code, lots of new programmers would be really confused by this. There's only 1 ' Draw player names and ' Draw player names in the whole client code. If you're too incapable to search, then you shouldn't even be trying to program. Simples.
  2. How much of this has been changed because I added it before you made changes to it.
  3. @RyokuHasu: > Small Bug found, will update soon. > > * * * > > FIXED > > the first large chunk of code was moved to above > > ``` > CanPlayerAttackNpc = True > > ```in the same function Dont understand this bit. Why would you put **Dim petowner As Long** just above **CanPlayerAttackNpc = True**?
  4. I've not done a new interface yet. We're working on clothing outfits and hair styles for the sprites at the moment.
  5. Yeah, Green Raven is called Kevin Van Der Ven, for anybody who wants to credit him personally (As I do for any work used from Breeze). Thanks Helladen I'll check them out. @ramoneknot: > Deloria is my second game online :D > > first is Graal online Sign up on the forums. http://www.deloria.draignet.com
  6. I'm starting over. Keeping the background image from the map. I'll probably use the same style as the old Merrmint main menu. I've used that style before years and years ago. Hoping to keep the main game interface to a minimum. The more game screen the better.
  7. A problem with this, is that if one feature changes some source already changed from another feature, it will automatically over-write that code. That's the beauty of writing things by hand, so you can check these problems and adjust the code accordingly without going back trying to find what it changed to cause problems with another feature.
  8. It's a gradient on the text. It looks boring flat, and the orange just sets it apart from the rest of the image, green makes it look all blended together. The white bits behind the logo are just there to make the logo more clear, but I can probably keep the dark border there. I'll be changing the buttons eventually. I did state in an earlier post that you cant make windows controls transparent, hence why I didn't use transparent boxes in the first place :huh:
  9. I take all critisism into consideration. I don't see how it's BAD, but anything i do can always be improved. I have an idea on how I can make the boxes transparent, but without using Forms 2.0 my windows controls will be solid background colours. **Edit:** Updated menu: ![](http://www.deloria.draignet.com/img/gallery/menu3.jpg) I will work on buttons when I get back from work.
  10. @Lightning: > Try Blting the whole character body together. Also, back arrows! ;] I have thought of this, not even sure how to do it since I rarely change any of the blitting stuff (Which is silly since I know i can achieve a lot more if I just learned how to blit stuff). @Lukin: > Considering this will only be an image, I don't see why you can't have transparency. Because picture boxes can't be transparent. It's fine the way it is. Take a look at some of the other games around here, my interface is far from being rubbish. As for the buttons, they're not entirely the same as the original ones, they're slimmer, and different colours when you hover and click. Plus, how many WIP games that use them are ever going to be released? I like my main menu, it's quick and simple and gives me more time to work on the main interface. The player only ever sees the main menu for a maximum of 30 seconds while they create their character. ![](http://www.deloria.draignet.com/img/gallery/menu2.jpg)
  11. This will change it so that player and npc names only appear when you hover the mouse over their character. **CLIENT** Find **' Draw player names** and **' Draw npc names** Replace both sections with the following: ``` ' draw player names For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex If IsPlaying(i) And GetPlayerMap(i) = GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) Then If CurX = Player(i).x And CurY = Player(i).y Then Call DrawPlayerName(i) End If End If Next ' draw npc names For i = 1 To Npc_HighIndex If MapNpc(i).num > 0 Then If CurX = MapNpc(i).x And CurY = MapNpc(i).y Then Call DrawNpcName(i) End If End If Next ``` You may wish to extend this feature by adding the option to turn it on and off from the options box.
  12. I don't want to spend too much time on the interface, which is why i just used a map as the background. What colour do you recommend in replace of the black? Baring in mind I can't do a lot with transparency as I'm not using DX8 like you are, so my windows controls have solid colours (And I'm not using Forms 2.0) @Zafi: > I really like it's layout. Looks like you can choose your character's look, nice! Yes, hair style, skin complextion (white, black, asian for both male and female) and outfit.
  13. I've now finished the main menu interface for Deloria Origins. This is the character creation section. _**Removed**_ Main menu interface includes a scrolling credits screen. Now I just need to get some sleep, and tomorrow I can work on the main interface design :)
  14. Because it's still for the old players, but it gives them something new to experience, in a world they're familiar with. I love the game, always have. It's style and simplicity works really well in my opinion. You'll just have to try it out when it's ready and see what you think. **UPDATE** No longer looking for hair styles or items. Only need clothes for naked sprites now and possibly some monster sprites if anybody is interested. I can probably do a lot of the clothing myself but would love to have other people give it a go.
  15. That's exactly what I've done. Thought there might be a better way of doing it but if that's the best way I'll leave it how it is. Thanks.
  16. I've done it, but I've had to use a method which I think is unorthadox, but changing the size of the font doesn't seem to work properly. See screenshot below for the effect I prefer on the text.
  17. Call TextOut(hDC, x + 1, y + 1, text, Len(text)) That sets the position, but I need to change the size now so that it looks like a border under the text. Edit: Only way I can see to do this is to call the TextOut procedure several times setting the black text in different positions. I can't change the size of the font because that doesn't seem to be working correctly. I'll keep it how it is for now unless you know a better method.
  18. I want to change the drop shadow effect on player/npc names etc. to a border instead so it's more clear. Where is the code that draws the drop shadow?
  19. @Robin: > Pfft, that doesn't look like Collingwood! Needs the original graphics. It's close enough for me. Granted the old graphics can't be beaten for nostalgia, but this isn't Deloria Online, this is Deloria Origins, and a better, more custom graphics set is the only way to bring in fresh players, and not just old players who feel the nostalgia for 5 minutes and get bored. The breeze graphics allow me to create the world of Deloria even more beautiful than ever before. Not to mention I will be adding my own custom tiles and sprites (Could definitely use a few more inner tilesets). But please, unless you're applying for pixel artist for the game, do not post. The rules are in place for a good reason. Thank you.
  20. ![](http://www.deloria.draignet.com/forums/Themes/Twitter/images/mylogo.png) Deloria Origins requires novice and expert pixel artists to create clothing and hair styles for our characters, and possibly items for our equipment library. This is an example of a complete sprite with hair style and clothing: ![](http://www.rpgrevolution.com/lunaproductions/br/images/Spirtes/Humanoid/Fomar0153breeze-002.png) We already have base sprites to work upon, so there is no need to create whole character sprites. An example of items: ![](http://www.rpgrevolution.com/lunaproductions/br/images/Spirtes/Icons/GR-cerberus.png)![](http://www.rpgrevolution.com/lunaproductions/br/images/Spirtes/Icons/GR-rodofdelusion.png)![](http://www.rpgrevolution.com/lunaproductions/br/images/Spirtes/Icons/GR-steelarmor.png)![](http://www.rpgrevolution.com/lunaproductions/br/images/Spirtes/Icons/GR-manapotion.png) We may be looking at creating paperdoll sets, depending on if we can find dedicated sprite artists who can do them for us. You may apply by posting in this thread with examples of work. **About Deloria Origins** As some of you may have guessed, Deloria Origins is a new spin-off of the classic Deloria Online game originally created by Jeff O'Blenis (Nexemis). For the passed few years, I have ran and maintained versions of the classic Deloria Online, including the original style Deloria Online 2.2 version (Later renamed simply to Deloria Online), as well as a more progressed and developed version which was released more recently (Deloria Online 2). Unfortunately, due to my hard drive failing and all my data being lost, I have started again with a very new version of Deloria Online. Deloria Origins uses a whole new gaming engine (Eclipse Origins) and a brand new graphics set (Breeze Revolution) which gives old players back the world of Deloria, in a fresh new style with tons of new features including Quests, Pets, Spells and Skills. With all these new features pretty much complete, I am now moving on to the world development phase, which involves mapping out the playable world of Deloria, starting with the famous Town of Collingwood. **Example of graphics/map:** Here is a sneak peak of the new Town of Collingwood. Everything is being mapped to look as much like the old game as possible using our new graphics. **(This screenshot also shows our hairstyles and outfits feature working on a naked sprite)** ![](http://www.deloria.draignet.com/img/gallery/cw1.jpg)
  21. Can somebody PLEASE post a video so I know what's going on here? lol
  22. Correct Lightning. I figured out the issue. I was referring to DDS_Character instead of DDS_CharHair in my BltHair code lol. Now works perfect :) The only issue I have now is the layering of hair styles and outfits, mainly for female sprites as they have long hair and dresses outfits.
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