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Posts posted by DovahTech

  1. EDIT: Locked for now, sorting some game plans out - might be a name change.

    Hello Eclipse, I have a new upcoming project called Kamreil Online. If you would like more information on the game please check out the WIP. The thing is, I need a decent logo for this game. To me a logo is one of the most important parts of making a game. It's your identity, it's how people remember you. This is why I ask of you, to help me out here. I need a logo for Kamreil Online, if you look at the WIP I've thrown together a shabby excuse of coloured in text. I was hoping somebody experienced in this sort of thing could make me a logo. All I ask is for a medieval style logo, stone or metal, a sword maybe reading the words Kamreil with Online smaller underneath. Just a creative old looking medieval font kind of thing. I'm sure a lot of you know what I'm talking about. Thanks very much to whoever can make me a nice one. If you need any more details please don't hesitate to ask! Thanks very much.  Regards

    P.S I'm looking for a talented designer to make this logo, I'm not interested in a line of text slapped on a picture you found of a sword. Thanks.
  2. **Assassin Online**

    _Welcome to the remade page of Kamreil Online. This game is now going to be an Assassin game._


    Assassin Online is a medieval themed assassin game. A full remake of my previous game idea and a completely new theme to MMORPGs. Please comment on your thoughts and tell me what you think.


    Scarlet Asssassin's gameplay will not be your usual "kill 15 goblins" game. The game will be based around assassinate style missions. For instance, your first mission would be to kill a messenger. He would be a messenger for a mafia sort of company running a trade industry. You will retrieve a letter from him leading you to another quest, more people to talk to and in turn another assassination. This will all be included within a main plot that also branches out into sub plots.


    The whole assassination thing is all good, but where exactly does online play come into it? The online part of the game will include party missions, trading, a do-jo for player vs player fighting not to mention the provinces. The game will obviously be split up into areas. When you create your character you choose where you want to start. Depending on where you start you will be either ally or enemy to the opposing areas. You will be able to be assassinated by the enemy area.


    Sneaking will be a main part of the game. Sneaking makes you invisible to other players. It makes you invisible to NPCs. It activates the ability to assassinate and not just attack. I'm sure you're thinking that sounds a little overpowered? The thing about Sneaking is that it's all level dependent. A level 5 player can't sneak past a level 36 Mob/Player. The higher your level, the less chance you have of detection. With large level differences, the lower level has no chance of sneaking past/spotting you and so on.


    Your once proud and noble father has been shunned out of the village, his name stained with blood. Your mother left alone, trying to care for herself and a child. This child will bring honor back to his father and too his name.

    _(More too come)_


    _This is the type of map style expected to be in the game. (By me)_



    The games features are currently being developed by ZeroX8, I strongly suggest you PM him about his programming shop! The prices are great! All the rest of the game will be developed by myself, If you're interested in helping out with some graphics (Tileset, GUI) Please don't hesitate to ask!


    * Robin for EO,
    * Jcsnider for the Event System
    * Marshy Dearest for Eclipse
    * ZeroX8 for programming
    * Commenting People for helping out with the progress of the game

  3. Hey guys! I'm working on a game (I'm waiting for a little more progress to show a w.i.p) and I can't find a kind of anime cutesy tileset anywhere! I'm just looking for a good sized eclipse compatible cute tileset. Help please! (You obviously don't have to make it, I'm just wandering if any of you know of one!) Thanks so much guys! DovahTech (Skyle)
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