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Posts posted by DovahTech

  1. ZoSo unless your planning on selling it. Do you think I could use some of the music in my game? It would really help me out. Full credit would be given. I honestly understand if you don't want to. Thanks
  2. Rainbow Dash :That's great. But I was thinking larger text with a stronger outline and less background. Maybe a more complicated cog. Thank you so much for replying it looks really nice.

    Hero thats really nice. But I'm still thinking of a stronger outline and more brassy look (the text) larger text aswell with less of a full capital old style.
  3. That would be nice, Akio hasn't made it yet. Crest that's a good idea. But I'm really going for a steampunk look. Thanks Crest. Also I don't want anybody to be mean to santa if that's okay. He tried. Maybe he's new to this. I'm not sure if he isn't that old or it's his second language. At least he tried. I respect him for that. Although it wasn't the best maybe that's what he's capable of.
  4. Hey Eclipse I was wondering if anybody could help me out. I hope anybody who replies understands that I'm looking for a relatively professional look and may not accept everything. I'm also not trying to be too specific as I understand I am requesting this for free.

    If I may I have been recommended to ask for IDoFreePixel from a friend so I would really appreciate it if IDoFreePixel could do it if he has any spare time.

    Text: Distance
    Under Text (Small): Online

    I'm looking for a kind of brass, wood and cog effect. I would like it to be quite large as I will use this as a logo and a signature. That is the basics of what I'm looking for underneath is more description if anybody would require it.

    I am thinking of a darkish wooden background with slight gloss and the words Distance outlined with a shiny brass effect and a brushed brass fill. Around the words and background could be cogs alone and connected (maybe the dot on the I in Distance could be a cog?)

    Thank you very much anybody who replies.

    W.I.P will be online shortly for even more information.
  5. ![](http://i1085.photobucket.com/albums/j427/Adam_Parrington/DistanceOnline-1.png)



    _>! After the illustrious times of the past, the world was low on resources. The wells were dry, the mine shafts empty and the animals were nigh on extinct. Villages turned on each other and hoarded food. Something had to give.
    >! A group of prominent scientists assembled an starship from brass sheets and tanned hides. They set off for new worlds and eventually found a suitable, happier place. All technology was incinerated and broken up in an attempt to prevent the same fate that awaited those not aboard the starship.
    >! Whilst digging into the ground for shelter, the miners discovered underground tunnels and networks. It's inhabitants did not take kindly to intruders - they captured and killed the miners, and a war between the two broke out.
    >! The war raged for centuries until the dwindling natives took extreme measures - they unleashed an illness on the humans - it began to kill of a number of the infected, thus the healthy population sealed their ill husbands, wives or children in ghettos and waited for their eventual, inevitable death.
    >! After five years, they opened the ghetto doors to bury the decaying remains of their loved ones - only to find a flourishing civilisation. The illness killed the mortal mind of the people, but awakened immortal, powerful undertones - and granted the power of Magik.
    >! Even more conflict rose between the Magikaan, the humans and the natives, The natives protected their lands and wanted more. The humans built forts and tried to take all resources for themselves and the Magikaan would not use their powers to help others. After the ravages of war bloodily decimated the population, a shaky treaty was called between them. Society would be reformed between the races. Will you bring your people to strength and glory?_


    >! **Magikaan**
    >! Blessed with the infection of this planet. You have abilities unknown to humanity so far. The ability to conjure fire,water,earth and other elements. You have a large offence but almost useless defence. You must be swift, not wasting any time to strike. Relying on the essence of the planet to draw your powers your strength may change depending on the area.
    >! **Warrior/Knight**
    >! Without technology combat has been warped back in time. You use basic weapons such as Swords and Maces. With the help of Magik and the Essence of the planet your weapons may be blessed with the elements depending on your level. Brute strength and force is the only way you know. Throughout the game you are given the choice of being a rebellious warrior or a Knight of the realm.
    >! _**Knight**_ Ordered and sophisticated you serve true to your King, Mayor or Realm-Master depending on your race.
    >! _**Warrior**_ A rebel of the Realm you serve no one other than yourself. This way of life is lonely, but can be worth it's weight in gold.
    >! **Archer:**
    >! A loyal man such as the Knight you are talented in the arts of the bow. Your aim and speed make up for your lack of defence and large offence. You serve your King/Mayor/Realm-Master and would give your life for anyone of importance. Although you are a sworn protector of you King/Mayor/Realm-Master you have a tint of kindness and will sometimes put the basic peasant ahead of royalty



    >! The native creatures of this new planet. They're world has been taken and they want it back. Hiding in ancient caverns, they will soon return.


    >! We all known Humans, Although they have managed to escape Earth their new planet is harder to claim then they thought.


    >! Born out of a hideous infection that wiped out most of the Human race you've gained powers unlike anything else.

    Alliance system

    Extra Info:

    >! The world is split up into four main provinces.
    >! Each of these have different ways of living. Depending on your class you will be spawned in to a certain province following the rules of that province alone.
    >! Realm-Master = Southern Province
    >! King/Queen = Northen Province
    >! Mayor = Western and Eastern Provinces
    >! Whichever province you are from you must follow the rules of which ever province you are in. Denying of the provinces rules due to the rules of your own province may lead to war.

    The Natives:

    >! Small pockets of this planets natives live in each province. Although some may look difference they all revolve around the same pecking order. *More to come*


    Remake of the story: Rainbow Dash
    Web developer: Her0 (also supporting in his signature.

    Thanks to allĀ  of those who have helped so far.


    >! A Forest Path
    >! ![](http://i1085.photobucket.com/albums/j427/Adam_Parrington/AFforestPath.jpg)
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