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Everything posted by iHero

  1. Thank you all for your support, I'm really focused on converting the engine to VB.Net and it will not be buggy, it will be good and fast.
  2. ![](http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/7357/dreamworldr.png) **News** As many of you know I was thinking of converting the engine for VB.Net and, a few days ago, I decided to do some tests to see if I could handle of converting. Successively I fixed all reported errors, now I'll start fixing the remaining errors. Anyway just wanted to say that the next version of the Dream World will already be converted to VB.Net ![](http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/7570/33135246.png)
  3. > thing with the editors u gotta change some of it. move the packets out and have data sent directly to type of code used with the server, then from there its the same, problem is you gotta make sure the directories MATCH the client or u will get major problems, kinda doing sperathed editor but not for editing the game more like pre planing data, but the saving and inputing of the data for you dont change its the middle packet to regular data moving, i can send u external editor that was used forthe orginal eclipse updater that we had here, it saved ini but the basic concept didnt change, > > Form + mod(handled saving/loading of the data) > > then theres data that the editors needed from the server, and such will need its own setup within the mod. but like i said i would do it if i understood the .dat saving which i dont . hope this gives you an idea what i ment. o-o good luck Hum, thanks > So… you lost your files? is it better then when u lost it? Yes m, thanks
  4. iHero

    Request logo

    I'm thinking of starting a game, and for that I need a logo, if someone can make it 'll be grateful. informations: > Title: Hunters legends > > Subtitle: The search for treasures. > > Specifications: The image of a dragon as in the logo below. > > Base: > > >! ![](http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/861/dratchenlogo.png) [https://www.google.c…img.POqHfPvubQs](https://www.google.com.br/search?newwindow=1&safe=off&hl=pt-BR&biw=1280&bih=591&site=imghp&tbs=ic%3Aspecific%2Cisc%3Ablack%2Citp%3Aclipart&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=dragon&oq=dragon&gs_l=img.3..0l10.2042.6417.0.6598.
  5. I approved. I work with the Valentine a long time and can rely on their codes.
  6. > "Separated editors of the game" looks like its still apart of the client to me ? Ah, I had separated, only gave some problems and I let standard
  7. ![](http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/7357/dreamworldr.png) _New Version!! 0.1.0_ **Download** * [v0.1.0](http://www.mediafire.com/?q58dtjbip1kz1t2) **Notes** * _ScreenShot map don't work_ >! **Editions** >! * Revamp the entire quest system * Edited entire engine * Separated editors of the game * Increased the speed in byte buffer * Edited the way to receive packages * Removed some useless subs, functions and variables * Add new effects in DirectX8 (Use in fog) * New map report >! **Systems** >! * Tags of access * Map tint * Fogs * Packet debug * Item of aleatory reward * Spell damage based on status * Multiple characters * Chat room >! **Corrections** >! * My - Receive the reward of experience after finishing a quest * My - Alert msg * My - Draw tile out line * My - Sound to consume any item * My - Quest * Close the admin panel after logout game * Clear arrays on the client * Movement of players and NPCs * Initial message of server log * Location of the names of players and NPCs * Maximum number of the item that the npc drop * Definition of index of the player * Reset the action of a player in a shop * Npc attack player * DoT and HoTAttack on sight * Npc shopkeeper * Combat effects * Various others bugs >! **Special thanks** >! * Sephir0th * Abhi2011
  8. > So you're continuing with the old VB6 version ? Yes
  9. I lost and I not have a backup
  10. ![](http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/7357/dreamworldr.png) There were some complications and I lost the old Dream World, with events system and interface in DX8\. Unfortunately I did not have a backup … Maybe the next version will not have a system of events, but will have several new things. Changelog: >! **Editions** >! * Revamp the entire quest system * Edited entire engine * Separated editors of the game * Increased the speed in byte buffer * Edited the way to receive packages * Removed some useless subs, functions and variables * Add new effects in DirectX8 (Use in fog) * New map report >! **Systems** >! * Tags of access * Map tint * Fogs * Packet debug * Item of aleatory reward * Spell damage based on status * Multiple characters >! **Corrections** >! * My - Receive the reward of experience after finishing a quest * My - Alert msg * Close the admin panel after logout game * Clear arrays on the client * Movement of players and NPCs * Initial message of server log * Location of the names of players and NPCs * Maximum number of the item that the npc drop * Definition of index of the player * Reset the action of a player in a shop * Npc attack player **Suggestions are welcome**
  11. **Introduction** When a packet is sent to clean the player action in a shop by the server is not cleaned only player who is sent in the package, but all players online. **Server~Side** ``` modServerTcp ``` In _Sub ResetShopAction_ find: ``` SendDataToAll Buffer.ToArray() ``` Replace for: ``` SendDataTo Index, Buffer.ToArray() ``` **Credits** Ricardo
  12. iHero

    Npc attack

    **Introduction** The animation of the attack of NPC is only sent when the NPC cause damage to the player. **Server~Side** > modCombat Find: ``` Sub NpcAttackPlayer(ByVal mapNpcNum As Long, ByVal victim As Long, ByVal Damage As Long) ``` In _Sub NpcAttackPlayer_ find: ``` ' Send this packet so they can see the npc attacking Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong ServerPackets.SNpcAttack Buffer.WriteLong mapNpcNum SendDataToMap MapNum, Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing ``` Erase. Now in _Function CanNpcAttackPlayer_ find: ``` Dim npcNum As Long ``` Below add: ``` Dim Buffer As clsBuffer ``` Find: ``` MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(mapNpcNum).AttackTimer = GetTickCount ``` Above add: ``` ' Send this packet so they can see the npc attacking Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong ServerPackets.SNpcAttack Buffer.WriteLong mapNpcNum SendDataToMap MapNum, Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing ``` In _Sub TryNpcAttackPlayer_ find: ``` If Damage > 0 Then Call NpcAttackPlayer(mapNpcNum, index, Damage) ``` Below add: ``` Else SendActionMsg mapNum, "Block!", Cyan, 1, (GetPlayerX(index) * 32), (GetPlayerY(index) * 32) ``` Credits **Ricard**o
  13. Actually has: ``` Private Sub HandlePlayerExp(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Dim i As Long Dim TNL As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteBytes Data() SetPlayerExp Index, Buffer.ReadLong TNL = Buffer.ReadLong frmMain.lblEXP.Caption = GetPlayerExp(Index) & "/" & TNL ' mp bar frmMain.imgEXPBar.width = ((GetPlayerExp(MyIndex) / EXPBar_Width) / (TNL / EXPBar_Width)) * EXPBar_Width ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "HandlePlayerExp", "modHandleData", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` ``` Private Sub HandlePlayerStats(ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Dim i As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteBytes Data() For i = 1 To Stats.Stat_Count - 1 SetPlayerStat Index, i, Buffer.ReadLong frmMain.lblCharStat(i).Caption = GetPlayerStat(MyIndex, i) Next ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "HandlePlayerStats", "modHandleData", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ```
  14. **Introduction** In some packages, the index value of the player, which is sent from Sub HandleData, is always 1. **Client~Side** > modHandleData Find: ``` CallWindowProc HandleDataSub(MsgType), 1, Buffer.ReadBytes(Buffer.Length), 0, 0 ``` Replace for: ``` CallWindowProc HandleDataSub(MsgType), MyIndex, Buffer.ReadBytes(Buffer.Length), 0, 0 ``` **Credits** Ricardo
  15. **Client~Side** > frmEditor_Npc In _Sub Form_Load_ add: ``` scrlNum.Max = MAX_ITEMS ``` **Credits** Ricardo
  16. iHero

    [EO] Minimap 1.3

    > Shouldn't it be > > ``` > > Select Case Npc(MapNpc(i).num).Behaviour > > ``` > > and not > > ``` > > Select Case Npc(i).Behaviour > > ``` > > the "i" is the npc slot. The "i" is the number of npc of the map > what you chaged ricardo?` I improved it, I left faster.
  17. iHero

    [EO] Minimap 1.3

    I had some free time and did a little editing in the code.
  18. iHero

    Eclipse Origins.Net

    Thank you all, but my friend had sent me the source and I found what I needed : ))
  19. iHero

    Eclipse Origins.Net

    > Check out Jeff's source. I just inspected the Map Editor; I really like how he did it in terms of appearance goes. Instead of hitting keybinds you're clicking on tools. I've seen the source of it. But what interests me is something of EO.Net
  20. iHero

    Eclipse Origins.Net

    I really need it, even if he is poorly made.
  21. iHero

    Eclipse Origins.Net

    Does anyone have the download link of EO.Net, for I review some codes?
  22. Thanks to all. The next version might not get out as fast because I have many things to add in the engine, such as: * Convert to VB.Net (Started) * Change the DirectX8 to DirectX9 (Not started) * System events (started) * Review all the engine codes, and if possible improve them (Started) And maybe the engine is not free…
  23. > Do you plan on adding Projectiles? I may add in future versions, but not in the next version
  24. iHero

    Chat Room System

    Great job! Maybe I'll add something like this in the Dream World ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
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