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  1. Re-downloaded. Facepalm* For some reason it wasn't there when I unzipped it the first time O.O Anyways, thank you for your wasted time :)
  2. I only found the Client from the download. I don't see anything about a server. Just an SRC Folder and Data files.
  3. Apologies for the Noobish question but I've been trying to Run the Eclipse origins (vs) client, but whenever attempted, the following message pops up; _Sorry, the server seems to be down. Please try to reconnect in a few minutes or visit http://www.touchofdeathforums.com_ So I was curious if there was perhaps a file I'm missing or if servers are down at the moment. I've registered but I can't seem to get past the message. Fairly new to this, But I learn fast.
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